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Messages - FreeTrade

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MemoryCoin / Re: Please Update Your Nodes For Zero Fee Transactions
« on: January 16, 2014, 04:56:39 pm »
No! The miners are free to ignore any transaction they see fit - allowing zero fee transactions is just a convenience until we can calculate transaction fees properly based on block difficulty (energy price)

MemoryCoin / Opinion Vote in the Blockchain
« on: January 16, 2014, 04:22:18 pm »
To test out the new voting panel, I want to try an opinion poll.

XFT - FreeTrade - How will it end?

Polonium Poisoning (FSB) - MVTEXFTXsQHka3FU49LCB7q3Zuqdta8xq7
Lone Gunman (CIA) - MVTEXFThCAW7YJxPATyzm2bzcAEeoujaFY
Suicided (MI6) - MVTEXFTaY4gRxnBvADA382cs8CZbaZkvDv
Drowning (Mossad) - MVTEXFTxftwkWdh9sYi6sBirfMvihexE5a
Blunt Trauma (Newmine) - MVTEXFTv6FeMMqBhMSj9oucaBJBj5mTtda
Diabetes (Coca-Cola) - MVTEXFT6zW3gdrDa95fWJMtBdTCpypTudv

Here's two extra addresses if anybody wants to suggest some creative options

Use the new voting panel to back your opinion.

You can create new options with vanitygen - post them here, and vote with order of preference too. You can also hold your own poll - create options starting with MVTEXXX where XXX is the code for your poll. I need to write some code to process the results, but you can start voting right away!

MemoryCoin / New Wallet with Voting Panel
« on: January 16, 2014, 02:37:35 pm »
There's a new wallet with an easy-to-use voting panel - more details here -

MemoryCoin / Re: Please Update Your Nodes For Zero Fee Transactions
« on: January 16, 2014, 12:26:51 pm »
Accepting 0 fee transaction open you to DDOS, I hope there is a priority system.
People should be able to refuse 0 fee transactions.

There is a priority system so transactions with fees will get accepted first if there is contention - shouldn't happen for a while, or if there's a DDOS. We'll be re-implementing fees based on difficultly, but not yet.

MemoryCoin / Re: Cross-Coin Satoshi Dice Idea (Exchange)
« on: January 16, 2014, 07:13:37 am »
what what exchange rate will be taken ?

I feel you gonna come up with idea similar to Ripple :)

I think the exchanger would have to set an exchange rate and a buy/sell spread.

Did I re-invent Ripple? I haven't looked into Ripple so I'm not sure.

MemoryCoin / Please Update Your Nodes For Zero Fee Transactions
« on: January 16, 2014, 04:03:14 am »
Please update your nodes - the latest source in Github should allow for including and broadcasting zero-fee transactions.

The major pools have already updated to include (thank you), but nodes are currently set not to re-broadcast some transactions, so we need more updated.

I've got a new GUI release that includes a voting panel, and an ability to sweep all balances into the main address. This should dramatically simply voting, but doesn't work yet because the transactions aren't broadcast because the network doesn't support it yet.

Medium term I think we'll look at requiring a fee and linking it to block difficulty - this should ensure it stays at a reasonable level relative to energy prices rather than the share(coin) price.
Here's the relevant commit -

I think we haven't given people good advice on how to create them yet.

A good MemoryWallet should have protection from people who don't know you - so should include  phone numbers, birthdays or email.
It should also have protection from people who do know you - so a good password too.

Add a few elements of each - phone number + password + birthday + password2. 

Also users can write it down somewhere too - they don't need to indicate it is a Memory Wallet. I think that's better than a generated wallet because I'm suspicious of RNGs now. Also if it does get lost, you can probably still recall most of it from memory, and you can hire a service to brute force the rest of it if you can't.

MemoryCoin / Re: Cross-Coin Satoshi Dice Idea (Exchange)
« on: January 16, 2014, 02:51:33 am »
Yes, you'd probably want to be trading in an exchange to maintain liquidity.

You could also bounce transactions back if you suddenly found yourself unable to meet demand.

MemoryCoin / Re: Cross-Coin Satoshi Dice Idea (Exchange)
« on: January 15, 2014, 06:40:30 pm »
Here's how it would work for the user,

1. User copies his Bitcoin-qt wallet to MemoryCoin directory
2. Starts both QT clients
3. Sends coins from Bitcoin-qt to exchange address
4. Waits for suitable number of confirmations
5. Receives funds in MemoryCoin wallet.

The whole thing is very transparent - anyone people can audit that payment have been made, and the exchange rate given.

The more I think about it, the more I like it.

MemoryCoin / Re: Cross-Coin Satoshi Dice Idea (Exchange)
« on: January 15, 2014, 06:36:31 pm »

MemoryCoin / Cross-Coin Satoshi Dice Idea (Exchange)
« on: January 15, 2014, 06:18:14 pm »
Here's an idea -

I mentioned already that it is possible to convert any altcoin address to a MemoryCoin address for tipping.

It would also be possible to create a dice service that accepted bets in one coin (say BTC), and made payouts in another (say MMC) or vice versa.

If there were a payout that had 100% odds - (say minus a 2% house edge) it works just like an exchange.

The exchanger doesn't need to keep the funds online (doesn't need to reveal his IP - just needs liquidity in both currencies) so it's easier to operate.

Users don't need to trust the exchanger much, because they can exchange over time rather than all at once.

>Question of the day: why should the elected staff care about someone who wants to dump his coins? Our task is to raise value for holders.

Liquidity raises value as it promotes confidence. It's absolutely our concern that MMC trades easily on the market so that everyone can be confident that its trading at the right price and they can buy and sell it without issue.

Exchanges respond to their user's demand. We're doing our best to raise demand and to distribute supply so that the maximum number of users want to trade in MemoryCoin. There's huge momentum behind MemoryCoin, and I'm in contact with a number of new exchanges.

MemoryCoin / Re: Mining LiveCD Project - Funds Available
« on: January 15, 2014, 04:01:21 pm »
GPU can be done as well, but due to GPL restrictions as reorder mentioned, some magic has to be done. It works nicely for AMD, for Nvidia we can work it out. More challenging is that each pool has its own miner at the moment. But this may change in near future.

I will try to prepare CPU live miner as soon as possible. I plan to use yam only. If somebody has a decent hosting let me know. The iso file will be under 200MB.

Hey that's great. We just got new hosting setup for and we can start with that - we'll probably want to get torrents set up for distribution though.

MemoryCoin / Re: Mining LiveCD Project - Funds Available
« on: January 15, 2014, 02:30:46 pm »
The GPU setup seems not possible on LiveCD: proprietary AMD and Nvidia drivers cannot be bundled due to license restrictions, so they need to be downloaded/setup on each boot. But, they require reboot after setup, and this will be effectively restore the system to its virgin state without a persistent storage.

Besides, CD/DVD drives are becoming a rarity. LiveUSB seems to be a better option for such a distribution.

The GPU part will definitely be more challenging, but we can get started with CPU without too much trouble I hope. LiveUSB works too, but I think desktop machines will likely still have CD or DVD for some time. I think distribution of CDs is cheaper and lower config than USB so I like the CD option more.

MemoryCoin / Re: Mining LiveCD Project - Funds Available
« on: January 15, 2014, 02:26:16 pm »
Oooh, I like the idea. 

The zero-config is possible, but much more difficult with a no data storage requirement (i.e., LiveCD).  Is the intent to make it easy for anyone to set-up a single machine for repeated mining, or to start mining an any machine one and only one time?

This is for my grandmother. I want to have CD that I give her that she put in the computer, switch it on and have it start mining for her.

I think she'd be able to enter her MMC address the first time she starts it - she'd understand that . . . . but any other configuration would be completely impossible for her.

I'm thinking it shouldn't access any storage, so that we can add the latest and greatest miners to the distribution without worrying too much that the binaries might be malicious.

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