Author Topic: BitShares DNS == anti-spam?  (Read 1479 times)

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Offline davidpbrown

Where is DNS DAC up to? I wondered a simple DNS blockchain could provide a good answer to spam. Spam is obvious a big problem for the time and money that goes to combating it but with a DNS blockchain running that might become trivial to frustrate, if not solve.

I wonder if a domain registered themselves for a small BTS fee and then used some simple postman to bounce outgoing messages, to sign those and put those signatures in the email headers, receiving applications could then check messages received are signed by the public key for that domain and reject others. They wouldn't need to look to the blockchain every occasion, just initially and occasionally. Once such a header was available, applications would just need to integrate some way to check those against known keys or the blockchain and refresh once in a while. I'm expecting a simple 'Register your domain name here' blockchain would be simple to setup. Users could have an option to whitelist only those domains that are using this, which I wonder would simply turn the spam off.

The reality of spam being persistent is well known, so I don't know if there's a flaw to this idea above. Let me know, if I've missed something obvious. The only problem might be how to know that the registration request comes from the real domain but they would only have to prove themselves once. Personal emails on bulk addresses might need a more subtle approach of registering the email address rather than domain. Still given the amount of effort put to antispam already, this struck me as a simple answer and if such an application worked, it would be a good way to engage businesses directly and might help get BitShares name promoted more widely.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 09:46:52 am by davidpbrown »