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Topics - aleiprecht

Pages: [1]
BitShares PTS /
« on: December 02, 2013, 04:00:33 am »
Hello all,

for some time now, i was suspecting something to be wrong with I couldn't really say what and it didn't have any priority. I have a balance of little over half of a PTS in there and I was wondering why it could be that I mine for days and never seem to make any progress.

My machines are not very powerful but i seem to make more at the other pools. So, today now I wanted to know what and why I don't get to finish mining my 1 PTS  at this pool. when i started mining I looked through the stats and noted the balance.

Now, that I have stopped the miner, i find 3 blocks have been mined with the last one 6 minutes before i stopped the miner. I submitted in total 467 shares of which 2 where rejected.

The pool recorded and rewarded me for 72 shares. Where is the disconnect? I believe that there might be something going on at this pool that is not kosher. Does anyone have an idea what i can do. I will not let this sit. Not because of me alone, but because of 100 of other people just like me.



I also understand that I am not the first one to suggest that this pool might not be paying out correctly. I would think that a remark in the mining pool list in here might be worth thinking about

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