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Topics - wimaka

Pages: [1]
Wondering if there is a "fake" bitshares somewhere that we can create wallets, accounts, buy/sell currencies, etc.

Would make developing against the APIs far easier.

Technical Support / WebSocket query format help
« on: October 20, 2017, 07:58:50 pm »
I'm trying to retrieve the account balances for a few people and trying to get:

a) The amount of ETH in each account
b) The amount of ALL currencies in each account

I can't quite get these queries to work.  Can someone help?

Code: [Select]
// Query all
{"id":1, "method":"call", "params":[0,"get_account_balances", [["testuser-1",[]]]]}

// Query ETH
{"id":1, "method":"call", "params":[0,"get_account_balances", [["testuser-1",["ETH"]]]]}

I'm trying to setup a cryptocurrency discussion forum and I'd like for users to be able to add their wallet name to their profile and display the amount of currency that they own in their profiles.

Is something like this even possible?

New user to cryptocurrencies here, so this may be a stupid question but: are the contents of wallets public knowledge?  Is there an API that I can query that will product this information?

Can a user set an account flag to allow this?

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