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Messages - vikram

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General Discussion / Re: BitShares Upgrade Announcements
« on: March 24, 2015, 04:06:02 am »
Delegates only should upgrade to 0.8.1 as soon as possible to avoid a bug in 0.8.0 upgrade code:

All other users only need to upgrade to 0.8.0:

General Discussion / Re: BitShares Upgrade Announcements
« on: March 23, 2015, 11:52:20 pm »
BitShares 0.8.0 has been released:

This is a required upgrade for all users by block 2113000 (approximately 2015-03-24 18:00 UTC).

All delegates please upgrade as soon as possible.

Feedback can be posted in this thread:

Current plan is to release BTS 0.8.0 today (only change is fixing shorts) with hardfork tomorrow. No re-indexing needed for upgrade. Version number bumped to 0.8 since all clients are required to upgrade.

I also have some asset locked. Because The active key was not generated.
Have you notified the devs via github about this?

Pretty sure the active key bug was fixed some weeks ago and was originally scheduled to come with 0.7.0 (before it was renamed 0.8.0). My problem is also due to the active key not being generated. All we can do is wait for the next release. It really sucks.

Yes active key regeneration bug should be fixed in the next non-emergency upgrade.

General Discussion / Re: EMERGENCY : the market is broken
« on: March 21, 2015, 09:47:08 pm »
I remember having seen some people that were upset that they had to pay the 10% increase when their shorts ended, maybe just last week or 2 weeks ago. Maybe, hopefully, it changed in 0.7.
Obviously, stolen funds is way worse (I didn't know there was such a bug). But losing money because of some coding error that is not taken seriously is also quite infuriating, and all shorters are at risk.

We are taking the problem very seriously. It takes some time to develop a patch for the live market. We need to be careful that we do not introduce other bad issues, which has happened in the past with emergency fixes. We will have it fixed as soon as we can.

We are swamped with other issues right now, and it looks like at this point we might collect the remaining market fixes and uia upgrades into a single next devshares release (which might be DVS 0.9) since we need to hardfork again to fix the current bts market.

Ping me to this thread again after the next DevShares release and I'll see what we can do.

General Discussion / Re: EMERGENCY : the market is broken
« on: March 21, 2015, 06:34:05 pm »
It turns out this problem has been there for a very long time. We are aware of it and currently working on a solution.

Vikram has confirmed there is a problem with that command:

btc38 have used a new public account to save cold balance: btc38-public-for-bts-cold
there is only 40 million BTS at this address, btc38 say they have transfer 150 million BTS, but the balance should be  250 million as they said.
Code: [Select]
default (unlocked) >>> blockchain_get_account_public_balance btc38-public-for-bts-cold

This command might not give correct result with current version:

Please also see my subsequent post:

DevShares / Re: Attack on DevShares / client misbehaving?
« on: March 18, 2015, 08:58:20 pm »
It's very strange and we don't really know what's going on. We are working to get DVS 0.8 out as soon as we can which has lots of changes; if the behavior still persists with the latest code then we will have to investigate more closely.

btc38 have used a new public account to save cold balance: btc38-public-for-bts-cold
there is only 40 million BTS at this address, btc38 say they have transfer 150 million BTS, but the balance should be  250 million as they said.
Code: [Select]
default (unlocked) >>> blockchain_get_account_public_balance btc38-public-for-bts-cold

This command might not give correct result with current version:

When running experimental version with this command fixed, I get:
Code: [Select]
(wallet closed) >>> blockchain_get_account_public_balance btc38-public-for-bts-cold

btc38 have used a new public account to save cold balance: btc38-public-for-bts-cold
there is only 40 million BTS at this address, btc38 say they have transfer 150 million BTS, but the balance should be  250 million as they said.
Code: [Select]
default (unlocked) >>> blockchain_get_account_public_balance btc38-public-for-bts-cold

This command might not give correct result with current version:

Heads up it's possible you might run into the problem discovered in this thread: but it will be fixed in the next version.

Alright, I've successfully re-associated the second account to my wallet. However, the second account shows that it has no funds. I'm not sure if this is the problem you're describing or not Vikram; the thread you linked shows as "missing or off limits" to me.

I also tried the "wallet_recover_transaction" command described in the wiki to recover the transactions that still say they were sent to "unknown", but it doesn't look like "wallet_recover_transaction" is an available command?

Looks like the OP deleted that thread for some reason. But based on your description I think you are probably running into the same problem--your owner key must have been regenerated okay but not your active key.

I can't think of an easy way to recover the active key with the current version, but I will fix wallet_regenerate_keys for the next release and then you should be able to recover your active key and access the funds.

Is this issue solved? seems still not work with version 0.7

0.7 ended up being an emergency release with only a few essential fixes--the above fix should be in 0.8 now.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares 0.7.0 Feedback
« on: March 18, 2015, 06:08:07 pm »
So if I understand correctly this only includes the essential bug fixes, and the rest of what was DVS/0.7.0 became DVS/0.8.0?

Will 0.8.0 be released for DVS first?

Yes on both.

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