Author Topic: How many 'users' should BitShares X have to become viable?  (Read 1463 times)

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Offline davidpbrown

Would it not follow in some complex way, from a measure of the activity required to settle a market to the point that makes it invulnerable to a single player pumping and dumping, coupled with the frequency that people use it? So, volume * bell curve of useage = X.

I don't know, how complex the market might seem to those holding BTS initially, how many of those will understand the options avaliable and then engage with actions avaliable to them.

Whatever the reality of the minimum, any effort put in now to encouraging people to understand what BitShares X are, will pay off later and help avoid people waiting to witness other's actions. Cater for the stupid rich; and the poor but financially saavy, give them confidence and perhaps abc examples of exaclty what is on offer and watch how engaged that audience is to better sense what activity might happen from the get go.

Offline rysgc

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