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Messages - suwoder

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 3I公司的最大bug是什么?
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:32:46 pm »

General Discussion / Re: NuBits is a Ponzi [BLOG POST]
« on: January 13, 2015, 06:31:13 pm »
This is terrible, terrible PR. We don't need any more haters - I urge you to remove the word ponzi from the article.

In addition, I would suggest that you run all future blog posts via some kind of PR intermediary before you publish them to avoid mistakes like this in the future.

 :P :P

我们还是用心发展以前的嫩模路线吧,黑社区,好怕怕 :P :P

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 求教bitshares钱包该怎么用
« on: January 11, 2015, 03:38:56 pm »



中文 (Chinese) / Re: 黑潮实验室
« on: January 10, 2015, 12:21:23 pm »
评估对象1:blackwavelabs(黑潮实验室)------ 工资率:100%------打分:89分。值得期待。

Hi Samantha,welcome on board! Guess you propose a 100% payrate delegate, right!?
Pls add this to your proposal.------cass
眼下这个过程很有教育意义,我们已经学习到了更多关于如何运行不同的DACs。我们正在写一篇文章去讲述这个过程的详情,以及加上我们对比特股以及社区的分析到 上。
Very good! The fact that you plan to open source the API wrapper has me sold. Voting and promoting.------toast
In the current system, an independent contract worker would have to take on great risk for a commodity which many of the community will request is not liquidated. If in the rare event they are accepted, they have to wait a full two weeks before breaking even on their initial investment. This is not counting the amount of time necessary to campaign for the position in the first place, if that time is considered it could take a month to recover the costs of obtaining the position in the first place. Which may only last 2-3 months before being voted out by popular vote.
An api wrapper is worth the cost. Once that is complete we can re-examine whether the delegate is still worth it, but for now we really should vote these guys in.------toast
To again clarify, we plan on creating and releasing the API Wrapper and the other listed projects open source regardless if we are elected as a delegate.

We propose that if the BitShares community offer support for our ongoing mission of promoting all innovative cryptocurrencies and providing high quality open source tools. Selecting our development group as a delegate, the community would allow us to allocate more resources to the listed projects (and other unannounced projects that are in planning) so that they can be completed quicker.

不错, +5%
(5.2)承诺履行情况::100分。解释:有待加深了解。--------这活才开始干你就100分啊 :P
(5.1)社区口碑:100分。解释:有待加深了解。 ---------- 你是把中文社区的质疑当点赞吗 :P


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 黑潮实验室
« on: January 10, 2015, 12:13:01 pm »
这个怎么这么快就选上去了,感觉也太容易了吧,都哪些人在投票啊。 :P :P :P

中文 (Chinese) / Re: dev 0.50测试版本已经编译完毕
« on: January 10, 2015, 08:43:02 am »
dev 0.50官方下载地址:

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 求教bitshares钱包该怎么用
« on: January 09, 2015, 05:06:57 pm »


General Discussion / Re: An open challenge to Bytemaster
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:42:29 am »
Edit: Given that you have a personal relationship and friendship with these guys, I can see why you personally wouldn't want to be seen as being involved with a direct Bitcoin competitor. It's possible though that this dynamic could cloud your objectivity with regards to how BitShares should approach marketing.

It is a valid question.  I believe my thoughts are grounded logic and strategy though. 

I recall an article from a former senior management type from Skype who said behind closed doors they knew Skype was a direct competitor and had superior technology and costs than existing telephony technology. Their mission was to replace that industry. Strategically they decided to not position themselves as a telephony company at all for fear of regulatory obstacles created by the legacy telephony lobbyists. All be it for a different reason it is certainly a valid option to not go head to head with the 400 pound gorilla in the right circumstances.

In our case.
1. Our next wave of users, developers, eveangelists, marketers, and investors are most likely to come from the bitcoin space.
2. Every bitcoin enthusiast has been told by the majority of their friends that they were crazy for buying bitcoin and that they would lose money. There is tremendous ego involved to see bitcoin succeed for that reason, not just financial. Telling their friends they were right about crypto but wrong about bitcoin will not cut it at the next BBQ.
3. It costs a lot of money which we do not have to get the attention of many eyeballs and educate them on our brand new industry. Bitcoin enthusiasts are fanatical and will happily read any article that speaks highly of bitcoin posted on reddit. That means lots of free eyeballs that are the right eyeballs.

In my opinion it is strategically foolish to not take advantage of 3, by not acknowledging 2 and thus missing out on 1.

Btw, how many people have you successfully sold the concept of bitshares too?  Have you had much success with "we are better than bitcoin?" (Genuine question, not cheeky at all.)

agree no more  +5% +5% +5%

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 去中心交易所存在吗
« on: January 06, 2015, 10:08:08 am »

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 黑潮实验室
« on: January 06, 2015, 04:46:54 am »

支持。 +5% +5% +5% +5%

General Discussion / Re: You guys don't understand devshares.
« on: December 28, 2014, 05:37:46 pm »
10% AGS 10 % PTS and 80% BTS would make everyone (heavily invested in bts) happy.

The question is, will a 100% BTS make you unhappy?

We know a lot of the debate was not due to the ratios but due to AGS/PTS being considered.

YES,this is not good :P

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Btc38将来会做一个人民币的gateway吗?
« on: December 23, 2014, 02:01:50 am »
有可能,估计得等钱包稳定,内盘交易活跃 +5%

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