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Messages - springlh

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General Discussion / Re: Son of a bitch, the social contract is shit!!
« on: October 24, 2014, 05:19:09 am »

General Discussion / Re: BM:i tell you why you are the bigest bug of bts
« on: October 23, 2014, 01:59:06 pm »

I think it's important to keep in mind the mechanics behind what's going on.

1) BM and team are creating a new SuperDAC called BitShares that uses BTS as its primary shares.
2) To kick start this new SuperDAC they are airdropping 100% of the shares (2.5B) based on allocations from existing DACs.

He could have just as easily airdropped BTSX:BTS 1:1 and said, "Best of Luck!" to all the other DACS but instead gave them a stake in the new project via an extra 500,000,000 BTS.

From a traditional business perspective BM has gone way above and beyond what 99% of companies do in this situation. I've spent over 20 years working for big corporations; I've seen how ugly this can be when the decision makers don't care about those that got them to where they are. This is NOT the case here.

e: So many typos...

1. If it's a NEW DAC, then follow the social consensus assign at least 10% to PTS and 10% AGS holders, dispatch the remaining 80% to whoever you think it fit;  If you think it's just a upgrade to the current BTSX chain, fine, just go without any allocation to PTS/AGS/DNS/NOTE, let the competition begin.
2. I came to this BTS community because I believed what was written in the original white paper that we will have separate chain for different DACs.  And all DACs will honor at least 10% PTS and 10% to AGS, this was the consensus how I made my investment plan.  And now you're telling me that everything is going to a so called "super DAC" - tell me what's the difference between this "super DAC" and Ethereum?
3. And you know what is more unacceptable??  That BM pegged PTS / DNS price to X price in the market using the allocation rate - and how did him get to that conclusion?  by just an assumption?

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 丑态百出,走好不送
« on: October 22, 2014, 03:16:22 pm »
现在3I撕破之前的契约,订立强行并购PTS AGS的方案
有些AGSer或者当初的PTSer已经成为X大户,有些当初同样倾其所有的AGSer因为操作等各种原因除了AGS PTS外X占比很少
老的AGS PTS占比大的派别则因为当初对3I的极度看好以及对后面DAC的信心更加倾向持有AGS PTS甚至于抛弃了X,此刻被逼上了可能被强行并购的墙角

然而,部分曾经和睦的AGSer  PTSer,各执一词,据理力争,那些说合并有理的人,有几个能说自己从来没按过计算器计算自己的份额得失?动辄以民主投票和大BTS好进行辩论,绝口不提强行合并对AGS派和PTS派的伤害
坦诚的人都知道这是一个以后BTS系列总占比的分配问题.....   傻瓜都知道并购前和并购后对纯AGSer和PTSer们来说其DACs所得份额的巨大差距,而不是按照现时市价所表现的这样

也有人说谁叫你傻逼的卖了X去炒其他币? 我只想说,不管是DNS MUSIC  PTS  AGS 都是BTS系列大家族的一员,对整个BTS系列发展贡献最大的绝对不是X的持有者,而是AGS以及早期PTS的持有者

X派觉得自己似乎确实是赚了一点,但仅仅是一点,为什么AGS PTS派会这么疯狂和扭曲呢?你们亏也最多只亏了我赚的那一点
可是你们不懂被人忽悠 被人骗 被人抛弃的感觉,在小情侣谈恋爱的时候,一人节衣缩食把省下来的钱全给了对方,可是半年后,人家跟着某一个富二代走了,然后说补偿你,把之前你节衣缩食送我的钱还给你.

伤的是人心哪,于是他们再也不相信爱情了... ...

熊总真是个人才啊.... +5% +5% +5%

KeyID / Re: Toast - thank you in destroying my just bought DNS
« on: October 22, 2014, 03:11:17 pm »
... we could gain more supporters in that DAC....
I wouldn't be so sure about that .. at least if you want to use the bitUSD, the bitCNY and all those other assets

then there is no reason to put money at a low liquid market in DNS if you can have an high liquid market at BTS(X)

I understand, people have all kinds of different ideas and this is one of the reasons that make this world funny / less boring - I believe this is the word "diversity".

You're not sure about a simple DNS DAC would be more successful than a "all in one" DAC just like I am not so sure about the "all in one" DAC will be the only successful DAC in the world....

KeyID / Re: Toast - thank you in destroying my just bought DNS
« on: October 22, 2014, 02:30:52 pm »
I did not approve the allocation BM posted and am furious about the crash in value. I did not see this coming and had been advising everyone that it won't matter what you held.

I am for the merger, but BM's execution seriously fucked people who supported me...

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
Toast, I agree, I'm also for the merger, but the current plan is just like a swallow up to me.... I'm a big fan of the whole DNS / Keyid project and have put a lot of my money to it when the market went up to 400 satoshi....
now... bm want to "merge"?? my money to his super DAC at 150 and still think this is a good idea, sorry, I don't buy it.... it's a robbery...

We all get to choose how to look at things, I didn't take your DNS shares, I gifted you BTS stake.    DNS folks are still free to compete.
You know what, actually I think this is a good... I think a simple DNS system is even better than a "all in one" DAC.... people who need DNS / Keyid doesn't necessarily be the user of X, Music and Vote....
In fact, I think if Toast can keep on working on the DNS / Keyid project ... we could gain more supporters in that DAC....

KeyID / Re: Toast - thank you in destroying my just bought DNS
« on: October 22, 2014, 02:19:53 pm »
I did not approve the allocation BM posted and am furious about the crash in value. I did not see this coming and had been advising everyone that it won't matter what you held.

I am for the merger, but BM's execution seriously fucked people who supported me...

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
Toast, I agree, I'm also for the merger, but the current plan is just like a swallow up to me.... I'm a big fan of the whole DNS / Keyid project and have put a lot of my money to it when the market went up to 400 satoshi....
now... bm want to "merge"?? my money to his super DAC at 150 and still think this is a good idea, sorry, I don't buy it.... it's a robbery...

中文 (Chinese) / Re: pts真让人心寒
« on: October 22, 2014, 10:53:09 am »


来自我的 HUAWEI HN3-U01 上的 Tapatalk

I like this idea...

General Discussion / Re: BM you should listen ptser and agser's voice
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:09:27 am »
where is PTS=10%,where is AGS = 10%,when a new DAC is coming.

It is very close to 10%, when you consider that AGS and PTS holders own the largest parts of DNS and Vote, so they are getting an additional stake there.

I owed you 100, I give you back 70, ok?  70 is close enough to 100.... don't you think??

General Discussion / Re: Proposed Allocation for Merger
« on: October 22, 2014, 04:41:17 am »
I still do not understand why vesting apply for DNS and VOTE ?? It should be only for AGS/PTS.

Currently, DNS and VOTE are DAC similar to BTSX (only difference in market cap) so why BTSX can liquid and not DNS and VOTE ??

I think vesting should not apply to PTS or DNS since they were already liquid.

Vesting for VOTE and AGS is fine because they were not already liquid.
This is the only reasonable suggestion in this whole unreasonable thread.  The 2 years vesting period makes the proposal of so called "merger" looks like a "swallow" to me ....

General Discussion / Re: Proposed Allocation for Merger
« on: October 21, 2014, 11:51:34 pm »
agree, this proposal is totally unacceptable to the current pts/dns holders! Rediculas!

来自我的 HUAWEI HN3-U01 上的 Tapatalk

 +5% .. 市场已经扇了bm几耳光了....

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: PTS snapshot date. Ensure you have Notes at launch
« on: September 26, 2014, 10:19:46 pm »
Hi .. I just want to clarify one thing... you said "Make sure you have your PTS out of the exchanges and into your wallets", is this means no Music Notes will be honored to those addresses belong to exchanges?


来自我的 HUAWEI HN3-U01 上的 Tapatalk

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