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BitsharesX Cold Storage Suggestions

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--- Quote from: happypatty on August 05, 2014, 08:11:22 am ---I find it disturbing that there is no clear answer to this question, given the complexities of the system, I wouldn't want to make any assumptions of how it works.

The bottom line is, unless the key was produced on a machine entirely disconnected from the Internet, it is not a true cold storage.

I want to know, is it possible to run the client and create a wallet, without connecting to the network. Is that how one would create a cold storage? Run offline, and try to export private key and/or export to JSON. Then transfer by sending to the unregistered account?

I know Bytemaster is very proud of the TITAN feature, but for true privacy, people want cold storage, and never expose info on any live (potentially compromised) machine whatsoever.

--- End quote ---
Yes it is,

1) create a puv/privkey pair using the "bts_create_key" utility (no idea if this is available for windows too)
2) secure your privkey
3) on an online machine add your pubkey to a local account
4) register that local account by paying from an online account that has some BTSX left
5) wait for confirmation

you now have a pubkey linked to an account name registered on the blockchain .. and can send funds  there

HOWEVER, you currently cannot check for incoming transaction as of TITAN needs the privkey (AFAIK) to read the stealth addresses.
The devs had some idea about observer keys and BM mentioned he has sth even better in mind to solve exactly that issue.

I find it disturbing that there is no clear answer to this question, given the complexities of the system, I wouldn't want to make any assumptions of how it works.

The bottom line is, unless the key was produced on a machine entirely disconnected from the Internet, it is not a true cold storage.

I want to know, is it possible to run the client and create a wallet, without connecting to the network. Is that how one would create a cold storage? Run offline, and try to export private key and/or export to JSON. Then transfer by sending to the unregistered account?

I know Bytemaster is very proud of the TITAN feature, but for true privacy, people want cold storage, and never expose info on any live (potentially compromised) machine whatsoever.

you can dump your private key by "wallet_dump_private_key" and print that as a QR code ... depending on which address you dump the privkey for you can cold storage a name or just an address .. also (at least in the linux build) there is a program called "bts_create_key" that creates a priv/pub key pair you can use

may be you want

On a related note, is there a way to print a paper wallet?

That would be a pretty sweet feature of the bitsharesX wallet


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