Author Topic: help for newbie - wallet created on my desktop - cannot logout..??  (Read 1248 times)

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you can only send if your account is unlocked, everything else is just read-only

Offline fedmalxx

Hi all, I apologize in advace if my question or my topic sounds really newbie, anyway, I have the following problem :

I just donlowad on my mac this wallet and in his latest versione to keep my BTS : BTS -  2.0.171

I followed the guide, and after installed the app on my mac I open it and after the password was generated ( and saved it on paper of course), and a proper back up, I transfer all my BTS from Bittrex and some other exchange.

I just tried many time to close the application from my mac or just loggin out but everytime, it seems is not working..even when I click on the lock in the upper left side of the BTS application screen, I got the message " to put the password to log-in " but my account is anywas still open. I can see always my BTS amount, I can go in withdrawls and deposit, I could theorically send to anyone my all stak from BTS, and that´s just come, simply clicking on the relative BTS app on my MAc application. How possible is something like that, or what I´m doing wrong ?
I´m concercned because, if it stays so, anyone who is, evenctually getting to my pc, opening the wallet has all my BTS wallet directly open, without any need of putting the passowrd to log-in, so I don´t have any kind of security here.
Plese, help me to fix this!
thank´s guys!