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Messages - smb8989

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General Discussion / Re: The hidden danger of bitshares's system
« on: November 23, 2017, 06:05:17 am »
Obviously using a dedicated computer for only transactions and wallets is one of the most important things you can stunned by how many people use their ordinary computer for these things

General Discussion / Re: Why BitShares is being delisted from Bittrex?
« on: October 06, 2017, 11:28:41 pm »
Yes, Bittrex looks pretty silly on this one, but that's their business.

Some people are willing to flush their company's reputation for short term gains, I guess.

I'll take a look at those test cases and maybe do a Steemit post on it.
-----Thanks for posting Stan to let us know what your thoughts are. You guys have truly designed a stunning piece of work. Love the layout and the speed. I will continue to support and buy no matter what price it goes down to..cheers

General Discussion / Re: Why BitShares is being delisted from Bittrex?
« on: October 06, 2017, 10:27:43 pm »
We have to use more Dex, why the hell is not used massively? it is stupid to rely on centralized exchanges.
...totally agree with you friend..if anyone isn't invested in decentralized exchanges they need their head protects our God given rights to freedom and privacy..I've been watching youtube guys and there are so called Youtube analysts that have no idea what Bitshares is..i even saw a guy with over 10000 subscribers say they have no pairings and offer no coins...i was dumbfounded..we need to make sure to correct these guys because people are just blowing BTS off

Thought I would chime in guys, Correct me if I'm wrong anyone,

I use the Trezor wallet both as a wallet and a password manager. So I lock my BTS wallet before I close it down and use the saved password on my Trezor every time I log in. (including 2fa if you choose) This way even if my PC or Mac is compromised, the hacker will have no way to obtain my password or login credentials, even with a keylogger.  I can still use the password manager to access my wallet even though the computer is infected or hacked. The Trezor is really a superb piece of technology.

Hope this helps
I use the Web Exchange BTS light wallet. Not sure if this makes a difference

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