Author Topic: Please Stop  (Read 6225 times)

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Offline Troglodactyl

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Bitshares only works because of its mandatory transparency. You cannot be elected as a delegate without being almost 100% transparent and public about all the work you do. Besides, we only really have one feature that matters, and that is the paid delegates. The only thing we need to worry about is to grow our network before any self-funding competitor comes online. If we can attain significant network effect before then, then it will not possible for a competitor to beat us no matter what, because we will always be able to copy any competetive advantages that they innovate.

You can't be elected without being trusted, and transparency is certainly the easiest route to trust, but I wouldn't say it's impossible someone could get elected by another path.  I think you also underestimate the other features.  The self-funding is dependent on value continually being produced by those other features, or it becomes unsustainable.  Plenty of initially well funded endeavours fail because they can't produce a feature set that creates enough value to sustain themselves.


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Bitshares only works because of its mandatory transparency. You cannot be elected as a delegate without being almost 100% transparent and public about all the work you do. Besides, we only really have one feature that matters, and that is the paid delegates. The only thing we need to worry about is to grow our network before any self-funding competitor comes online. If we can attain significant network effect before then, then it will not possible for a competitor to beat us no matter what, because we will always be able to copy any competetive advantages that they innovate.

Sorry nothing personal...but you manage to put something going against my core believes in every post of yours today....

Actually if we have several features that matter A LOT. And the first on the list is:

Market Pegged Assets (bitAssets) bitUSD !

Offline Rune

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Bitshares only works because of its mandatory transparency. You cannot be elected as a delegate without being almost 100% transparent and public about all the work you do. Besides, we only really have one feature that matters, and that is the paid delegates. The only thing we need to worry about is to grow our network before any self-funding competitor comes online. If we can attain significant network effect before then, then it will not possible for a competitor to beat us no matter what, because we will always be able to copy any competetive advantages that they innovate.

Offline xeroc

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You didn't get it, sir. The openness that you criticize is precisely why most people here believe in BitShares.
tldr:  Keep doing what you are doing on the coding side of things, let your marketing team design logos and brand you, and get the heck out of the forums, you are freaking us all out.


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Fyi, I did not come here and "quickly freak out."  I have been reading almost all posts on here for several months now.  I have been patiently waiting for you all to realize that the freedom of speech Jcalfee speaks of is a great right for our country, but that doesn't mean that thoughts and ideas translate well in text, in forum threads, etc.  How many times have you typed someone something and they get the completely wrong idea?  No facial expressions, no voice inflections, and absolutely anything tongue in cheek or sarcastic is almost undetectable in text and is usually either mis interpreted or at minimum sending mixed messages. 

Again, I believe in all of you, I will continue to invest, hold my investments, and hope that you will think that I am worthy enough to be here and see this venture rise to success despite my strong opinion that the forum acts more like a stumbling block for the ascent of the company rather that a benefit.

Did you know that we have a Mumble Server available at all times for anyone in the community to use as they see fit?  This is something worth considering as You are 100% correct that written words can very easily be misunderstood or mistranslated.  Vocal communication, however, brings a 3rd dimension to speech that cannot be overlooked (though often is by far too many).

Right... That's how the 'Forget putting this in writing, Let's put this in talk only' came to be.   :)

Offline fuzzy

Fyi, I did not come here and "quickly freak out."  I have been reading almost all posts on here for several months now.  I have been patiently waiting for you all to realize that the freedom of speech Jcalfee speaks of is a great right for our country, but that doesn't mean that thoughts and ideas translate well in text, in forum threads, etc.  How many times have you typed someone something and they get the completely wrong idea?  No facial expressions, no voice inflections, and absolutely anything tongue in cheek or sarcastic is almost undetectable in text and is usually either mis interpreted or at minimum sending mixed messages. 

Again, I believe in all of you, I will continue to invest, hold my investments, and hope that you will think that I am worthy enough to be here and see this venture rise to success despite my strong opinion that the forum acts more like a stumbling block for the ascent of the company rather that a benefit.

Did you know that we have a Mumble Server available at all times for anyone in the community to use as they see fit?  This is something worth considering as You are 100% correct that written words can very easily be misunderstood or mistranslated.  Vocal communication, however, brings a 3rd dimension to speech that cannot be overlooked (though often is by far too many). 

WhaleShares==DKP; BitShares is our Community! 
ShareBits and WhaleShares = Love :D


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I swear, this forum will be the death of Bitshares.  No one in their right mind posts business ideas and possible directions that the company could go on a public forum!  If you guys don't start yesterday keeping your immature ideas to yourselves until they are 98% ready to be unveiled and pump up the BTSX community, you are killing the BTSX community.

Investor 101 says that uncertainty in an investment will drive off any investor with half a brain.  All this forum does is bring daily confusion and uncertainty to the community and to the rest of the world that are directed here looking for answers.  Unfortunately when they get here they find even more questions surrounded by random discussion regarding "what do you think the company should do this time?" followed by off-the-cuff proposals from the CEO, random ideas, and unfiltered suggestions from other seemingly BTSX gurus from the developer team.

MY PROPOSAL ( obviously fueled by anger and dissapointment):

CEO and Devs need to log off of this forum, leave one person here to assist newbies with technical questions, and that's it.  Keep all of your proposals for changes, mergers, etc. Off line until they are heavily scrubbed ans finalized, and can be presented to the team in a positive, in a matter of fact manner, and as exciting upgrades and positive future aspects of this whole thing that will give current investors and newbies confidence that a group of computer geeks can in fact erect one of the best, most advanced technologically based companies of our time.

I am a strong believer in all of you.  I own a decent amount of BTSX.  I believe in Dan Larimer.  I want to see you guys take over crypto and continue pushing the limits with your amazing ideas and radical thinking. 

tldr:  Keep doing what you are doing on the coding side of things, let your marketing team design logos and brand you, and get the heck out of the forums, you are freaking us all out.

This is the bet idea I've read in here in weeks. I sincerely hope they take your advice.

Offline gamey

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This was discussed at length today on mumble server.  While I am not sure we need to be moving around many threads, I do think that this site could benefit greatly by an "Official Discussions" section at the very top.

It will catch a large % of people who end up on this forum wanting to read about bitshares and those people will not be subject the petty bickering that some of us are prone to doing. (One of those being myself ;) )

It will also aid people familar with the forum but who do not want to spend the few minutes required to skim all the subject headline/authors.

I would suggest that only moderators be able to create a thread.. specifically Dan/Toast/Stan and a few others intimately involved with Bitshares.
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline House

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Bitshares is freedom enabling technology and that includes Freedom of speech.... 

Our objective is to get it right
(and change the world)

+100% Bravo I say...Bravo *round of applause*


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Stuff had to get sorted out for the recent merger and alignment. Many vested interests were in play and an open debate was inevitable and going to take place somewhere. Better here, than at bitcointalk, or reddit etc.

As the focus shifts to specific delegate activities, I suspect it's likely they will begin to exercise a lot more control over the release of information. Bad PR management will reflect on that delegate, and not the community/exchange.

Offline arhag

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But this forum is one of our most precious resources.  Our crown jewels. 
It is how we stay in touch with the street and see things we would otherwise miss.


Our objective is to get it right
(and change the world).


"Investors" who come here and quickly freak out at our discussions
are not worthy of participating in our success.

People who come here and put in the effort
will gain insights that serious investors only dream of.
They are the ones who earn
Knowledge and Understanding.
The Ultimate Proof of Work.
They are the investors we want to continue to serve.
They are the ones worthy to ride with us on the ultimate ascent.

 +5%  +5%

I am loving the community metaphor more and more. BitShares isn't a traditional company, it is an open community. People who are attracted to the objectives of BitShares will join this community and contribute to its success. BitShares benefits from the collective wisdom of this self-selected crowd. People with more specific talents in areas such as development and marketing will make contributions for the betterment of BitShares and will be compensated by the BitShares community for their efforts. All of these benefits become difficult to realize if we close off this community to the public.

I think as the power within this community becomes more decentralized over time (meaning the opinions of a tiny group of devs do not necessarily need to change the future course of this entire project), people will be more comfortable with the open discussion occurring on the forum. People will eventually realize this technology allows the stakeholders, the members of this community, to have the final say on any important decision affecting the DAC and that they are ultimately in control of the workers who make the DAC possible and who create the future improvements for the DAC. When people realize this (and when the tools to better facilitate this are created, such as the voting functionality), then I think people will be less likely to "freak out" when for example bytemaster, a single member of the community, makes a proposal that isn't entirely agreeable to them in its initial form.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2014, 03:46:07 am by arhag »

Offline donkeypong

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The center alignment is brilliant. It makes me pay attention. And once I've read, I'm almost always glad I took the time. This was a great post by Stan.

Offline fluxer555

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...but the center alignment throws me off every time.

I like his poetic style. It makes me feel like he's a Zen master teaching his disciples.

Offline Troglodactyl

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As you might know Stan, your style is, 85% of the time, too pom-pom for my taste...

But that post was GREAT!  +5% +5% +5%

On this note, I am moving this thread to the main discussion.


...but the center alignment throws me off every time.


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Fyi, I did not come here and "quickly freak out."  I have been reading almost all posts on here for several months now.  I have been patiently waiting for you all to realize that the freedom of speech Jcalfee speaks of is a great right for our country, but that doesn't mean that thoughts and ideas translate well in text, in forum threads, etc.  How many times have you typed someone something and they get the completely wrong idea?  No facial expressions, no voice inflections, and absolutely anything tongue in cheek or sarcastic is almost undetectable in text and is usually either mis interpreted or at minimum sending mixed messages. 

Again, I believe in all of you, I will continue to invest, hold my investments, and hope that you will think that I am worthy enough to be here and see this venture rise to success despite my strong opinion that the forum acts more like a stumbling block for the ascent of the company rather that a benefit.

this and the OP...I feel the same way, at least once a day. Believe me, I feel your pain on a regular bases...I truly do not know man. I am torn between the 2 every day.
and I have posted in more than one occasion what you posted to open this thread...

“You have your way. I have my way.[They might be the same way TK] As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.”
Friedrich Nietzsche 

« Last Edit: November 08, 2014, 03:20:20 am by tonyk2 »

Offline bit426

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Fyi, I did not come here and "quickly freak out."  I have been reading almost all posts on here for several months now.  I have been patiently waiting for you all to realize that the freedom of speech Jcalfee speaks of is a great right for our country, but that doesn't mean that thoughts and ideas translate well in text, in forum threads, etc.  How many times have you typed someone something and they get the completely wrong idea?  No facial expressions, no voice inflections, and absolutely anything tongue in cheek or sarcastic is almost undetectable in text and is usually either mis interpreted or at minimum sending mixed messages. 

Again, I believe in all of you, I will continue to invest, hold my investments, and hope that you will think that I am worthy enough to be here and see this venture rise to success despite my strong opinion that the forum acts more like a stumbling block for the ascent of the company rather that a benefit. 


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I appreciate your perspective. 
We have often asked ourselves the same thing.
(And are trying to discipline ourselves enough to properly vet Big Announcements.)

But this forum is one of our most precious resources.  Our crown jewels. 
It is how we stay in touch with the street and see things we would otherwise miss.

If we were a mere alt coin shooting for short term gains,
what you suggest would make absolute sense.

while a nice steady growing market cap is a plus,
it is not our overriding objective.

Our objective is to get it right
(and change the world).

The people who will power our market cap to the moon do not read this forum. 
(I'm not sure they read at all.)

We are not marketing to the other tribes in the crypto community.
Those who are objective and worthy will find us all by themselves.

"Investors" who come here and quickly freak out at our discussions
are not worthy of participating in our success.

People who come here and put in the effort
will gain insights that serious investors only dream of.
They are the ones who earn
Knowledge and Understanding.
The Ultimate Proof of Work.
They are the investors we want to continue to serve.
They are the ones worthy to ride with us on the ultimate ascent.


As you might know Stan, your style is, 85% of the time, too pom-pom for my taste...

But that post was GREAT!  +5% +5% +5%

On this note, I am moving this thread to the main discussion.

Offline Stan

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I appreciate your perspective. 
We have often asked ourselves the same thing.
(And are trying to discipline ourselves enough to properly vet Big Announcements.)

But this forum is one of our most precious resources.  Our crown jewels. 
It is how we stay in touch with the street and see things we would otherwise miss.

If we were a mere alt coin shooting for short term gains,
what you suggest would make absolute sense.

while a nice steady growing market cap is a plus,
it is not our overriding objective.

Our objective is to get it right
(and change the world).

The people who will power our market cap to the moon do not read this forum. 
(I'm not sure they read at all.)

We are not marketing to the other tribes in the crypto community.
Those who are objective and worthy will find us all by themselves.

"Investors" who come here and quickly freak out at our discussions
are not worthy of participating in our success.

People who come here and put in the effort
will gain insights that serious investors only dream of.
They are the ones who earn
Knowledge and Understanding.
The Ultimate Proof of Work.
They are the investors we want to continue to serve.
They are the ones worthy to ride with us on the ultimate ascent.

Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline jamesc

Bitshares is freedom enabling technology and that includes Freedom of speech....  Your opinion is welcome but I don't think it is very productive.   I suggest a good diet of amino acids and probiotics to help you relax ...:D. Trust me Things like this won't bother you so much..
« Last Edit: November 08, 2014, 03:12:18 am by jcalfee1 »


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You didn't get it, sir. The openness that you criticize is precisely why most people here believe in BitShares.
tldr:  Keep doing what you are doing on the coding side of things, let your marketing team design logos and brand you, and get the heck out of the forums, you are freaking us all out.

Offline donkeypong

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Omg Omg Omg

Offline bit426

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I swear, this forum will be the death of Bitshares.  No one in their right mind posts business ideas and possible directions that the company could go on a public forum!  If you guys don't start yesterday keeping your immature ideas to yourselves until they are 98% ready to be unveiled and pump up the BTSX community, you are killing the BTSX community.

Investor 101 says that uncertainty in an investment will drive off any investor with half a brain.  All this forum does is bring daily confusion and uncertainty to the community and to the rest of the world that are directed here looking for answers.  Unfortunately when they get here they find even more questions surrounded by random discussion regarding "what do you think the company should do this time?" followed by off-the-cuff proposals from the CEO, random ideas, and unfiltered suggestions from other seemingly BTSX gurus from the developer team.

MY PROPOSAL ( obviously fueled by anger and dissapointment):

CEO and Devs need to log off of this forum, leave one person here to assist newbies with technical questions, and that's it.  Keep all of your proposals for changes, mergers, etc. Off line until they are heavily scrubbed ans finalized, and can be presented to the team in a positive, in a matter of fact manner, and as exciting upgrades and positive future aspects of this whole thing that will give current investors and newbies confidence that a group of computer geeks can in fact erect one of the best, most advanced technologically based companies of our time.

I am a strong believer in all of you.  I own a decent amount of BTSX.  I believe in Dan Larimer.  I want to see you guys take over crypto and continue pushing the limits with your amazing ideas and radical thinking. 

tldr:  Keep doing what you are doing on the coding side of things, let your marketing team design logos and brand you, and get the heck out of the forums, you are freaking us all out.