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Messages - cryptocc

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General Discussion / Re: Rand Paul Coin wants to use DPoS
« on: November 16, 2014, 09:19:39 pm »
Wallet on Cryptsy is fixed, so get your coins into your wallets.

General Discussion / Re: Rand Paul Coin wants to use DPoS
« on: November 14, 2014, 09:27:05 am »
Update: it seems cryptsy will likely be finished updating the wallet Thursday (today or next Thursday is not yet clear). 

So at the very least, they seem to at least be open to letting users withdraw.  More to come as it is given.

I have explained the seriousness of the situation, so hopefully they have it ready in time. I have reached out to my contacts, but it also can't hurt to send more support tickets so they know a lot of people are concerned.

I know there was a snapshot on 11/5. I know that there will only be BTS. However when I was reading I didn't come across anything warning me that PTS price would plummet fore good and that I should sell them all either before the snapshot and buy BTSX or right after the snapshot. All I read was that I would receive BTS for the PTS in my wallet. Incorrectly and naively I assumed that PTS just wouldn't be traded anymore as it wouldn't exist. I have lost thousands by holding my PTS. Why would anyone hold them and why would anyone buy them after the snapshot? I have to say that this whole thing has become a clusterfuck. Names and shares constantly changing, DAC's existing but being abandoned and becoming worthless, airdrops, conversions and rate changes, wallet files needing to be imported or not imported to get shares etc. I have NO idea what the hell this is all about anymore nor what even the name of this thing is I'm invested in as it constantly changes. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can someone explain to me in somewhat simple terms exactly what is going on. Thank you.

From an outsiders point of view, it is confusing. I run a crypto group with around 3600+ people, and I can assure you that most don't understand this, at all, so they are very wary of it. They ask me to explain it, but frankly I don't want to risk giving them some bad advice, so I tell them to just go here and figure it out for themselves. It might be simple for some traders, but compared to just buying Bitcoin, it isn't.

I don't own any, and I am not even sure which one I should be buying or dropping as I have not been paying enough attention. It just appears too much like a game of Three-Card Monte. That said, I think the tech and ideas are fascinating. However, I am more concerned about the marketing and investors getting burned for not understanding it well enough. That is why I don't recommend it much, yet.

General Discussion / Re: Rand Paul Coin wants to use DPoS
« on: November 11, 2014, 12:32:47 am »

That is fine and dandy, but
A) the announcement has already been made and it looks unprofessional to alter something like the Name of the coin after the fact...sad but true.
B) Rand is going to be the next president...not Ron Paul.
   B1) Rand is likely playing poker in a game where he has seen his father fail for being too open about his leanings. 
   B2) Coupling donations to liberty-leaning causes that the younger generation believes in will help show support and give Rand more proof that he has backing from a very powerful liberty-minded constituency---worldwide. 
   B3) Using the name Ron Paul Coin invokes the history of a coin that utterly failed in the eyes of most. 
   B4) Getting Rand Paul in office means Ron Paul will be whispering in his ear.  It also means we have the best crypto Lobbyist in the world in our pocket.

I had no idea Rand Paul was going to be president. That is pretty interesting if true, and I admit I stopped watching television a long time ago, so perhaps the political landscape has changed quite a bit. Anyway, I have some RPC and will take the snapshot for whatever comes of it. ;) If Rand Paul is going to be president and is pro cryptos, that does change things.

General Discussion / Re: Rand Paul Coin wants to use DPoS
« on: November 10, 2014, 09:46:47 pm »
"70% distributed to RPC
20% to BTS (required for full BitShare community support because they have historically supported every coin which has honored this percentage) which would be 10%PTS (original DPOS supporters through mining), and 10%AGS (original DPOS supporters through investing).
10% BTC (the Bitcoin connection will guarantee quicker adoption of your coin because Max Keiser would already be a part owner of the first ever deflationary cryptocurrency controlled by the owners, and not a central mining cartel)"

That seems a good idea. (From a post on

Ron Paul > Rand Paul imho - I would ditch the Rand Paul concept and make it Ron Paul 3.0 instead, Ron Paul BTS, whatever... It would be far more popular and interesting, and the launch thread is already scam and counter scam accusations, so you are better off making a new one, linking it up.

Ron Paul is a legend in the Libertarian circles while Rand Paul is far more controversial. In essence, Rand Paul is a much weaker brand to go with. To be extremely practical, the greatest risk of a celebrity coin is that the celebrity screws something up and damages the brand. Big mouth, says something really dumb. Which Rand Paul could easily do, has done, and there is a high risk to use his name for it. (however you feel about him) Ron Paul is extremely well known and not likely to screw anything up at this point, for people that already love and respect him anyway. I own a little RPC by the way, just because I was saving it up in case cryptos go mainstream. I might even buy some Bitshares as I just like Ron Paul quite a bit, if the branding is changed. Rand Paul, nah, change the brand. No brainer.

General Discussion / Re: how to register/fund account?
« on: August 26, 2014, 11:40:51 am »
Oh, I found an easy way to do it. Just use Poloniex, there is an option in the balance section. Paste in the account key and desired user name, and just have some bought BTSX for it.

I tried it at BTER first and didn't see it. So all good, thanks anyway!

General Discussion / Re: how to register/fund account?
« on: August 26, 2014, 11:01:51 am »
I am currently reviewing the Bitsharesx wallet for my little crypto club, and oddly, I cant fund the account as I have to register it first? Which needs funds?

I love that it bypasses some of the dangers of the NXT user interface, but can someone send me enough to get it registered? I feel a little silly... but I cant find any possible way to get it funded. Here is the account key for one of the accounts I made. Thanks in advance for any help. :)


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