Author Topic: RE: 8/21 DUAL SNAPSHOT, Now What?  (Read 9139 times)

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My bad with VOTES .. fixed to 15%/15%:

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The same way i read it for BitShares Vote. The social consensus means the amount of "initial" shares. ?
hmm .. not a 100% sure .. but should be % of total supply if I remember correctly

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depends on how you read it:

20% AGS
20% PTS
10% Developer
50% (theoretical max) for Delegates, effectively whichever outside teams the developer chooses.

Equivalent to:

40% AGS
40% PTS
20% Developer
Diluted up to 2x to pay outsiders for whatever we want

Deal with it, start talking about where the remaining 50% needs to be spent.

Offline CLains

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Offline xeroc

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Great, speedy work xeroc, sending you the PTS :)
Thanks alot!

Can't wait to see the official one as well, every day counts now. Promotion seems to be working as PTS is falling the least now in this rough climate.
Me too ..

However sometimes I wish the community was informed about all the work going on in the I3 background ..

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There are LottoShares snapshot at 5/31 and Bitshares Lotto on 8/21. That is confusing.
Why 2 Lotto snapshots?
Also, was it not renamed Bitshares Play?
Not sure if that is already the official name

Offline bitcoinerS

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There are LottoShares snapshot at 5/31 and Bitshares Lotto on 8/21. That is confusing.
Why 2 Lotto snapshots?
Also, was it not renamed Bitshares Play?
>>> approve bitcoiners

Offline CLains

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Great, speedy work xeroc, sending you the PTS :)

Can't wait to see the official one as well, every day counts now. Promotion seems to be working as PTS is falling the least now in this rough climate.

Offline xeroc

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great work +5%

one point (sry)

i would like it better if any text would readable without to take my head in a 90 degree angle
I tried that too ..

I think it makes things complicated ..
but I could rotate the complete think ... however most screens are 'widescreens' and thus I concluded that I would make more sense this way ..
But sure .. if the consens is to change it I can so do .. (or you can do your self .. it's an SVG and thus editble .. i.e. via inkscape (opensource) )

Offline toast

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FYI there's a team making an animated version of this that can live on a webpage

Rather than duplicate design effort you should focus on making a 1-paragraph description of each of the DACs that could go on it
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Offline Shentist

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great work +5%

one point (sry)

i would like it better if any text would readable without to take my head in a 90 degree angle

Offline xeroc

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I just realized that firefox cannot draw shadow in svg. here is the png

I (finally) like it .. :)

Offline xeroc

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Less stupid colors

+ Learn sth new every day :)

Offline xeroc

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Thanks ..

I still don't like the colors .. I know that designers choose their colors well and as you can see I am no designer ..
Anyone have a resource so I can start 'selecting the right colors'?
or even better .. anybody around that can give me a 'nice' set of colors?

I still don't like how that image looks like ..
If cass is not happy with it (and I am sure he is not) than I am neither ..

let me try to pimp it more this evening

Offline Empirical1

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Updated graphic is great, exactly what we need, I hope with that people really start to get PTS! :)

Don't forget to bump the snapshot thread if you're around BTT guys -

Offline xeroc

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So actually ... MMC is NOT honoring the social consensus .. I made it a little more obvious:

Offline xeroc

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Excellent xeroc!  +5% I replaced the original with yours already.

More things I'd like to see,
1) Replace "end of donations" with "end of ags donations"
2) Dates (and allocations?) for each snapshot.
3) A better sense that there are LOTS of DACs on the horizon, mentioning a few by name (BitShares LOTTO and BitShares Music in particular).
4) The yellow I would see rather phrased like this, "Every DAC honoring the social consensus (at least 10% to PTS and 10% to AGS holders) is recognized as a BitShares Third Party DAC, which is supported by the BitShares community and core team."

Perhaps others have more suggestions?
Good ideas

Offline CLains

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Update to Thunderclap campaign:

I'd like to have this submitted by Wednesday (sooner if possible).

Very speedy, great work!  +5%

Offline CLains

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Excellent xeroc!  +5% I replaced the original with yours already.

More things I'd like to see,
1) Replace "end of donations" with "end of ags donations"
2) Dates (and allocations?) for each snapshot.
3) A better sense that there are LOTS of DACs on the horizon, mentioning a few by name (BitShares LOTTO and BitShares Music in particular).
4) The yellow I would see rather phrased like this, "Every DAC honoring the social consensus (at least 10% to PTS and 10% to AGS holders) is recognized as a BitShares Third Party DAC, which is supported by the BitShares community and core team."

Perhaps others have more suggestions?

Offline G1ng3rBr34dM4n

Update to Thunderclap campaign:

I'll be working to finish up the "Message" section and the "Edit Your Story" section this afternoon.  Any and all input would be greatly appreciated.

Once we all agree on the content, the campaign will be submitted to the Thunderclap platform for approval.

I'd like to have this submitted by Wednesday (sooner if possible).

Offline xeroc

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Still work left ...

let me quickly publish the SVG from incskape for further improvements if you guys want?

Offline Empirical1

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 +5% that one communicates the concept well too.  :)

Offline xeroc

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i now have a more compact one

Offline Empirical1

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Goodness! I'm finding it hard to contain my enthusiasm!

Yes! Time to spread the enthusiasm around.
New Dual snapshot thread
New FollowMyVote thread

 +5% Good work Clains. Nice posts on BTT,  that snapshot graphic does explain it nicely.

Offline xeroc

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Listed a few threads on that collectively can be bumped to no end.

Really would be great if we could update the snapshot picture. Is anyone doing this? If not I'll hand out 15 PTS from the community fund to whoever fixes it up neatly with all the updated information we have atm.
I can give it a try using inkscape .. not a designer though

edit: first try:
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 03:42:48 pm by xeroc »

Offline CLains

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Listed a few threads on that collectively can be bumped to no end.

Really would be great if we could update the snapshot picture. Is anyone doing this? If not I'll hand out 15 PTS from the community fund to whoever fixes it up neatly with all the updated information we have atm.

Offline donkeypong

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The thing about reddit is we REALLY need to find a way to like simultaneously upvote the reddit thread when it is created.

I've read this and heard this and it is still true AFAIK.  The reddit algorithm greatly weighs postings that have a large amount of upvotes in the first 10 minutes.  (or something close).  So if everyone trickles in over the course of an hour, then the reddit thread doesn't get near the visibility.

My proposed solution would be that someone is in charge of this, and anyone who wants to participate gives up their phone #.  From there, we make an email that has all the participants email->txt gateway which is fired off at once.  Thus everyone is notified in real time and we have a lot better result on reddit which btw is HUGE.

I completely agree. People come and go on Reddit and it's frustrating that very few posts there get upvoted. Sometimes, it feels like heavy lifting for the few of us who are trying to promote Bitshares on there, but I've felt that its been better (more participation) in the last few weeks, so thanks. A BIG chunk of us need to commit to commenting on and upvoting the key posts. 

Offline gamey

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The thing about reddit is we REALLY need to find a way to like simultaneously upvote the reddit thread when it is created.

I've read this and heard this and it is still true AFAIK.  The reddit algorithm greatly weighs postings that have a large amount of upvotes in the first 10 minutes.  (or something close).  So if everyone trickles in over the course of an hour, then the reddit thread doesn't get near the visibility.

My proposed solution would be that someone is in charge of this, and anyone who wants to participate gives up their phone #.  From there, we make an email that has all the participants email->txt gateway which is fired off at once.  Thus everyone is notified in real time and we have a lot better result on reddit which btw is HUGE.
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline G1ng3rBr34dM4n

*Everyone get busy.                                                                                         
*There was talk of thunderclap campaign.                                                           

I'll kick the Thunderclap campaign back into gear. 

For those curious what a Thunderclap campaign is, click here:

Who is in charge of the official BitShares twitter account?

Offline CLains

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My internet has been randomly falling out for a couple of days now, to my infinite annoyance. I'll do whatever is left that needs doing soon as the bandwidth weather clears up on my end, couple a days max.

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BitShares Website
Ticker for Both Vote/DNS                                                                                    []

i'll do asap!
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Offline bytemaster

+1   Who will take point on all of this?
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Offline CLains

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Goodness! I'm finding it hard to contain my enthusiasm!

Yes! Time to spread the enthusiasm around.

We should at least,                                                                                    Not Done?
*Polish the ANN threads a bit with clear informative structure/links                          []
*Replace AGS ticker with "BitShares X Live!" and "Dual Snapshot Ticker"                  []
New Dual snapshot <--- BUMP!
New FollowMyVote  
Bumped p2p
DNS snapshot
VoteDAC snapshot
BitShares X support bump
PTS bumped
PTS price speculation Bumped
BitShares "get in if ur smrt"
Coins to take seriously

Dual Snapshot (in r/BitShares) <--- UPVOTE!
Dual Snapshot (In r/Protoshare) <--- UPVOTE!

*BitShares official has posted.                                                                                 
*Post to decentralized crypto groups that you are part of.                                      []

*Everyone get busy.                                                                                          []
Thunderclap Campaign

Newsletter or Notification   

BitShares Website                                                                   
*Short article explaining what is up                                                                        []

Various Content
Snapshot Infographic with updated Info
*Update                                                                                     []
*Write misc. articles about snapshots                                                                       []
*Get something published about this!                                                                      []                                                                 

Let me know if I missed anything, will update thread.
Let me know if we should add anything, will update thread.

Who will do what? Let us know! Thanks!
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 01:08:04 am by CLains »