Author Topic: Stealth Transfers Worker Proposal  (Read 44256 times)

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Offline tonyk

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Those who are investing in CNX have to pick and chose what to spend those investment dollars on. They will of course spend the money on the projects that have the highest payoff.
The reality is that subsidizing development of features for BitShares has a very low payoff without a side business plan.

This is why you have to be Extremely sceptical of any CNX worker proposal. CNX interests are not aligned with BTS.

CNX may overcharge BTS wherever possible, (higher payoff) & they will push worker proposals that have the most benefit to the generic  CNX Graphene blockchains instead of ones that are very BTS specific (maximum payoff) If CNX can get BTS to pay for developments they are building anyway, then they really maximise their payoff.

Our current lack of privacy is a turnoff to many in the  banking world.

I imagine the privacy feature is one that will benefit all Graphene blockchains and appeal to their banking customers. They may be building it anyway. Hence why it's possibly, suddenly the most important have to have next feature worth $45 000.



Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline lil_jay890

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We need this roadmap to be for bts... Not for cnx.

Does anyone realize that with these worker proposals by cnx, bts is taking all the risk while cnx gets all the benefit by owning the copywrite.

Again, bts is a piggy bank and lab rat for cnx right now.

Not happy?
Start your own developers shop or go advertise the opportunity on other forums. (if you care about bitshares at all).

Nope won't do that... Just going to vote against any cnx proposals that continue to screw bitshares shareholders (because I do care about bitshares)

Offline rgcrypto

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We need this roadmap to be for bts... Not for cnx.

Does anyone realize that with these worker proposals by cnx, bts is taking all the risk while cnx gets all the benefit by owning the copywrite.

Again, bts is a piggy bank and lab rat for cnx right now.

Not happy?
Start your own developers shop or go advertise the opportunity on other forums. (if you care about bitshares at all).

Offline lil_jay890

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I for one, want to see this proposal, and a whole host of others being fast tracked through to funding.  Let's work out the details and get it done.  Cryptonomex can deliver.  I say, give them the resources they need and we'll all be richer for it.  We've a long ways to go before we have another team as wise, adept, and big hearted as the one who brought us BTS to begin with.

Let's get this list that jakub has started prioritized, each project fine tuned to our satisfaction, and start knocking items off the list.,20171.0.html

"Tough times don't last but tough people do." - A.C. Green

I agree.  I don't think there is any question that work needs to be done and this is precisely what the funds are for.  Get a clear picture of what we want spelled out and quantified and pay someone to do it.  Holding on to the funds is not going to help anyone. No one is going work for free.  CNX and bytemaster are the best options we have at the moment, with all the right incentives, history and knowledge of the code to swiftly produce the changes we need.   I'm not opposed to others, I just haven't seen any.

For me, as a fantasy illustration, i would not mind 1 bit, if we paid CNX a Billion BitShares or ALL the remaining funds and they produced a perfect , flawless, product that achieved all of our goals.  The value of the system would exceed your dreams and we'd all be rich and free.

Obviously that's not going to happen.  The point is we do have a team willing to do the work and anything even close to the product we have defined will be well worth whatever we need to spend to pay for it. 

The funds we have can take us a long way.  Lets prepare this properly, with a clear goal/roadmap, and make it happen.

We need this roadmap to be for bts... Not for cnx.

Does anyone realize that with these worker proposals by cnx, bts is taking all the risk while cnx gets all the benefit by owning the copywrite.

Again, bts is a piggy bank and lab rat for cnx right now.


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I for one, want to see this proposal, and a whole host of others being fast tracked through to funding.  Let's work out the details and get it done.  Cryptonomex can deliver.  I say, give them the resources they need and we'll all be richer for it.  We've a long ways to go before we have another team as wise, adept, and big hearted as the one who brought us BTS to begin with.

Let's get this list that jakub has started prioritized, each project fine tuned to our satisfaction, and start knocking items off the list.,20171.0.html

"Tough times don't last but tough people do." - A.C. Green

I agree.  I don't think there is any question that work needs to be done and this is precisely what the funds are for.  Get a clear picture of what we want spelled out and quantified and pay someone to do it.  Holding on to the funds is not going to help anyone. No one is going work for free.  CNX and bytemaster are the best options we have at the moment, with all the right incentives, history and knowledge of the code to swiftly produce the changes we need.   I'm not opposed to others, I just haven't seen any.

For me, as a fantasy illustration, i would not mind 1 bit, if we paid CNX a Billion BitShares or ALL the remaining funds and they produced a perfect , flawless, product that achieved all of our goals.  The value of the system would exceed your dreams and we'd all be rich and free.

Obviously that's not going to happen.  The point is we do have a team willing to do the work and anything even close to the product we have defined will be well worth whatever we need to spend to pay for it. 

The funds we have can take us a long way.  Lets prepare this properly, with a clear goal/roadmap, and make it happen.

Offline GaltReport

What good is privacy/anonimity if you don't have liquidity? It's useless. You just wasted precious time and money you won't ever get back while someone else is already working on something better (or trying to).

But perhaps the two are indeed related? Perhaps capitals will not fly into bitshares if everything is 100% public. Perhaps you need some anonymity/privacy features to get some liquidity going.

Would you open a bank account in a bank which makes your whole account and movements public? I know I wouldn't, and most people, I would assume, wouldn't either.

Well, right now that's what we have.

100% agree with this.  If you were a well-heeled investor, would you want to put money into a system where you will be on everyone's radar?

Offline lovejoy

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The Larimer Family Spirit

A while ago I discovered the Larimer Family Spirit. Father, mother and son working at Invictus together for a better tomorrow. I think that they would not cheat or do selfish stuff because the family grounds all of them and protects them from going the wrong way.

Bytemaster wants to program some stealth functions, and to support him now means to support his creative flow. Organic Code. More expensive but much better.

Anonymity is very important. BitShares needs this feature as fast as possible. Easy, fast, anonymous token exchange for everyone, worldwide. BitShares can then be used alongside TOR and Bitmessage for every day privacy :)

Part of the reason we travelled to Blacksburg was to meet the Larimers, look them in the eyes, and shake hands.  They welcomed us into their home and showed us great hospitality.  One may be forgiven for doubting their allegiance or claiming conflict of interest or what have you, if you have not met them.  But as 38PTSWarrior indicates above... this isn't your typical crypto scenario.  The Larimers, and the whole team in Blacksburg are the real deal.  This isn't some game for them.  Of course they will seek to maximize profit for themselves and their families, but they also want the best for BitShares, they are invested on so many levels.

I for one, want to see this proposal, and a whole host of others being fast tracked through to funding.  Let's work out the details and get it done.  Cryptonomex can deliver.  I say, give them the resources they need and we'll all be richer for it.  We've a long ways to go before we have another team as wise, adept, and big hearted as the one who brought us BTS to begin with.

Let's get this list that jakub has started prioritized, each project fine tuned to our satisfaction, and start knocking items off the list.,20171.0.html

"Tough times don't last but tough people do." - A.C. Green


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The Larimer Family Spirit

A while ago I discovered the Larimer Family Spirit. Father, mother and son working at Invictus together for a better tomorrow. I think that they would not cheat or do selfish stuff because the family grounds all of them and protects them from going the wrong way.

Bytemaster wants to program some stealth functions, and to support him now means to support his creative flow. Organic Code. More expensive but much better.

Anonymity is very important. BitShares needs this feature as fast as possible. Easy, fast, anonymous token exchange for everyone, worldwide. BitShares can then be used alongside TOR and Bitmessage for every day privacy :)

Offline lil_jay890

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Those who are investing in CNX have to pick and chose what to spend those investment dollars on. They will of course spend the money on the projects that have the highest payoff.
The reality is that subsidizing development of features for BitShares has a very low payoff without a side business plan.

This is why you have to be Extremely sceptical of any CNX worker proposal. CNX interests are not aligned with BTS.

CNX may overcharge BTS wherever possible, (higher payoff) & they will push worker proposals that have the most benefit to the generic  CNX Graphene blockchains instead of ones that are very BTS specific (maximum payoff) If CNX can get BTS to pay for developments they are building anyway, then they really maximise their payoff.

Our current lack of privacy is a turnoff to many in the  banking world.

I imagine the privacy feature is one that will benefit all Graphene blockchains and appeal to their banking customers. They may be building it anyway. Hence why it's possibly, suddenly the most important have to have next feature worth $45 000.


It's a very good thing that investors are realizing this

Offline Empirical1.2

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Those who are investing in CNX have to pick and chose what to spend those investment dollars on. They will of course spend the money on the projects that have the highest payoff.
The reality is that subsidizing development of features for BitShares has a very low payoff without a side business plan.

This is why you have to be Extremely sceptical of any CNX worker proposal. CNX interests are not aligned with BTS.

CNX may overcharge BTS wherever possible, (higher payoff) & they will push worker proposals that have the most benefit to the generic  CNX Graphene blockchains instead of ones that are very BTS specific (maximum payoff) If CNX can get BTS to pay for developments they are building anyway, then they really maximise their payoff.

Our current lack of privacy is a turnoff to many in the  banking world.

I imagine the privacy feature is one that will benefit all Graphene blockchains and appeal to their banking customers. They may be building it anyway. Hence why it's possibly, suddenly the most important have to have next feature worth $45 000.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2015, 06:08:05 pm by Empirical1.2 »
If you want to take the island burn the boats

Offline karnal

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What good is privacy/anonimity if you don't have liquidity? It's useless. You just wasted precious time and money you won't ever get back while someone else is already working on something better (or trying to).

But perhaps the two are indeed related? Perhaps capitals will not fly into bitshares if everything is 100% public. Perhaps you need some anonymity/privacy features to get some liquidity going.

Would you open a bank account in a bank which makes your whole account and movements public? I know I wouldn't, and most people, I would assume, wouldn't either.

Well, right now that's what we have.

Offline Samupaha

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About price tag: right now Bitcoin is paying a little bit less than 50 000 dollars per hour for miners. So we get this feature for less than one hour of bitcoin mining, I think that is quite cheap price.
I never looked at it like that. Good point!

So please calculate now... how much "hours of bitcoin mining" it will take to evaporate bitshares marketcap

It's paid with the same money. Of course Bitcoin has bigger market cap right now. But think it this way: bitcoiners will pay a big chunk of money just to keep the transactions going for an hour. What we get with the same amount of money? A really cool and useful feature on the GUI.

This is why DPOS will overtake all POW-coins. In the long run we will get more and more features while they just spend everything on electricity. Some day will come the tipping point when users realize that they can get way more value for their money with Bitshares.

Offline fav

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About price tag: right now Bitcoin is paying a little bit less than 50 000 dollars per hour for miners. So we get this feature for less than one hour of bitcoin mining, I think that is quite cheap price.

I never looked at it like that. Good point!


So please calculate now... how much "hours of bitcoin mining" it will take to evaporate bitshares marketcap

lol. you forgot to calculate the costs of bitcoin mining.

Offline Akado

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Hey Akado , could you define what you mean by "profit" ? I am not pulling your leg , I want to understand what it means to you.

DAC profit as to burn more fees so they could then be used on worker proposals, increasing the supply again, but not as much as to not influence the supply much (or the opinion of shareholders who care about dilution).

If we do countless worker proposals we will increase our supply right? Although there's a cap at 3.7B so when you reach that no more dilution = no more development.

So by burning the most amount of shares possible (profit) we can balance things out when we dilute because of worker proposals.

Did I make myself clear? Sorry if I didn't.

Edit: profit would be if you burned more than the shares generated for worker proposals but that will be impossible for quite some time so I'm considering "profit" keeping things balanced. It's the best we can achieve atm.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2015, 01:27:37 pm by Akado » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads