Author Topic: solved, thank you, abit and vikram  (Read 4477 times)

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Offline aweikan

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wallet2's problem is solved also, the one with pts

imported the pts wallet into a new wallet, a new acccount
got those due bts for pts

2 weeks' torturing, closure

thank you, abit and vikram

Offline aweikan

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wallet1's problem is solved,the one will multibit

i think it's worth me recording the details here
in case others run into the same problem,
search the forum and find this

when i first start using bitcoin, i used the bitcoin QTwallet
later switched to multibit but i kept the same address:
i exported the privite key from QTwallet
imported it into multibit

but the 1st time i ran multibit
it generated an address automaticly
so i got 2 addresses
one ive been using all the time since Qtwallet
one i never used

in jan 2014 i donated some btc to ags using multibit
days ago i tried to claim this sum of bts

when i export multibit's private key
i got 2 keys, one for each
they are timestamped 2014-12-21 and 2013-9-30
2014-12-21 is the last time i made a transaction
2013-9-30 is the time i started using multibit

so naturely i believed the 2014key was for my all-time address
and the 2013key was for the never-used address

that's where i got it wrong
it's the other way arround
although it doesnt make any sense to me

so if anyone else use bitcoin Qtwallet at first
then switched to multibit keeping the same address
later donated ags with it
he may have the same problem
i hope these words will help he out

我起先用bitcoin Qt钱包





« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 03:57:42 am by aweikan »

Offline abit

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Q2. wallet2 to get back the bts
@abit, @vikram
as this act involoves more than half of my savings
i have to be really discreet
will it cause any problem
that the due bts was once claimed,later a transaction was made
then import the pts wallet again?
do you think i should import it to the same wallet same account
or a brand new empty wallet with new account ?
If you 'claimed' but didn't transfer all the fund to another account, you left the remaining fund at its original address, it's re-claimable with the private key. So it's safe if you're the only one who know the key.
As vikram answered, claim to a new wallet is better.
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline vikram

Q2. wallet2 to get back the bts
@abit, @vikram
as this act involoves more than half of my savings
i have to be really discreet
will it cause any problem
that the due bts was once claimed,later a transaction was made
then import the pts wallet again?
do you think i should import it to the same wallet same account
or a brand new empty wallet with new account ?

It should not make a difference. Same wallet, same account will not cause a problem.

But if wallet has same account, and transaction does not show up in history after rescan, there may be another problem. If it is old wallet, may be better to try with new wallet.

Offline aweikan

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It also sounds like you have many crashing and other problems on your computer. How much RAM does it have?

it's an old laptop running winxp with 2.5g ram

Offline aweikan

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Q1. wallet1 to get the due bts for ags
i may have found what's wrong
should be of one making-none-sense design of multibit

Q2. wallet2 to get back the bts
@abit, @vikram
as this act involoves more than half of my savings
i have to be really discreet
will it cause any problem
that the due bts was once claimed,later a transaction was made
then import the pts wallet again?
do you think i should import it to the same wallet same account
or a brand new empty wallet with new account ?

Offline aweikan

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I think you know Chinese. Please check these 2 pages:
thank you so much, abit
for reading through my trouble
and taking time giving me advice

and yes your guess is correct, im chinese too
i had read all the posts you gave above before i started to do anything
and a lot more
but ......
shit happens

Offline vikram

Q1:now what do i do with wallet1 to get the due bts for ags?
Q2:now what do i do with wallet2 to get back the bts?

As abit said:
  • First confirm your AGS balance by looking up your multibit address at After confirming, you can also PM me your address if you want me to check the balance in BitShares.
  • I am not sure why your funds disappeared after restarting the wallet. But if you made only a small test transaction as you said, you should be able to import the PTS wallet again and most of the funds should be there.

It also sounds like you have many crashing and other problems on your computer. How much RAM does it have?

Offline abit

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i send some bitcoin to ags with multibit in jan last year
and on mar 1st i had some pts, i sold them days after the snapshot
im to claim these 2 sum of bts

windows xp,bts


Q1:now what do i do with wallet1 to get the due bts for ags?
You can check your AGS balance at , input all of your btc address there, you'll know which address has AGS. Then import the private key of that address in BTS wallet.
Q2:now what do i do with wallet2 to get back the bts?
Import the pts wallet again.
Since you haven't move all of your BTS to another account, most of it should be in the original address.
Q3:is there any place i can input my bts acccount address so that i can see the balance of it, just like for bitcoin?
No way for TITAN accounts.
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline abit

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I think you know Chinese. Please check these 2 pages:

If you are importing Genesis funds (AGS/PTS) , you don't need to re-scan the BTS chain, just import the private keys then your funds will be there.

Are you sure your addresses / private keys are correct? Check them at .
This article may also be helpful for you:

You can also post questions in the Chinese sub-forum, a lot of people will help you.
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline aweikan

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thank you,vikram
i badly need official tech support
i had a problem as mentioned
after another 30 hours studying and working
now i have 2 problems
and the fund this time is bigger
it's giving me pain in my balls

i send some bitcoin to ags with multibit in jan last year
and on mar 1st i had some pts, i sold them days after the snapshot
im to claim these 2 sum of bts

windows xp,bts

wallet1 for age's bts
account awei and aweikan,both registered

tried the gui "import wif key "(under account awei)
got the succed message
but after the scan,no bts

input the commands "wallet_import_private_key xxxxxxxxxxxxxx awei"
got reply message: "awei"
then input "rescan"
when it was done,no bts

input the command "wallet_import_private_key xxxxxxxxxxxxxx awei rescan"
got a long error message
error parsing something

reinstalled,redownload the chain, didnt work

fyi.i have 2 address in my multibit wallet
so when i exported the multibit private key
i got 2 wif
i only imported one because the other's timestamp was in 2013

wallet2 for pts's bts
accout aweipts, registered

i imported the pts wallet, the dat file
that was successful
i saw the due amount of bts instantly

i made a small test transaction
seemd ok

but the next time i ran the program
account aweipts was there
but the balance was zero
the transaction history not mentioning where the bts went

read through the wiki recoverfunds page and lots of posts
i have tried:
2.export the aweipts's wif,import it to another brandnew wallet,and rescan
3.uninstall,reinstall,with the same data,and repeat 1,2
4.uninstall,rename the folds,reinstall,download the chain,copy the "wallets" fold in,repeat 1,2
none of them worked


Q1:now what do i do with wallet1 to get the due bts for ags?
Q2:now what do i do with wallet2 to get back the bts?
Q3:is there any place i can input my bts acccount address so that i can see the balance of it, just like for bitcoin?


everytime i export the json file to backup my wallet
so i just copy,rename or move the entire "wallets" fold to do backup and switching

no one else has access to my laptop
all the operations above were made in the only laptop
and i dont found bad clusters on my harddriver

in the last 2 weeks
sometimes it may take an hour to pass the launching
sometimes after an hour still launching, had to kill it to rerun
the sync may stop no matter what i do,had to reinstall and resync
i reinstall for maybe 10 times and resynced for 5,6 times
rescaned for maybe 15 times, most times took 1h
once only 2 minutes, once arround 10 hours
the program crashed for maybe 20 times
once even windows crashed quiting the program normally

im not sure im the most unlucky guy btsing, but it's bad enough
i have to bother you guys though im sure you have your own pain to take
it's really driving me crazy and i tried everything i could
pls help

Offline vikram copying the entile directory "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\BitShares\wallets" the same as exporting the json file?

2.input my btc address on, i see i have some bts.
if my multibit wallet is imported successfully, does it go zero or remain the same?
mine isnt zero now

3.what can i do now to import the multibit wallet and get my bts? it common that the scanning went on for like 10 hours?

1. Yes, you can use this as a backup but we do not support it in the client. Only JSON export/import is officially supported.

2. Unless you transfer the funds after importing AGS key, they will still remain tied to the original key.

3. Multibit wallet import is not supported. You need to get the WIF private key that belongs to your AGS address and import it using "wallet_import_private_key" command. Make sure you are using latest BTS version and fully synced.

4. Scanning should not take this long unless you have many accounts in your BTS wallet.

Offline aweikan

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ive read lords of threads and pages
still cant solve the problem
pls help

using multibit, i donated some btc to ags in january
now I want to claim my due bts
bitshares version, windows xp
the chain is syncnized todate
two accounts are created and registered

according to my study,
you can either import the file multibit.wallet
or export multibit wif key first, then import the key into bitshares
one will be enough. no need to do both
am i right?

so first, i tried "import keys from wallet"
i selected "multibit"
gave the full path:“C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Application Data/MultiBit/multibit.wallet”
input the multibit password
pressed "import wallet"
nothing happened
waited for a minute and tried again, nothing

so secondly,i tried "import wif key"
that went well
there was a message that the key is imported successfully
but the balance still zero
and then scanning started
waited for hours and it crashed for several times
had to start the program again and again
after the scanning was finally done
the balance still zero

then i went back to the first option,tried to "import the keys from wallet" again
i found no matter what i input, nothing would come out
i renamed some random file "multibit.wallet",and input some random letters as password
pressed "import wallet", nothing
no message or any response
so it's not whether the input is correct or not
this function is not working at all

then i thought maybe i should update the version to
so i was to backup the bitshares wallet
the program crashed again exporting a json file
restarted,"reset database",hours of downloading chain
tried another time,crashed again

here i am now
cant import my multibil.wallet
cant backup bitshares wallet
command "wallet_get_info" shows "scan_progress": "100.00 %"

pls advise: copying the entile directory "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\BitShares\wallets" the same as exporting the json file?

2.input my btc address on, i see i have some bts.
if my multibit wallet is imported successfully, does it go zero or remain the same?
mine isnt zero now

3.what can i do now to import the multibit wallet and get my bts? it common that the scanning went on for like 10 hours?
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 04:01:22 am by aweikan »