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Messages - tsaishen

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Technical Support / Re: 0.8.1 Crashing
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:05:43 pm »
Thanks roadscape!

General Discussion / Re: BitShares 0.9.0-RC1 Feedback
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:03:52 pm »
I have 4 GB of ram and I don't have a swap file, but how the heck much ram does this thing need to be happy???

Also I have an update for you.  After my last posting I just started it using screen then performed a get_info and the let it run over night.

30 minutes after starting screen...

Code: [Select]
default (unlocked) >>> get_info
  "blockchain_head_block_num": 1248189,
  "blockchain_head_block_age": "19 weeks old",
  "blockchain_head_block_timestamp": "2014-12-12T23:37:50",
  "blockchain_head_block_id": "b1eb0fa8092070dd785dbbf27572604aa2ae7bd6",
  "blockchain_average_delegate_participation": "0.01 %",
  "blockchain_share_supply": "2,498,315,210.15240 BTS",
  "blockchain_blocks_left_in_round": 70,
  "blockchain_next_round_time": "at least 12 minutes in the future",
  "blockchain_next_round_timestamp": "2015-04-21T19:37:00",
  "client_data_dir": "/home/dev/.BitShares",
  "client_version": "0.9.0-rc1",
  "network_num_connections": 18,
  "network_num_connections_max": 200,
  "network_chain_downloader_running": false,
  "network_chain_downloader_blocks_remaining": null,
  "ntp_time": "2015-04-21T19:25:24",
  "ntp_time_error": -0.015821000000000002,
  "wallet_open": true,
  "wallet_unlocked": true,
  "wallet_unlocked_until": "8 days in the future",
  "wallet_unlocked_until_timestamp": "2015-04-29T09:30:53",
  "wallet_last_scanned_block_timestamp": null,
  "wallet_scan_progress": "100.00 %",
  "wallet_block_production_enabled": false,
  "wallet_next_block_production_time": null,
  "wallet_next_block_production_timestamp": null

Then just a bit ago...
Code: [Select]
default (unlocked) >>> get_info
  "blockchain_head_block_num": 1248189,
  "blockchain_head_block_age": "19 weeks old",
  "blockchain_head_block_timestamp": "2014-12-12T23:37:50",
  "blockchain_head_block_id": "b1eb0fa8092070dd785dbbf27572604aa2ae7bd6",
  "blockchain_average_delegate_participation": "0.01 %",
  "blockchain_share_supply": "2,498,315,210.15240 BTS",
  "blockchain_blocks_left_in_round": 70,
  "blockchain_next_round_time": "at least 12 minutes in the future",
  "blockchain_next_round_timestamp": "2015-04-22T18:57:50",
  "client_data_dir": "/home/dev/.BitShares",
  "client_version": "0.9.0-rc1",
  "network_num_connections": 14,
  "network_num_connections_max": 200,
  "network_chain_downloader_running": false,
  "network_chain_downloader_blocks_remaining": null,
  "ntp_time": "2015-04-22T18:46:11",
  "ntp_time_error": 0.188475,
  "wallet_open": true,
  "wallet_unlocked": true,
  "wallet_unlocked_until": "7 days in the future",
  "wallet_unlocked_until_timestamp": "2015-04-29T09:30:53",
  "wallet_last_scanned_block_timestamp": null,
  "wallet_scan_progress": "100.00 %",
  "wallet_block_production_enabled": false,
  "wallet_next_block_production_time": null,
  "wallet_next_block_production_timestamp": null

Any particular reason it would be stuck at that block?

Also I'm thinking the memory leak issue might be something else.  I let it run all night under screen and the cli is properly responsive still.  So maybe not CLI, but maybe something in the syncing process.  Since it hasn't synced anything all night???

General Discussion / Re: BitShares 0.9.0-RC1 Feedback
« on: April 21, 2015, 07:22:26 pm »
Ubuntu 64bit cli version.

Seems to crash after an hour or two, need to keep restarting when this happens. 
The only message there is "killed".

This was on a fresh account that never had a previous version of bitshares before.
Deleting .Bitshares folder just results in everything starting over again.

Command line is extremely slow to respond and this slowness grows the longer the client is running.
Command line slowness is no joke, there is always literally at least 1 second in between characters, regardless of my typing speed.

I think you have a memory leak because the whole machine slowed to a crawl near the end of the last incident then became snappy again once the "killed" message appeared.

Have not yet synced the block chain, been at it 2 days.
Thanks for the hard work though!

General Discussion / Re: BitAssets 3.0 - For Community Review
« on: April 21, 2015, 07:08:35 pm »
I realize the need to pivot as much as anybody. 

But I need to know if there is a minimum length of time we can expect the new rules to be in effect once they take effect. 

In the case of gemspace changes like this have a major impact on our business. 
Not in a negative way per se, but it's a rules change that the investor must now be made aware of. 

Whenever a change like that happens, we have an obligation to communicate the change to the investor base and explain to them the potential impacts to their investments.  We also need to give them time to exit the market under the older rules if they so desire.  This means we need to communicate with them as much as possible in advance.

Also when are these changes slated to take effect?  I agree they are good changes, but what we have to communicate to our users, are the rules as they stand when they enter and any changes we foresee in the future.


General Discussion / Re: A Toast to Toast
« on: April 21, 2015, 05:24:45 pm »
Thanks everyone for the detailed explanation on NOTES.  I had read the info before but it never really clicked for some reason.
Sounds like an incredible project.

As for Toast, I saw some of his posts, and he seemed like a good guy.  Sad to see good people leave.

General Discussion / Re: gemspace -- SEC compliant platform
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:09:32 pm »
if you or Alec Hahn could send a mail from bitcoin42's domain or if it checks you hold the number +52 664 235 777 3 (presented on bitcoin42's site) people would calm down and believe you  :) at least you would have some kind of proof here, it could ease some minds

was about to ask the same.

I'll verify you - askfav -at-

Plus I'd like to know more about open positions and how you want to fill them.

bitcoin42 sent an email confirming their identity.

@Favdesu , I'm not sure if Alec contacted you regarding open positions or not.  If he didn't it's only because neither of us saw the part about "I'd like to know more about open positions and how we want to fill them".  I know for a fact that I'm just now seeing it for the first time.  Took awhile for the coffee to kick in for me this morning I guess.  I know Alec is running on power naps at this point too.  He's out on business for the afternoon, but I'll meet with him shortly and talk to him.  Either I or Alec will send a PM later this evening explaining what we need.

Impressive!  Great work guys!

General Discussion / Re: A Toast to Toast
« on: April 20, 2015, 02:56:19 pm »
Not to be stupid here, but what exactly the heck is notes and why is it not part of the blockchain?  I'm trying to grok the ecosystem a bit better here.
What would be their reason for running a blockchain fork which to my mind would be a hostile action.

After listening to the latest hangout I'd have to say OP is not messing around here.

Thank You!

General Discussion / Re: gemspace -- SEC compliant platform
« on: April 20, 2015, 02:45:25 pm »
if you or Alec Hahn could send a mail from bitcoin42's domain or if it checks you hold the number +52 664 235 777 3 (presented on bitcoin42's site) people would calm down and believe you  :) at least you would have some kind of proof here, it could ease some minds

this  +5%

We both had a skype with Cryptoprometheus last week that resulted in the nullstreet journal article.  In that interview we went to great lengths to explain who we are, what we are doing and we even demo'd one of the ATMs.

Alec verified the bitcoin42 domain with Favedesu too.

General Discussion / Re: Privatizing BitAssets
« on: April 20, 2015, 02:44:29 pm »
It has been suggested before that BitAssets with feeds produced by private parties would enable greater variety of BitAssets to be created.   I would like to explore this idea further from the perspective of growing adoption.   

Today there is little incentive to market BitUSD because 100% of the profits of marketing BitUSD go to USD holders via yield or BTS holders via trading fees.  If BitUSD were a privately owned asset then the manager of that asset (responsible for publishing the price feed) could make money directly proportional to adoption.  Assume the manager got to set the market trading fees/transfer fees just like they can with any other user issued asset.

The end result would be a financial incentive to get a pegged asset released, marketed, and adopted.   The BTS network would profit by having the asset trading against BTS and other assets.   Initially this would result in a handful of attempts, but market competition would result in the best promoted and adopted variant having the highest usage and deepest markets.   Ultimately the market would settle on one or two variants and the rest would die off or be special purpose.   

1) Assume anyone could create a BitAsset and publish a feed for it.
2) Assume that "anyone" could be a group of 100+ individuals which are unlikely to collude and they must agree on the feed via multi-sig.
3) Assume that this group got to set the trading fees (%) on all trading volume with the asset.

So the question is, are delegates inherently more trustworthy than any other group of individuals collaborating to publish a trusted feed?   Sure they are elected, but an election is not the only or even the best way to establish trust.   

So I contend that a market full of private market pegged assets with profit motive for a near "winner takes all" on the team that can provide the highest liquidity and best marketed variant will produce better results than relying on socialized funding of the BitAssets produced by delegates. 


I am not a lawyer but...

I believe that doing this would consolidate and centralize the market rapidly into the hands of a few well heeled players.  The appeal of bitUSD would diminish quickly as any properly incorporated entity with the resources to pull this off would immediately be subject to AML/KYC regulations and would be forced to lock down the bitUSD holdings of anyone the IRS asked them to.   

Assuming that they could sustain the compliance burden, they would also find themselves immediately subject to US laws regarding virtual currency & money transmission. (click the links labeled Regulation & FactSheet)

If they didn't comply then FinCEN could seize the company's assets globally, pretty much immediately. 

Doing it without incorporation, for instance as a DAC would mean that in theory, USA courts would disregard the DAC and treat the players as individuals who were operating a series of sole-props and engaging in a regulated activity (money transmission and investing/banking).  100% of the liability would likely rest with the players severally and I have serious doubts that the USA wouldn't treat everyone in the market under RICO statutes and seize their individual assets and likely their personages.

In short, if you want to do this, don't live anywhere near the USA and don't expect to be able to board an airplane any time in the near future. ;)

Other than that it's a great idea!

It seems this will be one of the primary reasons why all privatized bitAssets absolutely require whitelisting. However, because you don't actually issue IOUs backed by actual fiat, I think coinbase-style expansion into more jurisdictions should be a lot faster.

It depends upon the liability for publishing a PRICE FEED.   Ultimately that is all that it comes down to, everything else is the blockchain.

Yeah maybe you're right.  Still I would talk to a lawyer before making the change if you haven't already.

General Discussion / Re: gemspace -- SEC compliant platform
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:35:31 pm »
Dear Bitsharestalk members,

Before this thread turn into a witch hunting flame throwing dragon spamming ulgstamonsta, let me chip in some words here to backup the stuff "tsaishen" is slapping around your heads the past days.

My name is Alec Hahn, CEO and founder of Bitcoin42 ( and the freshly titled CEO of Gemspace. Please everybody understand that this is indeed a very ambitious project, and we are working very hard to be first hitters. The email communication issue was indeed a bit dumb, since a email forwarder was not set correctly to get notified about the domain registration information update.

I will soon make a more elaborated post. So please practice some patience and enjoy the ride in the meanwhile.

Best regards,

Hello Alec, I would suggest you give an emergency interview through Mumble. Fuzzy can help you introduce yourself to the community in a professional manner and give you an opportunity to expose your company and answer questions.

If you're not ready to do this then please don't be surprised by skepticism. Many people in the Bitcoin community have been burned by scams in the past.

If the Bitshares community determines Gemspace are legit then your company will receive a lot of support.

I don't think any of us are surprised by skepticism at this point.  It's more a matter of scheduling/timing the next time we all have a few minutes to reflect is Tuesday, and possibly some time on Wednesday.  After that point we all have our weeks pretty well determined.  Fuzzy asked for Friday but I don't think that's a day where any of us have time.

Not sure about the community at large, but we've already been talking with Bytemaster and Stan about various things including signed and returned NDAs.

General Discussion / Re: gemspace -- SEC compliant platform
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:57:04 am »
I think this sounds awesome..  +5%

These are some of my qustions:

  • You say compliance with Canada.. however, the securities compliance for crowdfunds in Canada are provincial and not federal.. will that be the level of compliance you will accomplish?
  • You say maw paw shops.. that suggests to me you are going to need boots on the ground so to speak to act as gateways/hand holders to these businesses that otherwise know nothing about this opportunity to crowdfund. does the business model incorporate regional partners?
  • You mention seeking out existing ATM operators.. I have a friend in my area that owns many in this area and manages them from top to bottom. What would be the advantage to him to incorporate this into his existing ATMs..can he?
  • I have tens of thousands of sq/ft of space in the bunker that would be ideal for assembly and/or distribution... need a Canadian distributor? Guaranteed to keep inventory safe under all conditions!  ;D
Looking forward to your reply!

I apologize, this is why I don't belong as the public voice of this.   According to the new guidance, US & Canadian companies can participate in JOBS act funding in accordance with US law.  Furthermore, parties from outside the US & Canada can participate by contributing capital, i.e. investing but cannot request capital e.g. make an offering.  In the USA, state law was completely pre-empted by the SEC in this regard.  It's possible some states such as AZ will likely sue to block the SEC.   If that occurs it would be a direct threat to our business model. 

Canadian companies are welcome to participate, but I expect that local laws there would not be superseded by SEC rules.  I recommend everyone with questions about legal applicability to their own situation consult this...  In short if I were a Canadian company seeking funding from the USA, I would definitely speak to my lawyer first.

As to number 2, we need boots on the ground everywhere, but we are waiting to put those boots on the ground until we have the shape of things hammered out.  I personally think we need to look at adding a marketing director as soon as possible.  If anyone is interested including newmine & tonyk2, the application form involves PMing me or Alec and introducing yourself at this point.

#3, incorporating into existing ATMs.  The help is totally welcome.  Alec struck a deal recently for expansion in Mexico that should add several units.  I'm doing my part to make sure those units integrate correctly.  We're also working on a deal for exposure in the USA at the moment.  Canada would be a good market into as well. 

Right my focus is on adapting existing Bitcoin ATMs to add Bitshares functionality to them.  If there were enough similar units from other manufacturers, I might push up the schedule.  I would do this if I could ascertain that there was someone with a sincere interest in the selling of bitshares through them. 

Odd you mention it though.  At the moment I'm fixing an ATM.  Specifically the thing on my desk in testing right now is a Skyhook, primarily because the software is already open source and I know a guy.  I've talked with other MFRs and have SDK access to about 3 different makes.  So it's more a matter of time than anything. 

As for the opportunity for the ATM owner/operator.  It's the opportunity to add a new revenue stream to your ATM business.  You set your margins and buy/sell coins directly.  We're working on a plan to reduce the bagholder risk while providing immediately liquidity too, but that plan needs a lot of work before it's worth discussing.  So can he participate?  Depends on the make and model right now.  If it's a skyhook I could use help in testing.  If it's not Skyhook, then PM me and we can talk.  SDK availability is the biggest hold up not really technical challenges.  A couple of MFRs are already in exclusive agreements with other crypto-companies, so my plan there is to work with those guys.

#4 Despite the fact I'm coding ATM software right this moment, I'm not in the ATM business.  I do know that there is a distributor opportunity from the MFR we are working most closely with.  So if you want to PM me your contact details I'll have them get a hold of you ASAP.

As far as us going into a bunker, it sounds like fun.  Probably going to need flame proof suits by the time this thread concludes ;)

I think I addressed everything, now if you'll excuse me the build tree on the replacement skyhook firmware just caught fire and I need to go see what's failing.  I'll check back in a few hours.

General Discussion / Re: gemspace -- SEC compliant platform
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:20:02 am »
Something tells me this is an alt-account created by someone who has been here awhile and they are attempting to pray on the desperate with the thoughts and dreams of success when BTS is at an all-time low in price and morale. It also seem that there are a few people blindly backing and accepting this guy despite the flags. This makes them either stupid, gullible, blind, or part of the scam. No offense of course.

Your advice is timely and should be well heeded. It is better to be careful then to regret later. 

The OP should answer the questions raised by NewMine.

Sorry what questions?  I read his post and I saw accusations that I felt really baseless.  Never saw a single question, very few facts and just a lot of assertions.
Perhaps if he has a question he could post his question, like everyone else did.

Also nothing to regret, no one is asking for anything, not even credibility or permission. 
We'll do as we like on our own schedule and structure our business according to our own needs. 

I started this to explain who we are, what we are doing and how we plan to do it and what we've done so far.
It's a convenience to the community so they aren't caught off guard.  I wish people would quit acting like we're trying to run a scam here, there's no scam. A scam would involve asking for something and I don't recall asking for anything but patience.

Despite the fact it's in the DAC section, we aren't a DAC and aren't seeking anything at all from the community.
Your expertise would be helpful as individuals and there are open positions that need to be filled.  Filling those from within the community would be ideal, but it's still up to members to choose whether or not they are interested in having the employment.

It's in the DAC thread because there literally doesn't appear to be any place on this forum for anyone who wants to build a business around bitshares to announce themselves.  If I'm wrong please point me in the proper direction or just move the thread to where it belongs.

General Discussion / Re: gemspace -- SEC compliant platform
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:10:15 am »
Thanks. Just one more question. Are entrepreneurs supposed to create their IPO shares in short-name assets (3 to 5 character), which require 500k BTS? Or do they have an option to choose long company acronym, say 6 to 8 character?

This is one of those areas that is still up in the air. 

The current plan involves gemspace handling the creation and registration of the asset name on their behalf as soon as they receive a filing ID back from the SEC.  I can see this quickly becoming cost prohibitive though, especially if the price of BTS climbs. I mean really, what happens here if/when BTS reaches dollar parity? 

What will likely happen is that we will give them a longer ID for bitshares purposes, and then adapt a plugin/filter that performs an on the fly rename for the asset.  This happens all the time on the bigger exchanges.  You might see AAPL, but you're really trading AAPL:US on the NASDAQ or something that looks an awful lot like US0024812085 on other exchanges ("note, that is the ISIN for a completely different company, but it's given as an example").  Back in the day, we dealt with things that looked like US0024812085.1.10.002 which would denote a company, an asset class a batch number and lot.  Trading systems can get really specific.

Again something being discussed, but the point is to keep the process affordable. 
You shouldn't have to mortgage your house just to seek crowdfunding.

Good questions guys, please keep them coming.

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