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- the fields for entering passwords in lock screen should be anti-keylogger

I don't think there's anything we can do to protect users when their workstation has been compromised to that extent.  If you have a specific anti-keylogging mechanism in mind, more details will allow a more specific analysis.

How about the password entry be through their smart phone which connects to the client somehow?

This isn't a viable approach.  The problem of securing two devices and the connection between them is clearly harder than securing a single device.


When you trust the client to verify itself, it can just report whatever it wants.  This is where I'm lost.  How can that be secure regardless of whatever complicated system you create under the hood?

He's trusting v0.4.22 to verify the hash of v0.4.23 is signed by known key(s).  Which is legitimate.

If a user sees that all of the trusted members have signed off that the executable is indeed the valid installer

Only whoever compiled a given binary version really knows what source code went into that version.  We need to set things up so that every delegate can compile his own version from source and all get the same binaries.  This will require some work though.  So for now we should encourage everyone to compile from source (especially delegates), and sign binaries with a single key for people who insist on using them.

- the internationalization is not complete (chinese interface), only the messages from web wallet is translated
- messages from bitshares core program is not translated
- messages from qt framework is not translated
- e.g., main menu,  status bar in the bottom
- e.g., 'Block are synced' should be shown as '區塊已經同步完成'

Where are you seeing messages from BitShares core and qt framework?  Screenshots might be helpful.

Chinese locale is available at and a directory listing of other translations is available at

If you have additional translations, the best way for us to receive them is pull requests to the above Github repo.

- if the installer detected that there are partitions other than c drive, the default path of wallet data should not be in c drive

I disagree.  On a typical system, a drive letter other than C: might be a recovery partition, an optical drive, a network drive or a removable USB drive.  Installing to any of these by default would be a problem.  If a user is technically un-sophisticated and goes with the default, then C: drive is most likely the right place.  If a user is technically knowledgeable enough to have multiple partitions / drives, then they will be technically knowledgeable enough to decide which drive they want to install it to, and change the installation path from the default.  (And I agree with you that it should be possible to change the installation path in the installer.)

If we install to the same partition as Windows by default, it makes sense:  (1) Users expect it because that is the default behavior of most programs, and (2) The Windows partition is likely to be a partition on a local SATA hard drive.

- If 64bit installer is still unstable, please address this point so that users can make their choice.

Are there specific issues with the 64-bit installer?  Can these crashes be reproduced?  Is the issue discussed in any other threads?

DevShares / Re: new blockchain "DevShares"
« on: October 29, 2014, 10:28:35 pm »

I am thinking DevShares will have non-zero value above and beyond your typical altcoin.  Because there is non-zero fundamental economic demand for early access to features like atomic cross-chain trading.  We haven't yet determined the feature set of DevShares.  However, I originally conceived of the DevShares idea as a platform to test some of my ideas for interesting approaches to AXCT.

Please keep in mind however:

Nobody, including bytemaster can tell you what DevShares are worth, or what their relative value will be, until they are freely traded on an open market.  All attempts are solely speculation based on opinion.

This post is entirely speculation based on my personal opinion; it is merely an educated guess, which could definitely be wrong.

General Discussion / Re: drltc's User Issued Asset Proposal
« on: October 26, 2014, 08:06:40 pm »
I don't like the arbitrary restrictions on character lengths.

The restriction is not arbitrary.  It's chosen based on the expectation that users desire to trade commodity-based BitAssets under the same ticker symbols as the real-world assets they represent, and usually real-world symbols are 1-4 characters.

I would also argue that 4 characters is very near the tipping point where the number of combinations available becomes large enough that the scarcity equation fundamentally changes.  I will agree that 4 characters is "arbitrary" in the sense that a cogent argument could be made for setting the cutoff at 1-5 characters instead, but I think the choice of 1-4 or 1-5 is definitely not arbitrary.

Anyone can propose a new BitAsset with an asset descriptor provided for a low fee. It only becomes added into the list if the delegates approve of it.

What if I want to create a token that'll only be traded privately between me and 5 friends?  Requiring delegate approval for each token issuance centralizes the system unnecessarily.

It does mean that no one is allowed to have a UIA that doesn't have either the ".key" or ".p2p" extension, which may be aesthetically displeasing to some, but I think that is a small price to pay for clarity.

I like the idea of requiring a UIA name to include its issuing account, to fully disclose to users that these tokens are issued by the named entity, and make it harder for users to get scammed by namesquatters.  But in a private discussion, bytemaster was not enthusiastic about the idea.  I'm not sure I clearly remember his reasoning, so I'm not going to attempt to paraphrase it.  My character length proposal preserves the aesthetic clarity of unqualified names, while keeping a clear line between delegate-fed BitAssets and UIA.

General Discussion / drltc's User Issued Asset Proposal
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:35:24 pm »

We are exploring the possibility of reducing the fee for user-created assets when we merge the chains.  bytemaster has expressed openness to reducing the fee to 10 BTSX or even less.  In this post, I would like to address the implications of such a policy.

Disclaimer:  While I am now officially a member of the I3 team, this post has not yet been adopted as an official I3 policy.  As of this writing, we have not yet reached internal consensus at I3 about how to handle the issues I raise in this post.

In terms of network resources, processing user-created asset transactions costs no more or less than processing transactions for built-in BitAssets. From a technical standpoint, implementing issuing, transferring, and market matching of bids/asks for user-created digital tokens already exists in the code.  Reducing the fee charged for these transactions to reflect their cost to the network will encourage new applications and keep someone from forking BitShares and "eating our lunch".

The main problem is that currently user-issued assets and built-in assets live in a shared global namespace.  I think the cleanest way to deal with the problem is to separate the system into two parts.  (1) Internally, each asset should have a unique identifier, a hex string which is the hash of a JSON "asset descriptor" object describing the purpose of the asset, how many are issued, etc.  (2) Then we should provide a mapping mechanism allowing names in a more human-friendly namespace to be mapped to asset descriptor hashes.

Under the mapping mechanism, short or memorable names in the namespace are scarce resources.  A market-based mechanism is the best way to discover their value.  Fortunately, in the merged chain we are already planning to implement a market mechanism allowing price discovery for allocation of names in a namespace -- that is the entire purpose of DNS / KeyID.

I propose the following mapping mechanism:

- All one-to-four character entries in the global namespace come into existence as market-based assets when a majority of delegates publish an asset descriptor indicating their support.
- Five or more character entries belong to the owner of the corresponding .coin domain and are allocated by the DNS auction process.
- Per-account entries such as drltc.titan/mytoken can be allocated to the owner of the corresponding TITAN account.
- .coin URL's such as drltc.coin/mytoken can be allocated to the owner of the corresponding .coin domain.

Each of these namespaces serves a different market.  One-to-four character entries are likely the same as real-world stocks and commodities. The cost and setup time is high -- adding a token requires convincing a majority of delegates to support it.

Five-or-more character entries are usable by people who want tokens inscribed with their brand.  The cost and setup time is medium -- they must obtain a DNS name, which is substantially less difficult than convincing 51 delegates, but substantially more time-consuming and expensive than a single transaction fee.

Per-account or TLD entries are most suitable for small experiments or private-issue tokens.  For these applications, branding is not a concern so long as the coin has *some* human-readable, globally unique identifier.  Speedy turnaround time and low cost are still desirable.  The cost and setup time is small -- simply paying a transaction fee.

For simplicity of implementation, the name-to-asset-descriptor mapping should only be mutable if all tokens have been burned.

On Friday, at I3 we internally discussed an idea based on a hard-coded list of one-to-four letter names representing real-world stocks and commodities.  Upon reflection, I've come to believe that such a scheme is inherently brittle, essentially requiring a hardfork if the hard-coded list is incomplete.

General Discussion / drltc is joining the BitShares team
« on: October 21, 2014, 03:51:32 pm »

In response to my previous thread [1], Toast invited me to come hang out with the BitShares team for a week in real life.  bytemaster invited me to join the BitShares team, and I accepted.

I'm impressed with the team's potential, and things will only get better with me on board.  Despite recent market movements, great things are ahead for BitShares!



I think there might be some cherry picking effect here.  I.e. there are probably around a couple hundred crapcoins around -- are you comparing us to an average crapcoin, or only to the best crapcoins?

Also keep in mind some of those market caps might be paper numbers only.  Crapcoins can have illiquid markets (so the market cap doesn't accurately reflect real demand), low effective float (due to premining or other manipulation resulting in much of a coin in the hands of a few), or market manipulation (your data may merely be illustrating the pump stage of a pump-and-dump).

General Discussion / Re: Atomic Cross Chain Trading
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:11:19 pm »
For those that did not attend the latest dev hangout, BM briefly explained how cross-chain trading would work.

Is this explanation somewhere online?

Anything I forgot to describe? Anything unclear?

The form of AXCT you describe requires both chains to implement the withdraw_password_type operation.  Thus it is only practical between two BitShares Toolkit chains.  A potential AXCT implementation would have more value if it supported coins such as BTC, LTC, DOGE, etc. (without requiring a hardfork in those non-BitShares Toolkit chains).

Another minor nitpick:  The described protocol is not truly atomic.  If Bob is offline between Alice revealing the password and the expiry of Alice's transaction, Alice may end up with both BTSX and DNS.  You can reduce (but not eliminate) this possibility by lengthening the time Bob would need to be offline for this to happen.

I have proposed a protocol which fixes the above deficiencies.  (emski independently developed an identical protocol.)  However my / our protocol imposes an additional requirement:  It requires a way for the network to "know" whether the delivery of the "foreign" currency occurred.  I.e. we (the BTSX network) need to know what happened on the foreign chain (the BTC network).

One way to satisfy this requirement is having delegates to monitor the foreign chain.  This is less than ideal:  (1) Supporting N altcoins would require the delegates to run N different clients; (2) You have the political problem of choosing which altcoins to support, (3) Fully auditing delegates' good behavior also requires N foreign clients, so you have the problem of either (4) Less thorough delegate auditing, or (5) Running N different clients on all nodes.

I've come up with a less centralized way to meet the requirement without too much burden; a way to make the network "know" what happened on the foreign chain.  However, I haven't written it up yet.  I think AXCT between BTSX and BTC would have some value.  It would make it easier to leverage existing BTC infrastructure.  For example, it would be fairly simple for a third party to use AXCT to build a translation app which allows using BitUSD to pay a specified number of Bitcoins to a specified Bitcoin address, e.g. paying a BitPay invoice [1] [2].

Also, if we have AXCT for DOGE <-> BTSX and BTSX <-> BTC, then essentially we can allow users to trade DOGE <-> BTC without trusting any fiduciary.  Making the "MtGox problem" a thing of the past.

In addition, I suspect a working, live implementation would get us a lot of attention; basically free marketing.

[1] With AXCT support for BitUSD -> BTC, this app would not require any fiduciary trust from the user.  Without AXCT, this app is still possible, but either the app must have API access to the user's account at bter or a similar fiduciary exchange, or the app maintainers must have fiduciary control of user funds.

[2] This app would provide value by (from the user's point of view) enabling every merchant who accepts BTC to also accept BitUSD, without any action on the part of the merchant.


I think that it should, in principle, be possible to run BitShares on a completely open source system where the user could theoretically audit the source code of any component.  In particular, there should be no closed-source or pre-compiled components in the BitShares toolkit itself.  The BitShares Toolkit should allow users to audit every line of code that could potentially gain access to the private keys controlling their funds.

Of course, if some individual user want to make an individual choice based on individual convenience / security tradeoff preferences, they should also be free to choose to trust OS vendors, binary package repos, PPA's, precompiled binaries, etc.

There is a binary blob in the BitShares toolkit source tree at  This binary blob is apparently used for crash reporting functionality.  I requested it to be removed.  This request was overruled; see  (However, the dependency was made optional in the build.)  The issue has not been revisited in approximately two months since then.  I'm starting this thread to discuss why it's still there and try to build consensus about how to satisfy the goal of making the source code (in principle) more auditable by (if possible) removing the binary blobs.

What is stopping us from managing this CrashRpt dependency the same way we manage OpenSSL dependency?  We don't put precompiled OpenSSL binaries in the source tree.  Instead we have DLL's, so's or statically linked libraries that come from somewhere else (the package manager on Ubuntu; I'm not really sure what Windows and Mac do, perhaps they require the user to separately, perhaps manually, download and compile OpenSSL from source?).

What is stopping us from managing this CrashRpt dependency the same way we manage LevelDB dependency?  We don't put precompiled LevelDB binaries in the source tree.  Instead we have the LevelDB source code in a submodule, and its build is integrated with the main project's build.

General Discussion / Re: VOTE DAC Just Got More Interesting
« on: October 16, 2014, 12:51:47 am »
I don't think the corruption of money in politics can be solved through technical means or policy changes. I think the solution is through education. Educating people to be less susceptible to manipulation by propaganda. Educating people to do their own research and think critically.

They actually did this when I was in middle school (US public school system).  I still remember the names for different forms of advertising / propaganda -- "bandwagon" (telling someone to use your product because it's popular), "testimonial" (celebrity endorsements), "transfer" (implying something with images without stating it in words).

KeyID / Re: DNS price likely to fall in the short term?
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:30:22 pm »
My guess is that the low float also has something to do with re-branding as KeyID.  I've stayed far away from Keyhotee stuff because I'm not really enthusiastic about their business model for a variety of reasons.  So a lot of people probably just skip this subforum in the list.  I'm kind of a forum regular and I didn't know about the re-branding or the launch until Toast told me directly in a private conversation.

The point is, I think the float is so low because people just don't know about the DNS launch.  There has been so little marketing that even people like me, who follow the forum closely, weren't aware of it!

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