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Topics - killuminati

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Openledger withdraw
« on: April 25, 2018, 12:09:08 am »
Ive been waiting now for over 5 hours for a transfer from openledger to binance. I have noticed lately when sending larger amounts over 1k that the transfer doesnt go through until several hours later during key lvles of resistance. Its almost as if someone is holding the funds while the price drops so they can transfer it later to my wallet at a lower price. If its a maintenance issue then they should shut down the ability to transfer before maintenance so that transfers arent in limbo for several hours or days. I also have noticed that when this happens and the price begins to surge the transfer magically goes through. So here is hoping that eos goes back up before a major correction down. Im done using gateways to transfer funds to and from bitshares as this has happened several times and im not the only one complaining about it today in the telegram channel.

General Discussion / Bitshares STEALTH
« on: January 23, 2018, 06:45:16 am »
Does anyone have any information on when STEALTH will be usable on the Bitshares  platform. I see the coin and every few months I see another article saying STEALTH is on its way but nothing happens.

Technical Support / Open Ledger withdrawal issue
« on: December 16, 2017, 08:20:34 am »
About 9 hours ago I sent BTC to Cryptopia exhange using open BTC on the Bitshares platform but it hasn't shown up yet. I opened a support ticket but I haven't received a response from support yet. Does anyone know if there is a way to cancel my withdrawal transaction or am I screwed? The ticket I opened has been open for 9 hours with no response and I have no idea where my money is (somewhere in the cloud I guess). If it was a smaller amount I wouldn't be worried but it was for a larger amount. What should I do?

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