Author Topic: Marketing Direction - Why not How or What...  (Read 29859 times)

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Offline JoeyD

I'm saying two things. First everybody wants to become the next Apple or Steve Jobs, but that doesn't mean you will, so I think you should plan for the long difficult road instead of counting on becoming a rock-star overnight.

Second, I do not want to help create a second Apple at all. I do not like anything Apple stands for it is the complete opposite that we hope to achieve here. What philosophy of Apple with their patent trolling, walled garden, monopolistic tactics and gatekeeper ridden appstore held together by their Reality Distortion Field marketing is in any way, shape or form exemplary for bitshares?

Offline jae208

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According to this guy there are absolutely no short cuts when creating start ups. The only way to succeed is by creating a superior product or service. I think that as of right now Bitshares as a platform is superior to any of the other blockchain projects guess BM is saying that we need more followers who believe that too.

Above his lecture is an interview Steve Jobs did when he had his own start up called "NEXT" after he left or got fired from Apple. In that interview Steve Jobs says that you have to have passion otherwise you give up on your start up.

I agree that we are not Apple but that doesn't mean that there is nothing we can learn from their success. A work in progress
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Offline JoeyD

True... but apple has the highest BRAND LOYALTY in the business and is the largest company in the world... recovering from near bankruptcy in just 15 years.

Ok let me get this straight, I'll use this analogy to illustrate how this discussion is sounding to me.

There is this big rockstar, let's call him Mr. Unfresh Banana. He's had a great career with a big slump, but against all odds still able to make a great comeback and he's doing well financially. But he seems to be on the end of his career and he hasn't made any new hits lately and chances of him doing a David Bowie are looking less likely with each passing day.

Now here comes our little rockstar wannabee and he's a big fan of Mr. Unfresh Banana and he has quite the songwriting ability himself, BUT his showmanship and onstage presence sucks and he's been consistently failing in all these public performances. Not because his music was bad, but just because he's a terrible showman. Now he's betting the farm on his performance on American Idols.

Please tell me bitshares is not betting the farm on it's performance on American Idols and thinking that they can just copy what this big rockstar Mr. Secondhand Fruit has done and become a rockstar just like that. Has anyone ever watched the show, do you know what happens to most people who think they can dance?

If brand loyalty or fanboism is the deciding factor, then doesn't that mean we are screwed already? We are not Apple, actually to put it in perspective we are the little upstarts trying to lure fans away from the Apples in this world despite their massive religious-cult-like status. So we just need to make sure our music rocks a helluva lot more than the drab uninspired stuff the old farts are repeating who've lost their motivation decades ago. Let's get people dancing to the music and not count on our showmanship, because lets face it, there are quite a few others in this battle of the bands who do a hell of a lot better in the show department.

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Offline jae208

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It is true Apple has a large market cap. It may be the first company to reach $1 trillion dollar market cap. They do really well compared to Google.

I guess the emotion aspect is very important after all. Question is how do you achieve a loyal following like Apple? Also, would it be a good idea if we each made at least one youtube video about anything related to Bitshares and shared it with our friends and family via email, facebook, twitter and of course youtube? Our friends in China could do this as well with the social media networks they use. My reasoning for this is that instead of waiting for a central marketing plan from a central institution, couldn't we achieve mass marketing and exposure if hundreds of people managed to expose at least 10 other people to Bitshares? A work in progress
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Offline Method-X

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True... but apple has the highest BRAND LOYALTY in the business and is the largest company in the world... recovering from near bankruptcy in just 15 years.

Not to take this conversation off topic but a realization I came to last night was that instant messaging applications are likely a perfect case study for type of user adoption we're likely to have. I remember everyone here in Canada used to use MSN Messenger while my American friends used AOL. Every major country seems to have its own messaging app. I see the dynamics for BitAsset network effect being similar. Just wanted to squeeze that in. :D

Offline Gentso1

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You need to know why first and then have a great product second. 

The why can appeal mainstream. I don't intend to push anarchism on the masses.   But if we can tap into instinct and emotion then we will get a higher conversion rate.

I think you are giving the mainstream public far to much credit. Why worry about finding a deep emotion that may or may not exist when you can appeal to them through utility and incentives.

You started this journey saying you wanted to be a NYSE and how we could win based that we do everything they do cheaper, faster and more secure.

Now you describe tapping into a instinct or emotion? What bank or trading platform brings up feelings of emotion(other then maybe that e*trade baby)? Why not follow proven marketing models that the finical sector has use with such great success? Like it or not people hear dollars more then bleeding hearts.

Here is to the "Rick Falkvinge doesn’t want to stand here in 20 years, saying Bitcoin was once legal" The part I would like to key you to is at the 35:00 marker about how to move the masses and truer words could not have been spoken. Oh and go figure in the example he gives of the electronics's merchants wanting to increase their profit margins because that sector the profit margin is so low. Guess what it was the electronic merchants that were some of the first to jump on the crypto scene.....

There are several different kinds of people out there and it is very difficult for one type to understand the other.

1) Android users focus on specs, cpu, screen size and resolution,
2) Apple users focus on experience, brand, perceived quality and don't care about specs (as long as they can do what they need to do)

Few people are willing to put money into BTSX or BitUSD based upon specs alone... they will look at the specs and say "great"... I'll wait until it matures a bit before I am ready to use BitUSD.

So we need to find a way to motivate people to disregard the "short term viability" and join for the long term.   To use it "just because they can" and "just to make a point".   I am talking about a strategy for the next 6-12 months not a "forever" strategy.     Long term utility will carry the day, short term we need to find more early adopters and thus we need to market to things that drive early adoption.

I agree with you 100% if you add the word incentive to utility. I want to be clear utility is to a degree a must for either approach. Its incentive that will bring them in masses.

The android analogy is perfect. I am not a apple fan but I do admire the marketing, but the numbers speak for themselves. now holds 61.9% of the U.S. market share to Apple’s 32.5%, the lowest percentage iOS has captured since the iPhone 4s launched in 2011.

android follows utility and incentive based approach vs apple who wins hearts and minds.

True... but apple has the highest BRAND LOYALTY in the business and is the largest company in the world... recovering from near bankruptcy in just 15 years.
Your right and I agree the apple marketing strategy CAN work. Apple also had the head start in the market, a luxury we do not have. Apple also had Steve Jobs, who had a aura about him that is a rare find in any field.

My only point and the number's support this is that the android approach not only stole market share from a front  runner but now continues to dominate the market. It is clearly the more efficient model.

Offline bytemaster

You need to know why first and then have a great product second. 

The why can appeal mainstream. I don't intend to push anarchism on the masses.   But if we can tap into instinct and emotion then we will get a higher conversion rate.

I think you are giving the mainstream public far to much credit. Why worry about finding a deep emotion that may or may not exist when you can appeal to them through utility and incentives.

You started this journey saying you wanted to be a NYSE and how we could win based that we do everything they do cheaper, faster and more secure.

Now you describe tapping into a instinct or emotion? What bank or trading platform brings up feelings of emotion(other then maybe that e*trade baby)? Why not follow proven marketing models that the finical sector has use with such great success? Like it or not people hear dollars more then bleeding hearts.

Here is to the "Rick Falkvinge doesn’t want to stand here in 20 years, saying Bitcoin was once legal" The part I would like to key you to is at the 35:00 marker about how to move the masses and truer words could not have been spoken. Oh and go figure in the example he gives of the electronics's merchants wanting to increase their profit margins because that sector the profit margin is so low. Guess what it was the electronic merchants that were some of the first to jump on the crypto scene.....

There are several different kinds of people out there and it is very difficult for one type to understand the other.

1) Android users focus on specs, cpu, screen size and resolution,
2) Apple users focus on experience, brand, perceived quality and don't care about specs (as long as they can do what they need to do)

Few people are willing to put money into BTSX or BitUSD based upon specs alone... they will look at the specs and say "great"... I'll wait until it matures a bit before I am ready to use BitUSD.

So we need to find a way to motivate people to disregard the "short term viability" and join for the long term.   To use it "just because they can" and "just to make a point".   I am talking about a strategy for the next 6-12 months not a "forever" strategy.     Long term utility will carry the day, short term we need to find more early adopters and thus we need to market to things that drive early adoption.

I agree with you 100% if you add the word incentive to utility. I want to be clear utility is to a degree a must for either approach. Its incentive that will bring them in masses.

The android analogy is perfect. I am not a apple fan but I do admire the marketing, but the numbers speak for themselves. now holds 61.9% of the U.S. market share to Apple’s 32.5%, the lowest percentage iOS has captured since the iPhone 4s launched in 2011.

android follows utility and incentive based approach vs apple who wins hearts and minds.

True... but apple has the highest BRAND LOYALTY in the business and is the largest company in the world... recovering from near bankruptcy in just 15 years.   
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Offline Method-X

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Long term utility will carry the day, short term we need to find more early adopters and thus we need to market to things that drive early adoption.

+5% +5% +5%

Offline Gentso1

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You need to know why first and then have a great product second. 

The why can appeal mainstream. I don't intend to push anarchism on the masses.   But if we can tap into instinct and emotion then we will get a higher conversion rate.

I think you are giving the mainstream public far to much credit. Why worry about finding a deep emotion that may or may not exist when you can appeal to them through utility and incentives.

You started this journey saying you wanted to be a NYSE and how we could win based that we do everything they do cheaper, faster and more secure.

Now you describe tapping into a instinct or emotion? What bank or trading platform brings up feelings of emotion(other then maybe that e*trade baby)? Why not follow proven marketing models that the finical sector has use with such great success? Like it or not people hear dollars more then bleeding hearts.

Here is to the "Rick Falkvinge doesn’t want to stand here in 20 years, saying Bitcoin was once legal" The part I would like to key you to is at the 35:00 marker about how to move the masses and truer words could not have been spoken. Oh and go figure in the example he gives of the electronics's merchants wanting to increase their profit margins because that sector the profit margin is so low. Guess what it was the electronic merchants that were some of the first to jump on the crypto scene.....

There are several different kinds of people out there and it is very difficult for one type to understand the other.

1) Android users focus on specs, cpu, screen size and resolution,
2) Apple users focus on experience, brand, perceived quality and don't care about specs (as long as they can do what they need to do)

Few people are willing to put money into BTSX or BitUSD based upon specs alone... they will look at the specs and say "great"... I'll wait until it matures a bit before I am ready to use BitUSD.

So we need to find a way to motivate people to disregard the "short term viability" and join for the long term.   To use it "just because they can" and "just to make a point".   I am talking about a strategy for the next 6-12 months not a "forever" strategy.     Long term utility will carry the day, short term we need to find more early adopters and thus we need to market to things that drive early adoption.

I agree with you 100% if you add the word incentive to utility. I want to be clear utility is to a degree a must for either approach. Its incentive that will bring them in masses.

The android analogy is perfect. I am not a apple fan but I do admire the marketing, but the numbers speak for themselves. now holds 61.9% of the U.S. market share to Apple’s 32.5%, the lowest percentage iOS has captured since the iPhone 4s launched in 2011.

android follows utility and incentive based approach vs apple who wins hearts and minds. Its also worth noting that android took the market from it's competitor's who arrived on the scene before it. When android came out its claim to fame was that it could do everything apple could do but cheaper and thats how it started from no following to being a leader.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2014, 09:26:45 pm by Gentso1 »

Offline tonyk

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You need to know why first and then have a great product second. 

The why can appeal mainstream. I don't intend to push anarchism on the masses.   But if we can tap into instinct and emotion then we will get a higher conversion rate.

I think you are giving the mainstream public far to much credit. Why worry about finding a deep emotion that may or may not exist when you can appeal to them through utility and incentives.

You started this journey saying you wanted to be a NYSE and how we could win based that we do everything they do cheaper, faster and more secure.

Now you describe tapping into a instinct or emotion? What bank or trading platform brings up feelings of emotion(other then maybe that e*trade baby)? Why not follow proven marketing models that the finical sector has use with such great success? Like it or not people hear dollars more then bleeding hearts.

Here is to the "Rick Falkvinge doesn’t want to stand here in 20 years, saying Bitcoin was once legal" The part I would like to key you to is at the 35:00 marker about how to move the masses and truer words could not have been spoken. Oh and go figure in the example he gives of the electronics's merchants wanting to increase their profit margins because that sector the profit margin is so low. Guess what it was the electronic merchants that were some of the first to jump on the crypto scene.....

There are several different kinds of people out there and it is very difficult for one type to understand the other.

1) Android users focus on specs, cpu, screen size and resolution,
2) Apple users focus on experience, brand, perceived quality and don't care about specs (as long as they can do what they need to do)

Few people are willing to put money into BTSX or BitUSD based upon specs alone... they will look at the specs and say "great"... I'll wait until it matures a bit before I am ready to use BitUSD.

So we need to find a way to motivate people to disregard the "short term viability" and join for the long term.   To use it "just because they can" and "just to make a point".   I am talking about a strategy for the next 6-12 months not a "forever" strategy.     Long term utility will carry the day, short term we need to find more early adopters and thus we need to market to things that drive early adoption.

It might be know by now that I am a bit slow [as in retarded] when it comes to marketing...

So, on page 7, I finally found something 'marketing' that I can comprehend and agree with the logic... up to know it sounded like blablabla "in my opinion/according to me / that other marketing generous or because it is how it is done", now matter what positions was defended.

[I still have no clue what is the right way to my limited mind bitUSD should be selling itself. Why? Because it is so obviously great that I cannot see how it will not...]
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline bytemaster

You need to know why first and then have a great product second. 

The why can appeal mainstream. I don't intend to push anarchism on the masses.   But if we can tap into instinct and emotion then we will get a higher conversion rate.

I think you are giving the mainstream public far to much credit. Why worry about finding a deep emotion that may or may not exist when you can appeal to them through utility and incentives.

You started this journey saying you wanted to be a NYSE and how we could win based that we do everything they do cheaper, faster and more secure.

Now you describe tapping into a instinct or emotion? What bank or trading platform brings up feelings of emotion(other then maybe that e*trade baby)? Why not follow proven marketing models that the finical sector has use with such great success? Like it or not people hear dollars more then bleeding hearts.

Here is to the "Rick Falkvinge doesn’t want to stand here in 20 years, saying Bitcoin was once legal" The part I would like to key you to is at the 35:00 marker about how to move the masses and truer words could not have been spoken. Oh and go figure in the example he gives of the electronics's merchants wanting to increase their profit margins because that sector the profit margin is so low. Guess what it was the electronic merchants that were some of the first to jump on the crypto scene.....

There are several different kinds of people out there and it is very difficult for one type to understand the other.

1) Android users focus on specs, cpu, screen size and resolution,
2) Apple users focus on experience, brand, perceived quality and don't care about specs (as long as they can do what they need to do)

Few people are willing to put money into BTSX or BitUSD based upon specs alone... they will look at the specs and say "great"... I'll wait until it matures a bit before I am ready to use BitUSD.

So we need to find a way to motivate people to disregard the "short term viability" and join for the long term.   To use it "just because they can" and "just to make a point".   I am talking about a strategy for the next 6-12 months not a "forever" strategy.     Long term utility will carry the day, short term we need to find more early adopters and thus we need to market to things that drive early adoption.

For the latest updates checkout my blog:
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Offline Gentso1

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You need to know why first and then have a great product second. 

The why can appeal mainstream. I don't intend to push anarchism on the masses.   But if we can tap into instinct and emotion then we will get a higher conversion rate.

I think you are giving the mainstream public far to much credit. Why worry about finding a deep emotion that may or may not exist when you can appeal to them through utility and incentives.

You started this journey saying you wanted to be a NYSE and how we could win based that we do everything they do cheaper, faster and more secure.

Now you describe tapping into a instinct or emotion? What bank or trading platform brings up feelings of emotion(other then maybe that e*trade baby)? Why not follow proven marketing models that the finical sector has use with such great success? Like it or not people hear dollars more then bleeding hearts.

Here is to the "Rick Falkvinge doesn’t want to stand here in 20 years, saying Bitcoin was once legal" The part I would like to key you to is at the 35:00 marker about how to move the masses and truer words could not have been spoken. Oh and go figure in the example he gives of the electronics's merchants wanting to increase their profit margins because that sector the profit margin is so low. Guess what it was the electronic merchants that were some of the first to jump on the crypto scene.....
« Last Edit: October 28, 2014, 08:42:14 pm by Gentso1 »

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Some members have already thought about TreZor  for BitShares .. and in theory .. it's the same math behind both, BTC and BTS ... the only issue I am seeing currently is TITAN which makes it pretty difficult to separate the private key from reading history (i.e. scanning of transactions)
I don't think that TreZor will ever be able to run with TITAN addresses .. however, if you used non-TITAN transactions .. it should be possible .. with some tweaks ..

Offline matt608

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The  minute somebody can make a "trezor" like security for the bitassets this thing will explode. Until then people will always prefer keeping their money under the mattress than online.

In Greece most wealthy people don't keep their money in local banks anymore...Seriously almost everyone has a vault in their house. I am very confident that if those people can keep their funds in a usb stick securely from an online attack then I can sell the biteur concept  to anyone.
Whenever I mention to someone about biteur or bitusd and I explain them the logic and how it works the first thing they ask me is about security.

I would vote for a delegate to have dilution to develop a bitasset trezor.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2014, 07:48:52 pm by matt608 »