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Topics - pinwc4

Pages: [1]
MemoryCoin / Linux mining question
« on: December 25, 2013, 09:27:23 pm »
Last week I was mining this coin with no problem, well outside of the Linux crashes.  This week the daemon no longer crashed but I do not seem to be getting any coins at all. 

When looking through the logs the only thing that stands out is an entry like this:
Code: [Select]
ERROR: AcceptBlock() : incorrect proof of work
ERROR: ProcessBlock() : AcceptBlock FAILED

I do not know if that is related to my problem but it looks like a bad thing.

My friend is experiencing the same behavior.  Between us we have 55 systems running, mostly HP or similar servers.  Based on the calculator we should be seeing a block of coins approximately every few hours.  However we have gotten only 2 and they only showed up after some restarts.  Running this for a long time never adds to the balance of the wallet.dat that is shared across the servers.

We are running ubuntu 13.10, though I guess we could rebuild if necessary, I think he pxe boots his servers so it would be quick for him not as quick for me. 

I compiled the source using the following steps:
Code: [Select]
sudo su
apt-get install -y build-essential m4 libssl-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libminiupnpc-dev git
rm -rf gmp-5.1.3.tar.bz2 gmp-5.1.3
tar xjvf gmp-5.1.3.tar.bz2
cd gmp-5.1.3
./configure --enable-cxx
make -j8
make install
git clone
cd memorycoin/src
cp makefile.unix
sed -i -e 's/$(OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH))/$(OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH) \/usr\/local\/include)/'
sed -i -e 's/$(OPENSSL_LIB_PATH))/$(OPENSSL_LIB_PATH) \/usr\/local\/lib)/'
sed -i -e 's/$(LDHARDENING) $(LDFLAGS)/$(LDHARDENING) -Wl,-rpath,\/usr\/local\/lib $(LDFLAGS)/'
make -f -j8
strip bitcoind
mv bitcoind ~/memorycoind
mkdir -p .memorycoin
cd .memorycoin

I then put in a copy of a basic memorycoin.conf file:

Code: [Select]

Then finally I place a copy of all the other .memorycoin folder files in the directory.  This includes everything so I do not have to resync, and also so I am sharing a wallet.dat file across the machines. 

This process worked fine last week however this week it has not been resulting in any mining.  The CPU usage is high, memory usage is high, I see a HPM figure that looks good on each system, but no coins are found. 

If anyone has any insight I would appreciate it.  This has baffled me for a bit.  With the holidays I have not been able to spend time troubleshooting it but I figure I must be doing something stupid.

Marketplace / WTB 10+ PTS for 50+ MMC
« on: December 20, 2013, 03:23:27 pm »
I am interested in acquiring some PTS.  Unless you are willing to send first I would prefer to go through escrow.  If someone is willing to trade more PTS I would like to get more than 10, just was hoping to be able to get at least 10. 

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