Author Topic: Cannot find tx in receiver's wallet when transfer using active key address  (Read 1253 times)

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Offline vikram

# transfer to either owner or active key of registered account
wallet_transfer_to_address nnnn MYUIA from_addr BTS...

# can verify that the tx was successful because receiver wallet shows an increase in the value of MYUIA

# but I can't find the corresponding txid or tx details with

Is there another api method I should be using?

There are known problems with transfer-to-address not showing up in the history. It's on the todo list.


  • Guest
# transfer to either owner or active key of registered account
wallet_transfer_to_address nnnn MYUIA from_addr BTS...

# can verify that the tx was successful because receiver wallet shows an increase in the value of MYUIA

# but I can't find the corresponding txid or tx details with

Is there another api method I should be using?