Author Topic: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts  (Read 89134 times)

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Offline drmyfore

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #112 on: January 02, 2014, 10:37:11 am »

Emm, my operating system is Windows 8.1 Enterprise,
I use "start" to run each bat file.

first, I edit the config files for every process, and create run1.bat/run2.bat

and in order to assign each process to the corresponding Node, I find the "start" command can help me.

for example,
start /high /node 0 /affinity FFFFF run1.bat
start /high /node 1 /affinity FFFFF run2.bat

node parameter is to set the process to corresponding Node.
and the affinity parameter is to set the processor affinity,
you know, the one 2680v2 have 10C20T, so the bin code is 11111111111111111111 (20 Threads, each thread is enabled) , so the in hex it's FFFFF
by the way, if you want to disabled a core, you can change 1 -> 0.

I found you are using Linux, so my solution may not help you.   :-[

Offline EvilTwin

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #111 on: January 02, 2014, 09:52:29 am »
@drmyfore Can you tell me how you set up your system? I have the same hardware(2x 2680v2), but I only get half of your cpm.
I bound 2 processes to each socket/node using numactl, but that didnt help. I'm using the yam-ivy-bridge miner.

Offline heartwinter

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #110 on: January 02, 2014, 02:22:17 am »
Server 2003 R2 X64
DUAL E5-4607 /16G  jhprotominer 165cpm -t 20 -m512

Offline drmyfore

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #109 on: January 01, 2014, 01:47:40 pm »
yeah, I have already enabled huge pages,
I use bat files to ensure that each process can open at the same time
start command can ensure that each process set the corresponding Node

I will test 512, the 1024 seemed about 1250 CPM

Offline yvg1900

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #108 on: January 01, 2014, 11:57:29 am »
You shall enable huge pages as explained in the docs, then test 512 and 1024. Run commands seem to be ok, but I would use start directly on miner executable, not on bat file.

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Offline drmyfore

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #107 on: January 01, 2014, 10:42:00 am »
thanks for you reply.

I use following command to run two programs:

start /high /node 0 /affinity FFFFF run1.bat
start /high /node 1 /affinity FFFFF run2.bat

My memory run at four channels at 1866 per CPU (4DIMMS per CPU)


expect for comparing different memory size, do you think what I need to do adjustments?

Offline yvg1900

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #106 on: January 01, 2014, 10:00:28 am »
As of memory edition, Linux versns support up to 2048M, but in your case try 512, compare perf and report. Men bandwidth is a bottleneck, not the size.

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #105 on: January 01, 2014, 09:59:12 am »

Your Mach shall be at approx. 1200-1300 CPM. I test on dual E5-2697v2 and easily go above 1500, but my mach is OCed.

It is also for sure possible that you were significantly underperforming if was running 1 process and no proper numa setup - all the mem accesses were over QPI and extremely slow.

Also this is typical for multi socket machs to fine tune to different av on different socket due to slightly different periferials connected to each socket that lead to different memory controller configs and memory layouts.

You can try to investigate low level hw cfg of your mach and I believe it will explain a lot.

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Offline drmyfore

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #104 on: January 01, 2014, 09:37:02 am »
by the way,
do you have more than 1024m edition? or does bigger memory for per thread catch the better performance?
because I have 128GB memory, but now I just use 40GB, so...

Offline drmyfore

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #103 on: January 01, 2014, 09:34:01 am »

Hi, my cpus are two E5-2680v2

at m7h and use -f 0, I found the best performance is -f 29, and I can catch about 560 at 40T 1024M

TODAY I download the yam edition,

I run two programs at each socket:

PTS Agg. CPM: 611.4; Rnds C/I: 8579/300, Don. C/I: 99/0; Cfg/Thr CPM: 633.3/33.0
66 262 rnds AV=5, ART=7618; FT AV/RT: 5/7601, Best AV/RT: 2/7361 On-line, Shares Submitted 517, Accepted 511
Share found!
PTS Agg. CPM: 610.6; Rnds C/I: 8599/300, Don. C/I: 99/0; Cfg/Thr CPM: 609.3/32.2
48 282 rnds AV=5, ART=7627; FT AV/RT: 5/7614, Best AV/RT: 2/7361 On-line, Shares Submitted 518, Accepted 512

PTS Agg. CPM: 619.7; Rnds C/I: 9939/320, Don. C/I: 198/0; Cfg/Thr CPM: 589.9/29.
043 277 rnds AV=29, ART=7592; FT AV/RT: 29/7660, Best AV/RT: 11/7242 On-line, Shares Submitted 548, Accepted 542
Share found!
Share found!
PTS Agg. CPM: 619.6; Rnds C/I: 9959/320, Don. C/I: 198/0; Cfg/Thr CPM: 587.0/29.
528 297 rnds AV=29, ART=7594; FT AV/RT: 29/7657, Best AV/RT: 11/7242 On-line, Shares Submitted 550, Accepted 544

1 + 2>1200?!

FROM 560 TO 1200? So strange!
but It seemed each program can't find the best av value. Please help me, Thanks.

Offline shirokami

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #102 on: January 01, 2014, 06:20:11 am »
I am getting Error: boost::bad_any_cast: failed conversion using boost::any_cast trying to mine protoshares with yam-yvg1900-M7i-win64-sandy-bridge miner any idea whats wrong?

Offline jae208

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #101 on: January 01, 2014, 03:33:05 am »
Does anybody on here know how many collisions per minute you would need to generate at least one protoshare per day? Also, anyone know how long it would take you to find a block with 20 collisions per minute? Thats what I have on my desktop. A work in progress
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Offline yvg1900

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #100 on: January 01, 2014, 03:26:15 am »
Huge pages assume it is possible to allocate requested memory region in physical ram aligned to specific addresses, and the block shall be continuous. I can easily imagine that even after boot your memory allocation is already somehow fragmented. Also 8gb is absolute minimum, below windows even does not switch huge pages on. Actually, these error messages are just warnings so you take more care of your setup, but only way to really get rid of them is to install more ram...

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Offline sohueasy

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #99 on: January 01, 2014, 01:56:33 am »
Sohueasy - asking once again - how much physical ram your system has? How much is free right after system boot?

Sent from my AT10PE-A using Tapatalk

system info: i7 3632qm, 8GB physical mem without any virtual mem

before restart, I got 4.8GB free mem, after reboot I got 5.7GB free mem

yesterday I tried several times,sometimes yam can start with no error, sometimes with 1450 error,it seems all at random

ps. I run 7 threads with 512MB mem each
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 02:01:44 am by sohueasy »

Offline krpetrov

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Re: jhProtominer - CPU and collisions/min charts
« Reply #98 on: December 31, 2013, 10:50:10 am »
Thanks man. I solved it.
Any chance for 32bit ver of your miner to pops out ?