Author Topic: 1200 PTS - New Invictus Website Ready to Deploy [CLOSED]  (Read 66032 times)

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Offline bytemaster

I'm still waiting for the subject to change to ACTIVE. Then I will post this bounty on every forum in the world. *Evil Grin*

In all seriousness, I think the New Year holiday is interfering with this bounty. We need more people to help. Maybe you should wait to change the status until after the new year.

I just changed the status to ACTIVE based upon the revised social contract I posted in the body.  Namely, I have reserved the right to buy when I see what I am looking for.  The only thing you need to know is that I need a website, that it is urgent, and therefore I will be paying SOMEONE as soon as I see something that fits what I am looking for. 
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Offline que23

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I'm still waiting for the subject to change to ACTIVE. Then I will post this bounty on every forum in the world. *Evil Grin*

In all seriousness, I think the New Year holiday is interfering with this bounty. We need more people to help. Maybe you should wait to change the status until after the new year.
PTS: Pa75dEzGkMcnM85hRMbdKiS1YdF81rnSCF

Offline super3

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Amazing post!!! :D
Thanks. Still many more mini bounties to go. Could use everyone's help in getting it done.

Offline que23

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PTS: Pa75dEzGkMcnM85hRMbdKiS1YdF81rnSCF

Offline bytemaster

This is my stream of consiousness feedback on Super3's submission:

1) I think the flashy background graphics are too much.
2) I think the DAC jargon is too much to be displayed everywhere
3) Decentralized Funding Model -> Equal Opportunity / Etc
4) I like focusing on transparency
5) I don't like mentioning hard numbers for capital, those change all the time and should be implied by looking at our bounties.
6) I do not want memory coin to be mentioned anywhere but a list of other 3rd party DACs that honor protoshares, in other words it should be a footnote in the protoshares subsection and not linked all over our site.  No offense to FreeTrade, but his coin did not honor the 10% required to get our official backing and promotion and we want to encourage 10% honoring in future DACs even by 3rd parties. 
7) Research Driven... is heading in the right direction, but perhaps Innovation Driven... and lets focus on our core innovations:
     a) DAC Metaphor (blockchains as a business model)
     b) Dividends
     c) Transactions as Proof of Stake
     d) Debunking Mining as a means of Decentralization
     e) Momentum Proof of Work -> Deprecated by above
     f) Innovative community building (ProtoShares + Social Contract)
     g) Innovative funding model, money as proof of work -> Angel Shares
8) Invictus Engineers market forces to produce outcomes without the need for contracts or violence.

9) I don't want to make our website about "Invictus the Company", but instead "Invictus the Movement", we are nothing without the community, the angels, and the philosophy.  Lets focus on what WE are as a community and NOT what Invictus is doing as a company.

10) Invictus profits the same way everyone else does, buy owning a piece of DACs on the same equal opportunity terms we make available to everyone else.

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Offline bytemaster

Also I would like to add this submission is open. Have had help from cassiopaia and zwaffell so far.
I welcome feedback and suggestion, but I would also request that you open github issues as well (
As this will allow me to track all direct feedback.

I want to make it clear to all participants that Super3 is competing with equal standing for this bounty and this his work for Invictus is limited to deploying the winning solution and other tasks for which he is paid separately. 
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Offline super3

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Also I would like to add this submission is open. Have had help from cassiopaia and zwaffell so far.
I welcome feedback and suggestion, but I would also request that you open github issues as well (
As this will allow me to track all direct feedback.

Offline super3

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Offline bytemaster

I have been trying to come up with analogies to help explain what I am looking for from the market with these bounties.  The closest analogy I can come up with is this:

1) I am a customer looking to buy an "off the shelf, ready to use solution"
2) I have a budget that I am willing to spend when I see what I want
3) I will be making a purchase
4) I do not buy stolen goods
5) Time is valuable to me so I will make the best purchase I can as soon as I can.

Other than that it is up to the market to win my business.... I set the price high because I am just one customer looking to buy one product and asking the developers to build products on speculation that I might buy from them.  Speculation involves risk and thus increased price.   

With this philosophy the free market should organize to produce what I am looking to buy in an entirely decentralized development process.  This is all an experiment, but one I hope will work well.  If you are considering joining the effort and have some skills to contribute in speculation then please post.  If you are concerned about risk I suggest you partner with someone willing to take the financial risk and gain your skills.   I would like to establish a guide to help people get involved in decentralized development.  This bounty will help us learn how to cooperate and I suspect we can make history if we can perfect this development model.

You all are truly a wonderful group and I look forward to seeing what we produce.

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Offline super3

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I'll work on a concept design that includes several engagement techniques and aims to offer the highest possible user experience.

If someone is interested in working together, shoot me a message.
Sent you a message.

Offline domsch

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I'll work on a concept design that includes several engagement techniques and aims to offer the highest possible user experience.

If someone is interested in working together, shoot me a message.

Offline bytemaster

1) Static Content or Basic PHP to manage headers/footers/language translation is preferred to systems dependent upon databases.  The site should load quickly and the content should be easily updated and versioned with github.  To test/deploy the site should be as simple as a git pull into the document root of a PHP enabled server.

Does this mean you don't want a web application. No javascript. No Bootstrap. Do you want a fixed width site with just html and css?
He means that it should be simple as possible. Javascript and Bootstrap is fine, just shouldn't probably rely on a database.

JavaScript is fine. No database. Maintainability is a factor.  A submission that comes bundled with a support agreement will be rated higher than one just dumped.

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Offline bytemaster

One person can submit multiple alternatives.

The winning site will be deployed as is.  So this is the objective criteria by which someone can prove we owe the bounty. 

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Offline bytemaster

In the interest of moving this out of pending you can submit a detailed statement of what you are planning and how you expect us to respond.

Once everyone is ok with the rules And requirements i will move it to active. 

I just want to avoid any misunderstanding with a $24k budget.   

As for objective we will require one person to "own" a submission and provide us with the detailed breakdown of who gets paid what. 

We will be the judge of what constitutes blatant copy vs just inspiration.  If anyone has an objection to your allocation we will hold off payment until we can make a determination on whether or not content was stollen without agreement.   

Generally speaking we expect real life development costs to be around 12k and the extra 12k is the risk bonus to account for the competitive  nature and is our way to reserve the right to demand quality.  Bottom line this is supposed to be very profitable  for participants.

To reduce risk I suggest producing content that is 'sold' to many competing teams. 

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Offline bytemaster

Deadline is 1 week after first acceptable submission and we pick the best. 

Complete redesigns are allowed.

We will provide continuous feedback on what we like and also factor in feedback from community. 

Please understand that we are experimenting with this bounty process and are trying to make it compelling for everyone involved.   

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