Author Topic: AskADoctor.dac (Healthshares)  (Read 9393 times)

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Offline jwiz168

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Health DAC is a good idea . I just stumbled upon Curecoin and recently Foldingcoin both being a proof-of-participation in Folding@Home - a project of Standford University - studying protein folding in search for cure diseases like cancer, Alzheimer etc.  Interestingly FoldingCoin uses counterparty for distribution of its crypto currency. My question is can it be done in Bitshares toolkit/blockchain ?


Offline luckybit

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As a use case suppose you want to anonymously talk to a psychiatrist?

Suppose you want to do this anonymously, privately, yet have the psychiatrist be compensated?

To a certain extent you could do something like this in a DAC format, at least a certain portion of it such as payment.

This would not be a replacement for all kinds of therapy but it could help and apparently people pay money to talk about their problems to complete strangers even when most of the time it's not confidential.

If you set it up so anyone can ask for any kind of advice from any professional then it might work. It would give people a place to talk about confidential matters without the fear of it somehow not being confidential.

Of course this might not be well thought out as a use case. Anonymity could be abused if it's set up wrong so it probably would have to be pseudo-anonymous but I'm mentioning it for consideration of merit.

« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 10:51:23 pm by luckybit » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

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My guess is that this could be a scam. It's at least possible that someone looked at our discussion on the thread and set that up to sucker people so I wouldn't throw any money at that.

On the other hand if they can offer some verifiable evidence that they are who they say they are, that they are licensed doctors, then maybe we can tell them about Bitshares and Bitshares ME.

THat is a wall of text to be spit out in the course of a day.  I was going to say you are deluded thinking the copied the idea from here, but they registered the domain on 5-20-2014.  ROFL.  So maybe they did copy your idea... Lol, my hats off to you here.  Maybe your idea is the greatest since sliced bread !  Not even being sarcastic.
not again ... same thing happened with the multipool pos payout idea :-(

I can't take credit for the PoS payout idea. That idea was from the Blackcoin community.
If you want the truth, no one owns an idea. I'm just concerned about it being a scam.

If they did steal the idea and actually build a DAC I would just interact with the DAC. If the idea is proven then there will be a fork of their DAC which gives to PTS/AGS.

But from the way they describe things it looks like it's a scam right now so I wouldn't be concerned about them. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline mf-tzo

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As I said...

Yes... Dejavu... : someone from this community has a good idea, we don't pay much attention and get the ball rolling, someone else from another community picks that up, make a DAC and get all the benefits...

I think from now own you guys should STOP throwing any more ideas!!! Whoever has an idea just go for it, make a DAC, wait for Bitshares ME, just honor AGS/PTS and that's it...

This forum has by far the best ideas I have seen so far and the members of this forum are the only ones who do not benefit from these ideas...

If I soon see an altcoin pop up out of nowhere and use DPOS before we do I will be very upset!!

Offline xeroc

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My guess is that this could be a scam. It's at least possible that someone looked at our discussion on the thread and set that up to sucker people so I wouldn't throw any money at that.

On the other hand if they can offer some verifiable evidence that they are who they say they are, that they are licensed doctors, then maybe we can tell them about Bitshares and Bitshares ME.

THat is a wall of text to be spit out in the course of a day.  I was going to say you are deluded thinking the copied the idea from here, but they registered the domain on 5-20-2014.  ROFL.  So maybe they did copy your idea... Lol, my hats off to you here.  Maybe your idea is the greatest since sliced bread !  Not even being sarcastic.
not again ... same thing happened with the multipool pos payout idea :-(

Offline gamey

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My guess is that this could be a scam. It's at least possible that someone looked at our discussion on the thread and set that up to sucker people so I wouldn't throw any money at that.

On the other hand if they can offer some verifiable evidence that they are who they say they are, that they are licensed doctors, then maybe we can tell them about Bitshares and Bitshares ME.

THat is a wall of text to be spit out in the course of a day.  I was going to say you are deluded thinking the copied the idea from here, but they registered the domain on 5-20-2014.  ROFL.  So maybe they did copy your idea... Lol, my hats off to you here.  Maybe your idea is the greatest since sliced bread !  Not even being sarcastic.
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline gamey

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You're speaking about an idea that you dislike on pure gut reaction. If you had something to cite you would cite it.

You're appealing to authority to make an argument that an idea for a DAC wouldn't work.

You say that porting Bitshares toolkit onto smartphones would be difficult but then you say QT has cross platform support? Why would it be difficult? In any case it has to be ported if it's ever to be useful for the masses because most people aren't going to be using their laptops in the future. This is what I mean by future proofing and while we might not have an app right now it's very likely we will.

My idea actually was to turn it into a web app which means you could run the QT client on the backend and just use a web interface but in any case it's eventually going to be ported to Android because I see nothing inherent about the code which would make it difficult. The only reason I could think of as to why it wouldn't could be if the blockchain were to become huge and there is no way to to a lite client.

Think about third world countries where people only have smart phones. Consider that Android is the most used operating system in the world today.

First off, just because I don't care to go look for the post doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just simply means I don't see value in spending my times to find a simple post of Dan's which enumerated "what we have to work with" when creating DACs.  It does nothing to prove anything about your DAC. It is just that I don't see why you think your idea is better as a DAC.  Decentralization is a wonderful thing, but I don't see it needed when you interact with a doctor. 

You are the same guy who denigrates creating technical documentation as "spell checking" when you want to put the idea down.

Put up a wager and I'll find Dan's post.   You think way too much of yourself if you think I'm going out of my way to do it for you.  It isn't particularly material, it was just a succinct list of the features we have at our disposal when creating of DACs.  It doesn't follow that you have to have things out of that list to make a DAC.  It is just i would question why would you want to make such a DAC when a website serves the same purpose just as well with significantly simpler coding.

For starters Android = a modified java and Iphone = objective C where you have to get OK from apple for any app.   If you make it into a webapp, then it will only work as long as that website is not attacked.  You also can't create incoming network connections over a cell network.  None of these are idea killers, but you have a long steep hill ahead of you to catch up with where a website could be within a couple months.

BTW I am not appealing to Dan's post, I just put it out there as a starting point for guys like you who just throw out random ideas of services and say "lets plop .dac on the end and we're golden".

There might very well be a market for some variant on what you proposed but I suspect it would be far far down the line and involve far more than what you've suggested.

...... but yes.. a DAC would be futureproof and work with biohacking.. so you can take your 3d printed out arms and have the doctor tell you where to implant them via the DAC you just used.  No ?
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline luckybit

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My guess is that this could be a scam. It's at least possible that someone looked at our discussion on the thread and set that up to sucker people so I wouldn't throw any money at that.

On the other hand if they can offer some verifiable evidence that they are who they say they are, that they are licensed doctors, then maybe we can tell them about Bitshares and Bitshares ME. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline luckybit

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gamey, what do you mean by
DACs have a form of cost not being calculated, and that is the time involved in the learning curve and installation of the DAC.

A DAC will require you download the client AFAIK.  THen you have to execute it.  This is not the same as a web-browser where you point it to a URL.  Lots of people have it ingrained in their head to not download and run anything.  A website skips over this problem.   Now you could put a website interface on a DAC and run a node remotely, but thats sorta getting away from why we have DACs.  My understanding is you download the DAC, then it will likely have a web browser embedded and the interface will be based on modern web-design.  So it still requires downloading and running an app.  It is a minor point, but when dealing with old people or anyone, it is going to go against one of the rules they were taught. "Do not download and install anything !"  (Which is good advice for the largest majority of people..)

Modify - One other thought.  Is I read a lot about privacy.  I'm not entirely sure how privacy is to be expected. If you are talking about privacy because the data is stored on the net encrypted, then that definitely is an improvement.  However, you better make sure that you keep that network up and cranking.  If you call a coin a DAC, then we've already seen abandoned DAC networks.  Also realize that your data will have to be made available to the Doctor when you talk to them.  I'm not sure if all this makes the data any more secure or not.  I think a properly designed website could at least provide equal privacy.

Dan had a small inconsequential seeming post where he listed all of the things we have to work with.  I think a DAC needs to utilize features from that list before you consider making a DAC. This is why I like the thought of making DACs for user generated content as a nice starting point experiment.  It utilizes the ability of DACs to track user voting, uses the centralized storage, and can take care of handling the equity to be paid out via the voting system.  None of these ideas are very sexy though.

Can you show me the list from Dan because I don't see how any of what I said violates anything. Some parts might be more difficult than others but I don't see any part of the idea which can't be done.

I also don't agree with you that people don't download apps. People download apps on their phone all the time. If you have the app on your phone that would be good enough. You would simply speak into your phone to ask the app your question and it would turn it into a request to the DAC to pay for the answer.

Good luck porting bitshares toolkit to support a DAC on iphones and Android. QT has crossplatform phone support but not exactly how it works.

Dan posted a list that had about 7 things that was something along the lines of "Things we have to work with .."  I am not not going to look it up, but I don't see your idea having a meaningful need for a DAC. 

Being able to make something into a DAC is not the same as having a compelling reason to be a DAC.

You're speaking about an idea that you dislike on pure gut reaction. If you had something to cite you would cite it.

You're appealing to authority to make an argument that an idea for a DAC wouldn't work.

You say that porting Bitshares toolkit onto smartphones would be difficult but then you say QT has cross platform support? Why would it be difficult? In any case it has to be ported if it's ever to be useful for the masses because most people aren't going to be using their laptops in the future. This is what I mean by future proofing and while we might not have an app right now it's very likely we will.

My idea actually was to turn it into a web app which means you could run the QT client on the backend and just use a web interface but in any case it's eventually going to be ported to Android because I see nothing inherent about the code which would make it difficult. The only reason I could think of as to why it wouldn't could be if the blockchain were to become huge and there is no way to to a lite client.

Think about third world countries where people only have smart phones. Consider that Android is the most used operating system in the world today.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 07:02:53 pm by luckybit » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

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provides a model for pets that illustrates the process. There are quite a few of these around now.

Expert advice from doctors is quite variable infact. One possible benefit in a DAC therefore, is that with a decentralized medical consensus system, groups of doctors could provide advice independently, and contribute to a second opinion panel / group response. Although this would dilute the incentives for medical professionals, it could likely provide better quality responses that most accurately represent the current perceived wisdom on specialist subjects.

Take a look at this

Should one of us contact them and tell them about Bitshares? This is the sort of people we would want in our community. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline gamey

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gamey, what do you mean by
DACs have a form of cost not being calculated, and that is the time involved in the learning curve and installation of the DAC.

A DAC will require you download the client AFAIK.  THen you have to execute it.  This is not the same as a web-browser where you point it to a URL.  Lots of people have it ingrained in their head to not download and run anything.  A website skips over this problem.   Now you could put a website interface on a DAC and run a node remotely, but thats sorta getting away from why we have DACs.  My understanding is you download the DAC, then it will likely have a web browser embedded and the interface will be based on modern web-design.  So it still requires downloading and running an app.  It is a minor point, but when dealing with old people or anyone, it is going to go against one of the rules they were taught. "Do not download and install anything !"  (Which is good advice for the largest majority of people..)

Modify - One other thought.  Is I read a lot about privacy.  I'm not entirely sure how privacy is to be expected. If you are talking about privacy because the data is stored on the net encrypted, then that definitely is an improvement.  However, you better make sure that you keep that network up and cranking.  If you call a coin a DAC, then we've already seen abandoned DAC networks.  Also realize that your data will have to be made available to the Doctor when you talk to them.  I'm not sure if all this makes the data any more secure or not.  I think a properly designed website could at least provide equal privacy.

Dan had a small inconsequential seeming post where he listed all of the things we have to work with.  I think a DAC needs to utilize features from that list before you consider making a DAC. This is why I like the thought of making DACs for user generated content as a nice starting point experiment.  It utilizes the ability of DACs to track user voting, uses the centralized storage, and can take care of handling the equity to be paid out via the voting system.  None of these ideas are very sexy though.

Can you show me the list from Dan because I don't see how any of what I said violates anything. Some parts might be more difficult than others but I don't see any part of the idea which can't be done.

I also don't agree with you that people don't download apps. People download apps on their phone all the time. If you have the app on your phone that would be good enough. You would simply speak into your phone to ask the app your question and it would turn it into a request to the DAC to pay for the answer.

Good luck porting bitshares toolkit to support a DAC on iphones and Android. QT has crossplatform phone support but not exactly how it works.

Dan posted a list that had about 7 things that was something along the lines of "Things we have to work with .."  I am not not going to look it up, but I don't see your idea having a meaningful need for a DAC. 

Being able to make something into a DAC is not the same as having a compelling reason to be a DAC.
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline pgbit

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provides a model for pets that illustrates the process. There are quite a few of these around now.

Expert advice from doctors is quite variable infact. One possible benefit in a DAC therefore, is that with a decentralized medical consensus system, groups of doctors could provide advice independently, and contribute to a second opinion panel / group response. Although this would dilute the incentives for medical professionals, it could likely provide better quality responses that most accurately represent the current perceived wisdom on specialist subjects.

Offline luckybit

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gamey, what do you mean by
DACs have a form of cost not being calculated, and that is the time involved in the learning curve and installation of the DAC.

A DAC will require you download the client AFAIK.  THen you have to execute it.  This is not the same as a web-browser where you point it to a URL.  Lots of people have it ingrained in their head to not download and run anything.  A website skips over this problem.   Now you could put a website interface on a DAC and run a node remotely, but thats sorta getting away from why we have DACs.  My understanding is you download the DAC, then it will likely have a web browser embedded and the interface will be based on modern web-design.  So it still requires downloading and running an app.  It is a minor point, but when dealing with old people or anyone, it is going to go against one of the rules they were taught. "Do not download and install anything !"  (Which is good advice for the largest majority of people..)

Modify - One other thought.  Is I read a lot about privacy.  I'm not entirely sure how privacy is to be expected. If you are talking about privacy because the data is stored on the net encrypted, then that definitely is an improvement.  However, you better make sure that you keep that network up and cranking.  If you call a coin a DAC, then we've already seen abandoned DAC networks.  Also realize that your data will have to be made available to the Doctor when you talk to them.  I'm not sure if all this makes the data any more secure or not.  I think a properly designed website could at least provide equal privacy.

Dan had a small inconsequential seeming post where he listed all of the things we have to work with.  I think a DAC needs to utilize features from that list before you consider making a DAC. This is why I like the thought of making DACs for user generated content as a nice starting point experiment.  It utilizes the ability of DACs to track user voting, uses the centralized storage, and can take care of handling the equity to be paid out via the voting system.  None of these ideas are very sexy though.

Can you show me the list from Dan because I don't see how any of what I said violates anything. Some parts might be more difficult than others but I don't see any part of the idea which can't be done.

I also don't agree with you that people don't download apps. People download apps on their phone all the time. If you have the app on your phone that would be good enough. You would simply speak into your phone to ask the app your question and it would turn it into a request to the DAC to pay for the answer. | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline gamey

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gamey, what do you mean by
DACs have a form of cost not being calculated, and that is the time involved in the learning curve and installation of the DAC.

A DAC will require you download the client AFAIK.  THen you have to execute it.  This is not the same as a web-browser where you point it to a URL.  Lots of people have it ingrained in their head to not download and run anything.  A website skips over this problem.   Now you could put a website interface on a DAC and run a node remotely, but thats sorta getting away from why we have DACs.  My understanding is you download the DAC, then it will likely have a web browser embedded and the interface will be based on modern web-design.  So it still requires downloading and running an app.  It is a minor point, but when dealing with old people or anyone, it is going to go against one of the rules they were taught. "Do not download and install anything !"  (Which is good advice for the largest majority of people..)

Modify - One other thought.  Is I read a lot about privacy.  I'm not entirely sure how privacy is to be expected. If you are talking about privacy because the data is stored on the net encrypted, then that definitely is an improvement.  However, you better make sure that you keep that network up and cranking.  If you call a coin a DAC, then we've already seen abandoned DAC networks.  Also realize that your data will have to be made available to the Doctor when you talk to them.  I'm not sure if all this makes the data any more secure or not.  I think a properly designed website could at least provide equal privacy.

Dan had a small inconsequential seeming post where he listed all of the things we have to work with.  I think a DAC needs to utilize features from that list before you consider making a DAC. This is why I like the thought of making DACs for user generated content as a nice starting point experiment.  It utilizes the ability of DACs to track user voting, uses the centralized storage, and can take care of handling the equity to be paid out via the voting system.  None of these ideas are very sexy though.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 06:58:20 pm by gamey »
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline mf-tzo

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Anyhow I put my idea out there. Study it and if the time comes where it begins to make sense then this thread will be pulled up.
Agree to that :)

Yes... Dejavu... : someone from this community has a good idea, we don't pay much attention and get the ball rolling, someone else from another community picks that up, make a DAC and get all the benefits...