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Messages - Rune

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General Discussion / Bitcoin = trustless. Bitshares = trust-abundant
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:33:03 am »
So the more I start to forget my old bitcoin lessons, the more certain I get of bitshares' success.

Recently, I've started to think that because of the way everyones economic incentives align when getting paid directly and transparently by stakeholders the blockchain, the old idea of everything having to be "trustless" doesn't really apply anymore. Because we most definitely trust a lot of people, in fact the whole point of DPOS is that we can trust the delegates because they're incentivized to stay honest. The obvious reason is that they are economically incentivized to be honest. Another reason is that they are incentivized to be transparent because netizens are an inquisitive bunch of people who will jab and pry at everything they can, and who automatically shy away from things that are locked down because it appears dishonest. Once there is absolute transparency in the system, it becomes very difficult to collude.

Finally, however, the most important thing is not economic in nature, it is social. At first I expected that delegates would be kinda like miners or mining pools; anonymous individuals who act purely out of greed in competing to extract as much money as possible out of a fixed pie taken each block out of the stakeholders wealth. But once you begin to embrace the company analogy that bitshares really is, you will realize that delegates have very little in common with miners. What they have the most in common with are ordinary employees. They are trusted people who have been hired for a set salary to collaborate for the same goal: to increase the value of the blockchain. Additionally, because of point number 2, the entire organizational structure is and always will be completely transparent. It is a rankless, factionless and frictionless organizations of likeminded workers who all work together on a giant team. And thus, in the long run delegates will not compete, they will collaborate. There might be clashes on salary and other minor frictions, But the blockchain will always hire EVERYONE who is profitable to hire, so once you're on as e.g. a developer, and you're delivering, you can expect to never get fired again unless you really mess up. Stakeholders will vote to increase the amount of delegates rather than firing a valued employee.

This existence of collaboration rather than competition completely changes the framing of what being a delegate means. The lack of "SoTF pressure" will be especially important to the atmosphere of the company. When you work together with other public people in a team, and collaborate over time, you can expect to increasingly become attached and loyal to your team, your coworkers and your company. This positive social atmosphere will do wonders to ensure the security and profitability of the blockchain, and I think going forward some of the most important goals will be to come up with some great frameworks for increasing company culture and social atmosphere.

Having these things in mind you start to realize just how safe it is to trust an individual in this system. You can always see their network of trust, since it is transparent through slates, and so can EVERYONE else on the internet. They are highly paid to do their job, and they are chosen for their specialized and proven skills (ie they are never average people looking to make a quick buck - they are programmers, researchers, professionals). They are a part of a greater whole, of a team that they have worked with for months or years, many of whom they know intimately and personally. It would be absurd to think that 51% of a team like this could EVER, under any concievable conditions, decide to collude to destroy their company. It is simply not a plausible scenario.

And with that in mind, I think we can begin to change the way we see things. It's time to get rid of the bitcoin mindset because bitshares is really a completely different beast.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares vs. Bitshares
« on: October 25, 2014, 09:28:27 pm »
I will invariably end up calling it bitshares. I just won't be able to bother capitalizing it properly every time.

We should definitely wait with marketing until the merger is complete. Newcomers shouldn't be exposed to all the confusion of the merger. I hope BTS is ready soon after nov 5

It was not inadvertent.   :)

The name Larimer will be remembered by history alongside names like Einstein and Newton. Must be pretty crazy to think about.

Once we open the floodgates for developers to work directly for the blockchain, every low hanging fruit like this will be implemented very quickly.

General Discussion / Re: Dear Invictus, we need a social media DAC
« on: October 25, 2014, 03:56:16 pm »
Even if you don't have the skills or knowledge to create it yourself, you can just sit back and wait, or even better apply yourself to some other area where you have expertise that benefits the DAC.

Once the ball gets rolling there will be immense economic incentives for the DAC to develop its own verifiably secure communications platform, which will include social media. As long as the DAC grows it is inevitable that these things will be made.

Spot on! I'm glad that people are beginning to realize the enormous potential we are dealing with. Once we get the ball rolling, we will acquire and integrate everything into our own giant, transparent, trust-abundant organization.

Also we will inevitably acquire ethereum, their team is probably the technically best in the industry, with vitalik being an absolutely brilliant researcher. I guess only bytemaster is a more valuable member to the crypto community. Our stakeholders will most definitely vote to share drop onto ethereum investors if that means we can get vitalik and his team (and whatever is leftover of their funds is burned as BTS), because we know that they are all very interested and serious users of next gen blockchain tech, and would be extremely valuable to have on board as stakeholders. Kinda the same logic as why share dropping to PTS is an advantage.

I like the idea that the Chinese community can discuss and nominate their own choice for the Chinese community manager. I think there should only be two full time paid positions though. The idea that the full time community manager should be unpaid is irrational. That would mean the person who specializes in doing a vital job that is extremely important for the success of our company would have to spend the majority of his time working on something unrelated, in order to survive.

Regarding the salary, I come from a country with a very high tax rate. I don't know what level of salary is common or appropriate for this kind of position. I'd like to get suggestions from everyone regarding the level they think is correct, you are all the employers after all. Even better would be for fuz to make his own offer, which we can then use as the basis for negotiation.

After the NOV 5 snapshot,When will the BTS client come out and be tradeable?
BTS are tradeable already as BTSX .. the 5.nov snapshot only concerns PTS and DNS ..
the BTSX blockchain upgrade to BTS will probably take some more weeks .. but from what I heard they are synchronizing it with end-november marketing push

I really hope they hold off a couple of weeks after BTS is implemented with the marketing to allow to us to figure out the new delegate system first before we open to floodgates to average users.

General Discussion / Re: Longtime Investor - I am out
« on: October 25, 2014, 01:51:29 am »
If this is a NXT shill, then so be it. On the off chance that this guy isn't a shill, please remember to be polite and nice to everyone no matter their opinions. We're a massive 45 million USD company, and we need to act like it - by always being professional and polite. It's vital that we manage to transform our community away from the cesspool that is the bitcoin community.

I'm curious, how did you find out about Bitshares? What "selling points" attracted you to this particular crypto?

Was a reddit post you made on /r/bitcoinmarkets :P

You mentioned DPOS, and somehow I didn't write it off as another shitcoin scam, but actually went to look up what it was, and once I realised how powerful DPOS is I was hooked.

Wow! Looks like that AMA did some good. I'm planning to put up a reddit ad in /r/bitcoinmarkets explaining what Bitshares is all about, wanna help out? Pay it forward to the Bitcoinmarkets crowd :) Now if only we could get Moral Agent in here!

Yeah absolutely. I plan to make a campaign targeting /r/bitcoin and bitcointalk as well. We can discuss our ideas on mumble at some point before launch

General Discussion / Re: Longtime Investor - I am out
« on: October 25, 2014, 01:49:06 am »
Sorry to hear that man.  We definitely are not perfect...but I hope we are working toward improving.

As ridiculous as it sounds, we actually ARE perfect. Or rather, we have our hands on the perfect economic system. It will grow, acquire all competition and integrate it transparently into its own organizational structure in a way that increases utility for everyone involved. The moment we gain the tiniest amount of network effect we will become unstoppable and eventually acquire all assets on the planet.

I vote for tonyk.

tonyk will probably ban people.  I vote for xeroc.

Xeroc unfortunately isn't available to work fulltime for us, as he is currently doing his phd. However he can and will surely be compensated by whoever gets elected as community manager through bounties for the work he does and has done.

General Discussion / Re: Another Summary of the Early Oct-24-2014 Mumble
« on: October 25, 2014, 12:40:42 am »
Man, quality post. +29%

General Discussion / Re: Longtime Investor - I am out
« on: October 25, 2014, 12:17:29 am »
If this is a NXT shill, then so be it. On the off chance that this guy isn't a shill, please remember to be polite and nice to everyone no matter their opinions. We're a massive 45 million USD company, and we need to act like it - by always being professional and polite. It's vital that we manage to transform our community away from the cesspool that is the bitcoin community.

I'm curious, how did you find out about Bitshares? What "selling points" attracted you to this particular crypto?

Was a reddit post you made on /r/bitcoinmarkets :P

You mentioned DPOS, and somehow I didn't write it off as another shitcoin scam, but actually went to look up what it was, and once I realised how powerful DPOS is I was hooked.

What is a professional Community Management Team?  And who are you?

Rune is a respected member.  I do not know if Fuz wants to be a community manager but he is mumble server and Beyond Bitcoin X.

I have already talked with fuz and tbk about this on mumble, however there needs to be a community-wide discussion about it, since it will be stakeholders that choose whether or not they will get hired as delegates.

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