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Messages - warpio

Pages: [1]
Okay that makes sense, I figured it must've been a bug in the etherium client, since it returned a tx hash without actually making the tx. Good to know that the devs are aware of this and it looks like there's already a workaround... Anyway thank you for the fast response.

Hey metaexchange devs, please help! I submitted a buy order on ETH/BTC and it went through on my end, but the ETH was never sent...

Here's my BTC tx, currently at 10 confirmations:

and here's the outbound ETH tx links it gave me (completed, and partialFill):

As of yet, these ether transactions have not shown up on the blockchain. It didn't go through for some reason? Am I the first person this has happened to?

okay so it does seem to be syncing now, just very slowly.. like a gb a day almost. should I be worried about the "Severe network problem" message and frequent disconnect messages, or will that go away once the blockchain is fully synced?

Ever since upgrading to version 0.9.2, the blockchain syncing is completely broken. It got to about 4.5gb, and at that point the client starts taking up ALL of my ram, and the it keeps downloading blocks and then deleting them, as if it's stuck in a loop or something. I've searched through this forum and google and tried some solutions but nothing worked.

So... does the blockchain need to be fully synced before I can make a transaction? If I try to make a transaction now, will it fail? In that case, is there some way to import my wallet into a light client so I can transfer funds that way? Or am I basically stuck with my funds locked up until the dev team can get this fixed?

General Discussion / Re: How much is a new user worth?
« on: October 05, 2014, 02:08:37 pm »
I don't like this focus on marketing. It makes it seem like the BTSX team is desperate for money.

We should be focused entirely on making the system as robust and bug-free as possible. If the pegged assets system works as intended, then the market will speak for itself and users will come on of their own accord.. Trying to draw in new users with big promises should not be a priority, and it makes this whole thing look scammy...

Here's mine:

Thanks in advance

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