Author Topic: There is a gold rush out for good account names right now...  (Read 7158 times)

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Offline bytemaster

Yes you must pay basic transaction fee to register a name.
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Offline Empirical1

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Edit: So you have to pay at least the basic transaction fee to activate an account name? Good if that's the case.

That could be a good marketing tool I think, people downloading just to lock in a cool name for themselves, even more than the faucet.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 10:52:47 pm by Empirical1 »

Offline jae208

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Thank you that makes sense now.

Also, how do you start producing blocks as a delegate after registering as a delegate?

P.S. I'm also buying as many names as I can. ;)

Code: [Select]
>> help wallet_delegate_set_block_production

wallet_delegate_set_block_production <delegate_name> <enabled>                                        Enable or disable block production for a particular delegate account
Enable or disable block production for a particular delegate account

  delegate_name (string, required): The delegate to enable/disable block production for; ALL for all delegate accounts
  enabled (bool, required): true to enable block production, false otherwise



Thanks BM and I guess I'll just use the names to assume different aliases instead of selling them. :)

I think I have it set.

"wallet_delegate_set_block_production jae-delegate enabled"

after this it just said ok
how do I check if my delegate is working on producing blocks? A work in progress
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Offline bytemaster

Accounts don't have balances.... we talked about requiring a once-per-year update transaction, but that is not currently required.  (We have one year to implement that :))

Oh, right.  A wallet has a balance and the accounts are just aliases for private/public keys within the that close or at least an OK way to think about it?

Correct... mostly.   A wallet has many public/private keys, an account key is one that people use TITAN with to generate keys to send funds too.  So an account has a balance, just not stored at the account key :)   A wallet does not have a balance.

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Offline Riverhead

Accounts don't have balances.... we talked about requiring a once-per-year update transaction, but that is not currently required.  (We have one year to implement that :))

Oh, right.  A wallet has a balance and the accounts are just aliases for private/public keys within the that close or at least an OK way to think about it?

Offline bytemaster

Someone is going up the alphabet.

sometimes network stuck for 20+ minutes, I need to close the wallet and restart it again,then it can sync quickly again.Otherwise,it would just stuck ....

I have noticed that too...
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Offline bytemaster

They are not really transferrable... so...

You could transfer them to someone that trusts you though, right?  For example I created one for my wife.  If I give her the private key she could use it.  Granted she'd always have to trust me since I know the private key, but...

Correct, you can do that.  You can even lease names... (ie: change the active key on an account, but the "owner" can always take it back).

If you don't fund an account it will eventually expire and become available, right?  I think I recall reading that ages ago...

Accounts don't have balances.... we talked about requiring a once-per-year update transaction, but that is not currently required.  (We have one year to implement that :))
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Offline Riverhead

They are not really transferrable... so...

You could transfer them to someone that trusts you though, right?  For example I created one for my wife.  If I give her the private key she could use it.  Granted she'd always have to trust me since I know the private key, but...

Correct, you can do that.  You can even lease names... (ie: change the active key on an account, but the "owner" can always take it back).

If you don't fund an account it will eventually expire and become available, right?  I think I recall reading that ages ago...

Offline bytemaster


Thank you that makes sense now.

Also, how do you start producing blocks as a delegate after registering as a delegate?

P.S. I'm also buying as many names as I can. ;)

They are not really transferrable... so...

You could transfer them to someone that trusts you though, right?  For example I created one for my wife.  If I give her the private key she could use it.  Granted she'd always have to trust me since I know the private key, but...

Correct, you can do that.  You can even lease names... (ie: change the active key on an account, but the "owner" can always take it back).   
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Offline Riverhead


Thank you that makes sense now.

Also, how do you start producing blocks as a delegate after registering as a delegate?

P.S. I'm also buying as many names as I can. ;)

They are not really transferrable... so...

You could transfer them to someone that trusts you though, right?  For example I created one for my wife.  If I give her the private key she could use it.  Granted she'd always have to trust me since I know the private key, but...

Offline bytemaster


Thank you that makes sense now.

Also, how do you start producing blocks as a delegate after registering as a delegate?

P.S. I'm also buying as many names as I can. ;)

Code: [Select]
>> help wallet_delegate_set_block_production

wallet_delegate_set_block_production <delegate_name> <enabled>                                        Enable or disable block production for a particular delegate account
Enable or disable block production for a particular delegate account

  delegate_name (string, required): The delegate to enable/disable block production for; ALL for all delegate accounts
  enabled (bool, required): true to enable block production, false otherwise

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Offline bytemaster


Thank you that makes sense now.

Also, how do you start producing blocks as a delegate after registering as a delegate?

P.S. I'm also buying as many names as I can. ;)

They are not really transferrable... so...
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Offline jae208

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Thank you that makes sense now.

Also, how do you start producing blocks as a delegate after registering as a delegate?

P.S. I'm also buying as many names as I can. ;) A work in progress
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Offline bytemaster

do you have to pay a one time fee to register names or is it recurring?

also on overview tab what is the income, expense, and burn rate for?

It isn't implemented right now but there are plans in place to require "proof-of-life" after one year.   The fee is just the basic transaction fee unless you include a lot of data in your transaction in which case there is a per-byte charge as well. 

Income represents the average BTSX earned per day, expenses are average BTS X paid to delegates, and burn rate is daily BTSX burned by delegates working for less than 100% pay.  The overview page will probably change a lot in future revisions.
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Offline jae208

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do you have to pay a one time fee to register names or is it recurring?

also on overview tab what is the income, expense, and burn rate for? A work in progress
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