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Technical Delegates Real Time Chat

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--- Quote from: pollux on November 26, 2014, 06:58:58 am ---#bitshares-delegates on freenode irc?

--- End quote ---

I see only 1 person there.
Skype can deliver messages even if you are currently offline.

#bitshares-delegates on freenode irc?

I think it would be wise if we have real-time chat with people maintaining delegates and/or tools for delegates.
This will help for faster issue identification and resolution.
I suggest we crate a skype group for anyone interested.
PM me your skype IDs and I'll create such group and add you into it.

PS: If you believe another messenger should be used -> state it here.

EDIT1: Skype group: http://skype/?chat&blob=s7FK3ZkYII8DujtoAK6x7aTaeUTLgBMEWpeFAD0aRgPq6LKo2cJcynSH_xoV9V9xRd2pY_xjdv_rh88


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