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Topics - BTCjesus

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / Severe network problems
« on: August 28, 2014, 06:27:51 am »
My BTSX wallet isnt updating. I have 1 network connection yesterday and it was painfully slow, then that 1 connection failed and now. Okay now its back up to 1 connection, yah.... How can I connect to more nodes? My wallet will never update at this pace....

Technical Support / BTSX registration
« on: August 06, 2014, 06:14:33 am »
Through the donation of a fellow I have 10 BTSX. I am trying to register the account but to no avail. The wallet simply brings up the registration, pay from account. No action is taken after I hit ok? Do I need to install a separate file for this or???

Technical Support / PTS wallet directory
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:56:10 pm »
I'm trying to register my BTSX wallet by importing my PTS wallet directory. Whenever I go to import my PTS wallet into my BTSX wallet via the import wallet tab the wallet path indicates that there is no such file or directory. I must be using the wrong directory. Can anyone show me how to pinpoint my PTS wallet directory so I can import it into my BTSX wallet. Im using windows 8.

Thank you!

Technical Support / BTSX coin withdraws from BTER
« on: August 05, 2014, 04:51:58 am »
I trying to transfer from BTSX coins to my wallet from BTER. The withdraw keeps getting rejected with this message

cancelled:BTSX account is not registered or memo is too long

I cant seem to register my wallet account without funding the it. Im kind of stuck. Im using the account key as my address. Is that the correct address?

Any help welcomed!

BitShares PTS / PTS wallet will not sync
« on: August 04, 2014, 08:09:27 pm »

I just learned about PTS and I am very intereted in getting in on all future snapshots. I just downloaded the PTS wallet from github v 1.0.0.

The dl went very smoothly as expected buy my wallet wont sync. It says that there are 0 active connections to the PTS network? Im not sure why the wallet wont auto sync. Any ideas on what I can do to get this wallet syncing so I can purchase my PTS. Also, is there a minimum PTS you need to have to be included in all future snapshots???

Thank you,

General Discussion / PTS wallet will not sync
« on: August 04, 2014, 08:08:38 pm »

I just learned about PTS and I am very intereted in getting in on all future snapshots. I just downloaded the PTS wallet from github v 1.0.0.

The dl went very smoothly as expected buy my wallet wont sync. It says that there are 0 active connections to the PTS network? Im not sure why the wallet wont auto sync. Any ideas on what I can do to get this wallet syncing so I can purchase my PTS. Also, is there a minimum PTS you need to have to be included in all future snapshots???

Thank you,

Technical Support / PTS wallet will not sync
« on: August 04, 2014, 08:07:00 pm »

I just learned about PTS and I am very intereted in getting in on all future snapshots. I just downloaded the PTS wallet from github v 1.0.0.

The dl went very smoothly as expected buy my wallet wont sync. It says that there are 0 active connections to the PTS network? Im not sure why the wallet wont auto sync. Any ideas on what I can do to get this wallet syncing so I can purchase my PTS. Also, is there a minimum PTS you need to have to be included in all future snapshots???

Thank you,

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