Author Topic: bitUSD ATM/Kiosk  (Read 13466 times)

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Offline DMo09

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BIG  +5%
Thank you and keep up the great work!  Best of luck!

Offline bitcoin42


Thanks @devlux for the update! Since yesterday we have a domain! :) So you can go to   ... Payment options are not working yet, but will be up soon. Also httpS will be active asap, so you can feel a bit more comfortable sending your data to us.

There is an article which was about the ATM on but our hosting provider lost it! Seriously, stay away from We changed to them, and after horrible customer service experiences we moved back to our old provider  ... Weloveservers send us a broken backup link, and after asking for a new one they said the deleted everything! So we would need to recover all our website updates from 3 moth manually and we just didn't have the time to do that. So sorry for the dead links on

@Pheonike  Rather then the "main steam" raspberry, check out this awesomeness. That's what I call real open source from bottom to top, and they also come with LCD touchsrceens:

But all this is future development. As Devlux said, first we want to ship a solid Simplicitiy Model A+

Stay tuned!


Offline devlux

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Just a heads up.  On the bottom of the partners page on the sales site you'll see a company called ValorTech.  That's my company but the link goes nowhere just yet.  That is the company that would be tasked with doing any customization work you may want (such as supporting more than just a single exchange, supporting an alternative billacceptor etc). 

In the meantime, PM me here if you require customization work. 

The whole source code for the ATM will be released eventually, there is no need to keep it secret, but I do need to do a code cleanup, especially my code comments which in many cases no longer reflect what is actually going on.

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I took quite a bit longer to get everything fully functional than I thought it would.  The cable we had planned to replace the Pi with ended up not doing the job so we had to find a new supplier.  I apologize for that, but I won't let something ship unless it's solid and reliable.  We had to raise the MSRP in order to cover the costs of the new hardware, but it's not that much higher.

We have several demo units ready, and we'd like to sell an entire production run. 
We've decided to skip the master reseller arrangement in favor of local franchises for those who are interested.

In the meantime, while we work to build up our network, we are selling units for as low as $777 off this first production run. 

The MSRP is $1495.
We will be batching them out in 100 unit orders.

You can find more info here...

Of course we accept bitUSD, although the cart doesn't yet. 
Just contact to arrange for payment.


Offline devlux

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It might be the kernel & os rather than the Pi.  It could also be voltage leakage on the connectors zapping something.
The Pi standalone without a tablet would be an awesome idea and it's something we're considering for the next iteration.  I think once we get the leakage issue resolved it might work too.

Current goals are to be as "part for part" compatible with the Skyhook as possible.

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We're tracking it pretty closely.  The ATM is 3 different pieces of software all talking to eachother.
The front end speaks a specific API to the backend, and the backend communicates with "providers" who all speak "backendese" as well.
The "provider" does the translation work between asset engine and backend.

We have a provider for bitshares almost done and plan to have one for graphene.  We also have providers in the works for a few of the different exchanges.  It will be up to the operator to enable the providers that they want to see on their own machines though.


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How long will it take to make the atm work with graphene?

Offline devlux

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we've been looking for an exchange partner to provide the currency exchange services.

paging @ccedk

I am here, will send them PM
@ccedk It's possible no one is checking until middle of this week.  If you want to drop me a PM with a contact email, I'll make sure it gets in front of the right folks.

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we've been looking for an exchange partner to provide the currency exchange services.

paging @ccedk

I am here, will send them PM
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Offline kenCode

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we've been looking for an exchange partner to provide the currency exchange services.

paging @ccedk
kenCode - Decentraliser @ Agorise
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Offline DMo09

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Thank you for your hard work, and keep it up!   +5%

Offline cass

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thx devlux for the update!  +5%
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Offline devlux

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This project is still alive and kicking, sorry for being so quiet lately but I'm not one to talk unless I have something important to say.
The original design for this called for it to be "part for part" compatible with the Skyhook.

After getting the first units off the line and performing burn in testing it was found that the the Pi is a serious design problem.
It can randomly "panic" requiring a reboot.  I strongly suspect that this is a result of voltage leaking, i.e.  RS232 is a 12V protocol and USB is 5v.  Whatever the cause, the fact is that the Pi was throwing a kernel panic at random intervals when connected to the bill acceptor.  I only found this out when connecting the Pi to a monitor and tailing syslog.

Unfortunately there was no way to indicate this "distress" condition to the user, so the end result was an ATM that randomly decided that it wouldn't take cash.

I went back to the drawing board and scrutinized each part of the design.

In a Skyhook, the Pi is sort of used for everything and the tablet is nothing more than a webbrowser pointed at a webserver running on the Pi.   One of the major differences between the Simplicity & the Skyhook is that with Simplicity we moved all of the business logic into the android tablet. 

At this point, the Pi is being used solely for interfacing with the bill acceptor. 
The only reason for keeping the Pi is that Pyramid does not have an android compatible API. 
So I've been writing one, it's not a direct port of their API, but it gives the essentials needed for the android and the acceptor to talk directly with eachother.

The other challenge here was that the Pi also functions to connect the bill acceptor into the system in general. 

Physically and electrically, the tablet connects to the Pi and this was how the tablet is being charged. 
Removing the Pi and replacing it with a straight through UART (part that translates the RS232 serial port of the bill acceptor to a USB one) means blocking the only port on the tablet that can be used to charge it.  Since the UART cannot tolerate the amperage required to charge the tablet, a standard USB hub or even a Y cable will not work here.

Our solution was to design a custom cable and find a cable manufacturer, one who could embed the UART into the cable , while also providing an electrically isolated charging channel so we effectively have a single "smart Y cable". 

The cable can detect when the tablet is trying to establish communication with the bill acceptor at which point it shuts off the power flow to the tablet.  When the tablet and bill acceptor cease communicating, the cable will resume charging the tablet.

I have some initial engineering samples arriving this week and if everything goes well, they should be in production by the first week of October.  Doing this will allow us to rid ourselves of the Pi and the extra complexity it introduces. 

Using the custom cable is $10 per unit more than utilizing the Pi was, so this doesn't save us any money.  However we think we can still keep the same MSRP, but at the wholesale level it will be a little higher priced.  We're still cheaper than a Skyhook though!

I also took the domain offline for the time being.  Once the retooling is complete, I'll be releasing the full sources to the front end directly on github in hopes of spurring the maker/hacker community to action to make awesome front-ends for these things.  Web design was never my strongest suit :)

In addition to all of that, we've been looking for an exchange partner to provide the currency exchange services.  I think we will be having an announcement on that very soon, but I'll invite the exchange partner over to make the actual announce.

On another note, we're reconsidering the Master Reseller arrangement.  I can't speak too much about it right now, but the goal has always been to get these into as many hands as possible as quickly as possible.  A huge part of that has been to make sure that warranty service issues were handled in a professional manner.  I confess though, we have really overbuilt these devices.  Every single component is high enough quality that the expected MTBF is over 2x the warranty period. 

Unlike previous efforts in this space, we're working directly component manufacturers and assembly houses. 
Nothing is being built in house with 3D printers and hand soldering :)

What this means is that the need for a nationwide network at roll out, probably isn't as pressing as we had anticipated.

Therefore, we may move to a direct sales model,  we're setting a pre-order price well below MSRP in order to get the production volume up. 
We will be accepting payment in bitUSD for all direct sales, so if you're interested in getting your very own Simplicity Model A+ please contact you'll be notified when we're "sales ready".   

That's it for now, thanks for your patience everyone!

Offline roadscape

Hi all,

I have been totally away from this board. I can confirm all what Devlux has been going on here. Check out some teaser of how the thing looks like in its raw form.



Sharp!  |  witness: roadscape