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Topics - GThierry

Pages: [1]
BitShares PTS / Protoshares Mining
« on: January 06, 2014, 01:49:57 am »

I am new to the Protoshares community.  I recently installed the Protoshares miner and was able to debug the console and start mining, however I am not able to navigate and understand the mining process, i.e. speed, protoshares mined, number of miners mining the same block, etc.

Any information would be appreciated, I have a nice mining set up and want to mine what I feel is a game changing technology, Protoshares

If you would also like to know which exchange I use, I use Crptsy.  If you would like to help a new user gain coin presence
I would really appreciate it.  I am masters student concentrating on Finance and believe diversification is a must in stocks
and believe cryptocurrencies should also be diversified.

Cryptsy Trade Key


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