Main > Stakeholder Proposals

[POLL]BAIP8 : Reduce price threshold by 30% for bitcny

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--- Quote from: R on August 11, 2020, 05:18:51 pm ---Feed the real bitcny price. There is no alternative solution.

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Where was Abit or BEOS or co ?

Can't see them.They didn't needed cn-vote to get it fixed

Feed the real bitcny price. There is no alternative solution.

I give a advice to recover the feed prices of bitusd:

Set the temporary feed price= X*0.0345 +Y*(bts/bitusd price of DEX + CEX price)


Increase Y 1%/day

bts/bitusd price of DEX<=0.0345

If the temporary feed price<=1.01*CEX price, recover the feed price;

If the CALL PRICE of first margin position<=CEX price, recover the feed price;

If the CEX price>=0.0345, recover the feed price;


--- Quote from: bitcrab on July 29, 2020, 04:36:35 am ---
--- Quote from: bitcrab on June 22, 2020, 02:52:27 am ---do not support this, it will hurt a big group one more time.
to optimize the system, firstly need to find a chance to lower the USD threshold to be equal to that of CNY.

--- End quote ---

I now changed my idea, I'd like to support this kind of proposal.

I have expected that BTS price can be up 0.22CNY without much difficulty. so bitCNY can return to peg naturally, but what happened is not what I expected.

Now although bitCNY has big supply, but it's more like a game.

reducing threshold from 0.22 to 0.154 will hurt debt position owners, but maybe  this is not avoidable, and is better than continuing the offpeg.

we have hurt bitCNY holders for the future of BTS, can't we hurt debt position owners for the same?

actually I don't think it's easy to get enough voting power that support this, maybe it's better to do the same for bitUSD?

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Finally after we drop out of top 100 you realize that scamming BTS, bitUSD & bitCNY holders and degrading the BSIP/BAIP/Voting processes has been extremely damaging to Bitshares, great!

The answer isn't to double down on scamming via BSIP76. End the fraudulent bitasset pegs.

Or  I can to propose another way
No one step back


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