Author Topic: Ticket sales will open this weekend!!! We will be announcing a coupon code soon  (Read 8321 times)

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Offline WinWSL

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Some guys at bitcointalk were being skeptical and asking me to provide proof that WSL actually has a lotto machine and we aren't just scamming... They asked me to take pics and put  #BTCCOINTALK    on the machine, so i did and here are the pics

Offline WinWSL

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ok you will get the code today!!

Who are you responding too? who will get their code today?

Offline WinWSL

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Just something to consider but marketing will be a bit harder for you then the standard lottery. Ask yourself a couple of questions.
Why would someone play WSL instead of state lotto? Here are just some reasons:

1) much better odds to win (even though it will take some time before the pot is VERY exciting) - our game is pick 5 numbers 1-40 with no mega number, so the odds of winning an average Mega lottos is  1 in 178,000,000  the odds of getting 5/5 at WSL in more like 1 in 680,000 MUCH BETTER ODDS..
2) You can use Bitcoin, we all know the benefits of Btc, anonymity, tax free, decentralized, convenient, online
3) Play anywhere in the world with an internet connection, no need to buy at a brick and mortar location 
4) no penalties for taking your jackpot all at once, no long term payout, get your winnings within 24 hours from drawing, but mostly within an hour or two of the drawing
5) There is a social aspect to WSL, we have a forum where it will evolve to a community of friends and fun chatting

State lotto gets tv and newspaper time showing off the winner's. In all likely hood your winners will be anonymous.

1) Our winners may be anonymous if they chose, that's part of the beauty, but i also think that many users have nothing to hide and wouldn't mind letting us share their story of winning with our community and our social media outlets. We will ask some winners if they mind sharing, if they don't we will do as much PR as possible to show everyone real people are winning...   and even if they chose to remain anonymous, we can still do a story on them using an alias vs their real name...

State lotto has been around and has huge jackpots, I don't know what your bankroll is but can you offer large enough amounts to attract players?
  Very true and we don't have a big enough bank roll to have an extremely attractive pot yet, we are open to partnering with an investor if anyone is interested, but it's not necessary. Our pot is starting at 5Btc, i know that's not huge but one ticket is only  .001btc and the odds aren't bad, it's a pretty good gamble already. We are here for the long haul and gradual sales will increase the pot, right now 100% of sales go to the pot, the staff at WSL all have other jobs also to pay the bills, we are interested in growing the pot as fast as possible and we will not take any profit until the pot get MUCH higher. 

Your idea has a ton of upside but the above are some pitfalls, can I ask what you plans are to market and how you answer the above questions?
   Thank you, i agree WSL has huge potential. Our marketing strategy right now is SEO and word of mouth through forums, blogs, social media etc... I'd love some ideas if you guys have any. Because there is no income generated from WSL and we still have families to support, we are limited to working capital and time as well...

Thanks for taking time to answer some questions. I may be wrong but you may be able to get some investors by creating a user issued asset on the exchange which would allow you to sell shares in your company and help bring you closer to that big prize you are building toward.

Take it a step further and make your user issued asset, do a share drop to pts/ags holders and you will gain the support of the community. I mean you all ready have a working product you need capital to put up large prizes and attract more players.

Or even better try to ingrate your lotto into a gambling platform, roulette,dice,blackjack,poker. Then you are not only attracting lotto players but gamblers of all sorts. Players may come for the poker and see their is a big lotto drawing and say why not is only .001btc. If it is done correctly all the above games will share in the profit and allow a bit of gambling diversification :). The holders of the user issued asset perhaps called "bitWSL" or if integrated with other games "bitCHN-bitchance"....whatever would be paid a yield for helping with start up capital.

The good part is you have something working, now you just need to attract some money for the "prize" and with a big prize will come attracts money, never fails.

great advise and feedback thank you... can you tell me more about the bolded area? how do i create that and on what exchange? it sounds like something that would be great for us...  thanks again

Offline Gentso1

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Just something to consider but marketing will be a bit harder for you then the standard lottery. Ask yourself a couple of questions.
Why would someone play WSL instead of state lotto? Here are just some reasons:

1) much better odds to win (even though it will take some time before the pot is VERY exciting) - our game is pick 5 numbers 1-40 with no mega number, so the odds of winning an average Mega lottos is  1 in 178,000,000  the odds of getting 5/5 at WSL in more like 1 in 680,000 MUCH BETTER ODDS..
2) You can use Bitcoin, we all know the benefits of Btc, anonymity, tax free, decentralized, convenient, online
3) Play anywhere in the world with an internet connection, no need to buy at a brick and mortar location 
4) no penalties for taking your jackpot all at once, no long term payout, get your winnings within 24 hours from drawing, but mostly within an hour or two of the drawing
5) There is a social aspect to WSL, we have a forum where it will evolve to a community of friends and fun chatting

State lotto gets tv and newspaper time showing off the winner's. In all likely hood your winners will be anonymous.

1) Our winners may be anonymous if they chose, that's part of the beauty, but i also think that many users have nothing to hide and wouldn't mind letting us share their story of winning with our community and our social media outlets. We will ask some winners if they mind sharing, if they don't we will do as much PR as possible to show everyone real people are winning...   and even if they chose to remain anonymous, we can still do a story on them using an alias vs their real name...

State lotto has been around and has huge jackpots, I don't know what your bankroll is but can you offer large enough amounts to attract players?
  Very true and we don't have a big enough bank roll to have an extremely attractive pot yet, we are open to partnering with an investor if anyone is interested, but it's not necessary. Our pot is starting at 5Btc, i know that's not huge but one ticket is only  .001btc and the odds aren't bad, it's a pretty good gamble already. We are here for the long haul and gradual sales will increase the pot, right now 100% of sales go to the pot, the staff at WSL all have other jobs also to pay the bills, we are interested in growing the pot as fast as possible and we will not take any profit until the pot get MUCH higher. 

Your idea has a ton of upside but the above are some pitfalls, can I ask what you plans are to market and how you answer the above questions?
   Thank you, i agree WSL has huge potential. Our marketing strategy right now is SEO and word of mouth through forums, blogs, social media etc... I'd love some ideas if you guys have any. Because there is no income generated from WSL and we still have families to support, we are limited to working capital and time as well...

Thanks for taking time to answer some questions. I may be wrong but you may be able to get some investors by creating a user issued asset on the exchange which would allow you to sell shares in your company and help bring you closer to that big prize you are building toward.

Take it a step further and make your user issued asset, do a share drop to pts/ags holders and you will gain the support of the community. I mean you all ready have a working product you need capital to put up large prizes and attract more players.

Or even better try to ingrate your lotto into a gambling platform, roulette,dice,blackjack,poker. Then you are not only attracting lotto players but gamblers of all sorts. Players may come for the poker and see their is a big lotto drawing and say why not is only .001btc. If it is done correctly all the above games will share in the profit and allow a bit of gambling diversification :). The holders of the user issued asset perhaps called "bitWSL" or if integrated with other games "bitCHN-bitchance"....whatever would be paid a yield for helping with start up capital.

The good part is you have something working, now you just need to attract some money for the "prize" and with a big prize will come attracts money, never fails.   

Offline WinWSL

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Just something to consider but marketing will be a bit harder for you then the standard lottery. Ask yourself a couple of questions.
Why would someone play WSL instead of state lotto? Here are just some reasons:

1) much better odds to win (even though it will take some time before the pot is VERY exciting) - our game is pick 5 numbers 1-40 with no mega number, so the odds of winning an average Mega lottos is  1 in 178,000,000  the odds of getting 5/5 at WSL in more like 1 in 680,000 MUCH BETTER ODDS..
2) You can use Bitcoin, we all know the benefits of Btc, anonymity, tax free, decentralized, convenient, online
3) Play anywhere in the world with an internet connection, no need to buy at a brick and mortar location 
4) no penalties for taking your jackpot all at once, no long term payout, get your winnings within 24 hours from drawing, but mostly within an hour or two of the drawing
5) There is a social aspect to WSL, we have a forum where it will evolve to a community of friends and fun chatting

State lotto gets tv and newspaper time showing off the winner's. In all likely hood your winners will be anonymous.

1) Our winners may be anonymous if they chose, that's part of the beauty, but i also think that many users have nothing to hide and wouldn't mind letting us share their story of winning with our community and our social media outlets. We will ask some winners if they mind sharing, if they don't we will do as much PR as possible to show everyone real people are winning...   and even if they chose to remain anonymous, we can still do a story on them using an alias vs their real name...

State lotto has been around and has huge jackpots, I don't know what your bankroll is but can you offer large enough amounts to attract players?
  Very true and we don't have a big enough bank roll to have an extremely attractive pot yet, we are open to partnering with an investor if anyone is interested, but it's not necessary. Our pot is starting at 5Btc, i know that's not huge but one ticket is only  .001btc and the odds aren't bad, it's a pretty good gamble already. We are here for the long haul and gradual sales will increase the pot, right now 100% of sales go to the pot, the staff at WSL all have other jobs also to pay the bills, we are interested in growing the pot as fast as possible and we will not take any profit until the pot get MUCH higher. 

Your idea has a ton of upside but the above are some pitfalls, can I ask what you plans are to market and how you answer the above questions?
   Thank you, i agree WSL has huge potential. Our marketing strategy right now is SEO and word of mouth through forums, blogs, social media etc... I'd love some ideas if you guys have any. Because there is no income generated from WSL and we still have families to support, we are limited to working capital and time as well...


Offline WinWSL

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Thanks guy for your feedback and i will answer those questions tomorrow when i get back form a business trip im on, just a little busy at the moment and want to answer them in detail...
   and yes we plan on being around for a VERY long time, so i give you my word i am hones and have good intentions in mind. I truly believe with the right feedback and evolution of business model, this has potential to be the best lottery in the world...
  Our goal is to develop a legitimate lottery by the people for the people without the government intervening. I believe bitcoin allows us independence from our financial institutions that always want to know every bit of our business. 

Offline Gentso1

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Ok when you click the play button you are brought to the number picking screen, this is great and very easy to follow, you then proceed to the preview ticket screen. Now this seemed very simple I put my code in but this was where it was "off" a bit. I am going off memory here but it was as simple as just going to the confirm order and boom done. I am not sure if you want a update cart button or redeem code button on the preview ticket screen to change the balance owed to zero but on the last screen (I can't be more specific because it just says insufficient balance now) I should just get a brief overview of my order and a confirm order button.
I also just noticed my free tickets did not show up under "my account" but I do have the email confirming them. I would suggest not have the confirmation email not be a .zip file because I won't open it in the off chance this is a phishing scheme. Make some thing that can just be viewed maybe add a PGP signature so we know its from you.

The hardest part will be getting this idea started and building a reputation, so people KNOW you will pay out if they win. A free ticket drop could be done on say one free ticket given to every bitcoin addy or pts addy, whatever. I don't know how to do it but I know it can be done because lots of coins have done airdrops.

Just something to consider but marketing will be a bit harder for you then the standard lottery. Ask yourself a couple of questions.
Why would someone play WSL instead of state lotto?
State lotto gets tv and newspaper time showing off the winner's. In all likely hood your winners will be anonymous.
State lotto has been around and has huge jackpots, I don't know what your bankroll is but can you offer large enough amounts to attract players?

Your idea has a ton of upside but the above are some pitfalls, can I ask what you plans are to market and how you answer the above questions?
« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 08:42:08 pm by Gentso1 »

Offline mf-tzo

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some comments:

I am not sure if I used the code that you sent me. It didn't specify for how many tickets it was so I chose 1 ticket for 10 drawings to see what will happen. The system advised that I didn't have sufficient funds so when I clicked "back" and tried to play again by putting the code, the code has expired.

Then I saw that I had 2 free tickets. Was this from the code or because I have registered?

I did play in the end with the 2 free tickets.

All in all it looks good. A suggestion would be maybe to able to put the codes on the front page somewhere so we can see how many funds we have in advance with the codes.

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I did registered as mf. Thank you very much for the ticket I will try it soon..

Good luck with your project. As long as you have good intentions I think it will have a success..

Stick around here and if people don't respond don't get put off. It is just that the devs and the more appropriate tech and smart people to help you are currently all very busy launching new DACS, polishing and improving BTSX. 

The AGS addresses that you can do a snapshot can be found below:

look at PTS and BTC donations

For your information, Lottoshares, a 3rd party DAC, did a snapshot to AGS - PTS. Although I am not sure how many have actually claimed their shares yet since there are some security and trust issues. I know I haven't yet but soon more appropriate tools will get developed in order to securely claim the shares that people airdrop to AGS-PTS..

Some links that can get you up to speed to see what is BitsharesX, PTS, AGS and the social consensus below:

Offline WinWSL

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I have registered. Can I get some free tickets to try it? I will then respond with any comments..

Regarding the below
Consider doing a free ticket drop to pts and ags holders and perhaps some other coins

I think you should consider do that as part of your marketing strategy and in order to attract all people from this community to play the game.

This community is all about PTS (Protoshares) and AGS (Angelshares), tokens that give shares in future DACS developed that the developers want to attract a strong supportive community, who help launch their product in many different ways (marketing,  participating in the DAC, helping with the development etc..)

I am not technically savvy to explain you how this is done. So others should jump in and explain you better. Basically you take a snapshot of all the AGS and PTS addresses and award them some free tickets according to their balances. Many of them will like to continue playing by buying new shares. It is a great marketing to attract a community with many members and also people in here will start spreading the word around for you. "WSL honors pts and ags. Get your free tickets today" etc..

Ok im all about innovation and I am well aware that World Super Lotto has to build a trust, is there anyone who can send me a link where i can find more info on this? And how do you all imagine me accepting these? It would take a lot of work to build it into the API (checkout) system. I could just trade them here and award free plays for them, is that what you had in mind?
  I am open to this idea but would love some assistance learning and understanding this concept.

  mf-tzo  did you register? I think i see you, can you confirm your registered as mf? I will send you your coupon code to the email provided!!   :)

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I have registered. Can I get some free tickets to try it? I will then respond with any comments..

Regarding the below
Consider doing a free ticket drop to pts and ags holders and perhaps some other coins

I think you should consider do that as part of your marketing strategy and in order to attract all people from this community to play the game.

This community is all about PTS (Protoshares) and AGS (Angelshares), tokens that give shares in future DACS developed that the developers want to attract a strong supportive community, who help launch their product in many different ways (marketing,  participating in the DAC, helping with the development etc..)

I am not technically savvy to explain you how this is done. So others should jump in and explain you better. Basically you take a snapshot of all the AGS and PTS addresses and award them some free tickets according to their balances. Many of them will like to continue playing by buying new shares. It is a great marketing to attract a community with many members and also people in here will start spreading the word around for you. "WSL honors pts and ags. Get your free tickets today" etc..

Offline WinWSL

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I used both of my free tickets(thanks).
For the most part I like the idea and concept.
The checkout needs to be a little simpler. I wasn't sure if I had added tickets or not until I got the email.
I Like lottery style games because the public is all ready familiar with the concept.
Big prizes are whats going to make or break it. Think about it, when the state lottery gets close to record breaking amounts people talk about it more and it makes the local and national news. Other then that I really like the concept. Consider doing a free ticket drop to pts and ags holders and perhaps some other coins or put up a large prize and I think people will play. Good Luck.

thank you for your feedback, it's greatly appreciated. We intend on being here forever as we want to be EXACTLY, like you said, a familiar lottery, much like state lotteries. You got what we are going for, we wanted this to be very familiar. We are also big believers in separation of our currency from government and we love the idea that with bitcoin, we have the power. We don't withhold any money for things like one lump payment or taxes etc.
   I love getting feedback, i agree the checkout system should be more clear, can you be a little more specific to what you would like to see change?  Also can you please clarify the points i have bolded above?
   Thanks for playing and good luck, make sure you Tune in to watch the drawing live!

  Also this goes for everyone, We just added another bonus to encourage people to spend a little btc of their own. So if you buy at least 2 tickets using your own btc for this upcoming drawing, then email us at  and let us know, we will send you a code for another free play!!

Offline Gentso1

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I used both of my free tickets(thanks).
For the most part I like the idea and concept.
The checkout needs to be a little simpler. I wasn't sure if I had added tickets or not until I got the email.
I Like lottery style games because the public is all ready familiar with the concept.
Big prizes are whats going to make or break it. Think about it, when the state lottery gets close to record breaking amounts people talk about it more and it makes the local and national news. Other then that I really like the concept. Consider doing a free ticket drop to pts and ags holders and perhaps some other coins or put up a large prize and I think people will play. Good Luck.