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Topics - magius

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General Discussion / Redesigning society through DAC
« on: March 23, 2014, 01:55:28 pm »
I'm magius from Rome, Italy. I start this my first contribute to this forum citing bytemaster:

Imagine a world where justice, defense, dispute resolution, medical, retirement, charity can all be provided at the highest quality, lowest cost, with out the need to resort to impose a double standard between the 'ruled' and the 'rulers'?    A double standard that says the two may be held to different moral standards. 

I set out to invent the solutions to these problems rather than simply accept that the only way to have justice for some is to cause an injustice for others.  Create a DAC that causes selfish motives to align with your desired global outcome and does not depend upon force to do so.   

About ten years ago, during the Argentine collapse, an italian group developped a project to address economic development and social justice both. The project was called FAZ, Financial Autonomous Zone. Here you can find an abstract in english:

After ten years we wish to go a step further. Our system born as "analogic", but - IMHO starting from Bitshares approach - we think is possible to make it "digital".

Basicly our goal is to make something similar to a DAC that can issue a demurrage based currency on investments, to fund everyone who ask for funds to create wealth and to issue it to redistribute wealth to all community members through a basic income. Our goal is to create a currency that cannot be accumulated (store of value) but only spent (mean of exchange).

On May 30 we'll held an international meeting about our project in Italy. In the meantime we wish to start a collaborative international group of economists and coders to try to make a cryptocurrency with these features.

Your help is needed.


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