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Messages - roadscape

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Technical Support / Re: !!! Stupid Questions Thread !!!
« on: December 09, 2015, 07:56:14 pm »
We've had this nice thread: Payment business: comparison between Bitshares and it's competitors.
Does anyone remember a forum thread offering a similar comparison but regrading the exchange business?

Was it a comparison of DEX vs. centralized exchanges?

an account has lots parts

account name
account password
account back up
account brain key

which bits are need to fully restore a account?

My understanding is that we have the two recovery methods:

1. Wallet backup + wallet password. The surest way to recover everything including unclaimed balances (and in the future probably stealth balance addresses/history)
2. Brain key. The brain key alone should be enough to recover the wallet and the accounts created within it. Unclaimed balances will need to be re-imported. Also, I'm not sure if it will recover keys that were imported manually.

Could someone clarify what the brain keys recover (or don't)?
Do the wallets continue to use deterministic keys, and is that how multiple accounts are recovered?

fake edit: .. ok, I tried importing my brain key into a new wallet (New Wallet > Custom brainkey) but nothing showed up. Wasn't there was a separate "Import Brainkey" feature somewhere?

General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh Block Explorer + MUSE now available
« on: December 09, 2015, 07:23:22 pm »
 +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5% +5%

Glad you like it ken!

Great!  +5%

Can we also have stats about network profit? (number of transaction * fee * network fee percentage(20%)).

Yes, this would be great. What happens when fees are paid in a UIA? Should those be reported separately, or should it report the equivalent BTS fee paid at the time of fee payment?


Great to see these charts...  I agree with @clayop about network profit..

Might be good to separate out operations in a few charts or tables..

I think trades & transfers are the main transactions people want to see..

Account upgrades broken down by annual, lifetime would be nice to see as well as referral revenue...

Separating into two tables is a good idea... an easy way to make the chart less overwhelming. Maybe have two charts: one for trades/transfers, and then one for everything else?

What's the best way to split it?

would it be possible to not show everything, maybe in the beginning nothing is clicked !

i want most of the time only few point and it would be great if i can click them. Right now, i have to unclick everything and then
choose what i want.

My concern was that hiding everything might be as confusing as showing everything. What do you think about the above idea of splitting into two charts, would that help?

Do I understand right that 20% of all income from this feature is automatically burned?*

And all shareholders share this benefit without having to do or pay anything other than approving your proposal?

*well technically recycled (as network fees) but illiquid nonetheless. could still be burned though!

General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh Block Explorer + MUSE now available
« on: December 08, 2015, 05:34:10 pm »
@Shentist @cass

Added daily transaction (operation) statistics:

You can toggle which operations are displayed by clicking on them in the legend.

Also added rudimentary "scoreboards":

General Discussion / Re: BTS voting initiative
« on: December 07, 2015, 08:36:36 pm »
I am VERY impressed with cryptofresh's contribution.   Please send him some serious tips!  Major brownies coming your way.

Thank you BM!

Dont forget to send stuff to @svk as well for his bitsharesblocks page even though it was on the legacy network!!

Excellent job @roadscape

I have a couple of "stupid" questions:
(1) Regarding the committee:
- is the size of the committee predefined or does it depend on actual voting support (as we have with witnesses)?
- why can't we see the scores for committee candidates that are currently outside the committee? (all we see is "-")
(2) Regarding the witnesses:
- what is the threshold of support that you need to achieve to become elected? Is it 10%?

Excellent questions!

 - The size of the committee is defined by the voters. Everyone gets to vote for the ideal number of committee members. IIRC, the median amount is chosen. Currently, it's 11. So at each maintenance interval, the top 11 by vote count are set as the active set.
 - Witnesses work the same way. The current active witness count is 25.
 - The scores for inactive committee candidates are not shown because the votes are only calculated during the maintenance period, and for the purposes of efficiency the vote counts are only saved for those who are in the active set. As far as I can tell, this only happens for committee members because inactive witness vote counts appear active. One possible workaround is for cryptofresh to add up the votes externally... this is something I'd like to do soon.

Another question:

It looks as though committee-account is growing in followers.. why is this happening?
Nobody should be proxying to committee-account.. that's 1.4% of voting stake not being put to use.

Sorry, only have Linux/OSX experience

General Discussion / Re: Help me Identify the Top 10 most harmful laws!
« on: December 07, 2015, 06:42:27 pm »
I am looking for a list of laws that have the following characteristics:

1. Completely Unjust  (Victimless Crimes)
2. Probability of Getting Caught Violating the law is Low
3. Cost of getting caught is high
4. The penalty for getting caught is mostly financial
5. Have public sympathy for the individual prosecuted

There's good ideas in this thread but #5 is the most difficult characteristic to cover..

When I think of tax evasion, insider trading, even jaywalking, they don't scream "public sympathy"

What about things like whistleblowing? Surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet. Not "illegal" per se but it's definitely prosecuted. Although the penalty may be much more than financial.

Also consider:
 - Circumventing DRM & revealing proprietary keys
 - Hacking your own devices
 - Downloading music/movies
 - Operating a pirate radio station
 - Writing censorship-resitant software

General Discussion / Re: feed price should expired over 1 hour
« on: December 07, 2015, 06:18:22 pm »
Thanks for clearing it up.. makes sense.. for now, I've put in the following settings, and the script runs twice per hour.

maxAgeFeedInSeconds = 24*60*60
change_min = 0.5

General Discussion / Re: feed price should expired over 1 hour
« on: December 06, 2015, 03:16:49 am »
bm and i highly recommend to publish prices more often than just once per hour .. if you want to spare money you can increase the maxage in the script but still run it frequently to catch up with price movements

Did the recommendation change? I thought it was stated before that 24 hours was sufficient and it also helped prevent market manipulation.. just want to make sure I understand

Technical Support / Re: Price feed on CryptoFresh
« on: December 06, 2015, 03:11:57 am »
Aaah, good catch, it's fixed now.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: MUSE missing information on Coinmarketcap
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:47:35 pm »

Could anyone tell me why coinmarketcap and available balance isn't showing up?   This information would put us in the upper part of page 1, which would give it a little more attention.

Looks like it's pulling MUSE price from BTS blockchain via cryptofresh. Which is maybe the wrong way to do it but ok in the short term. Cryptofresh only serves data for BTS blockchain.

So what needs to be done is to set up the CMC api for

I think it's close to being ready to go, but the Muse version of cryptofresh is kind of old and I have to bring it up to date

General Discussion / BTS voting initiative
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:37:35 pm »
I don't recall seeing a thread dedicated to discussing how to get more BTS stake voting.

It's important (or rather critical) for our security and as of today we have only 18% of stake voting.

Here is a tool to help the discussion:

(It's definitely not "done" but thought I'd share it sooner than later. I'm aware of several issues, just haven't been able to address them. Also there are many possible improvements)

 - Why aren't you voting?
 - What do we do about the exchanges?
 - What's our goal?

General Discussion / Re: feed price should expired over 1 hour
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:18:47 pm »
I was under the impression that in 2.0 price feeds only need to be updated once per day.
I also thought that a lagging feed had security benefits.. is that not the case?

Also, someone mentioned that BTC38 was blocking them due to rate limiting.. IMO this is a good reason for easing up on feed frequency. (When you don't have permission to scrape someone's site it's best to be conservative... for more than 1 reason)

Technical Support / Re: Price feed on CryptoFresh
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:13:22 pm »
Ah.. you must be referring to the main assets list.. that does use settlement_price, not CER, but the page regenerates only twice per day because it's pretty heavy. So you may have just seen slightly stale price

Technical Support / Re: Price feed on CryptoFresh
« on: December 04, 2015, 08:09:48 pm »

There are two columns: "Feed Price" (settlement_price) and "CER".
Did I miss something?

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