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Messages - XoonU

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Keystroke Lotteries - Whitepaper
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:26:41 pm »
This idea is not ready for prime time.  For one thing, why would anyone bother to type the parts that were difficult to read or translate? You would end up with clumps of consensus, like lumpy soup. Only the easy parts would attract typists, so you need a way to get people to take the risk of attempting consensus on difficult parts of the supplied text. In other words, difficult text needs to be made a part of the game itself.

Another problem is that if each keystroke string generates a unique hash per typist, how will consensus be determined? It seems to me you'd need to have people generating the same hashes again and again to reflect the same words being typed.

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