Main > Stakeholder Proposals

svk31 Delegate Bid

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This post is now obsolete, if you've voted for my *.svk31 delegates in the past please consider changing your votes for my new delegate:


Please see this thread for more info:

The old delegates will be taken offline once they're out of the top 101. Thanks for your support!

 +5% voted

Voted for ya, nice job with the block explorer!

Just a quick update, I'm currently an elected delegate, occupying that precarious 101st spot!!

My pay rate is at 80%, proceeds will support hosting for my block explorer website as well as the delegate server, and support further development on the site and any new projects.

If you like what I'm doing, please vote for me, I need your support!

Just letting you know I have a V0.1 version of a website up which at the moment has the following features:

* Live updates of delegates info
* Search for your delegate and see your stats, or look up others
* Reliability, current rank in the delegates list, number of votes and some other stats
* Basic block explorer showing new blocks in real time
You can check it out here:

It's in an early phase of development, if there's any info you'd like me to add feel free to ask and I'll see what I can do!

Edit: New version is live, major new inclusion is the block explorer!. Still working on delegate stats, but ran into a problem with storing the output from the batch api, will work on that next when I get time. Going away for a few weeks on holiday soon though so won't have a lot of time I'm afraid.

Delegates updated to 0.31


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