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Messages - oblivion6

Pages: [1] 2
Thank you for the help. You sent me exactly what i needed. thanks again

which i thank fully in part to oneuponatime and also xeroc for helping me. Again, please excuse my rudeness and ignorance from yesterday.... I went to your wiki page, read a lot about this project, i still don"t really understand it too well. but i would love to learn more. Maybe a visual representation would help. A video explaining everything step by step. What PTS and AGS are, what btsx is, what BitsUSD is, what they all do, what is there purpose and how do they operate, just like in ur wiki. Sometimes words are hard to understand in the context you're trying to convey when written in black and white... Thank you, Wish you guys the best of luck.

im sorry for the rude comments. i just dont understand all this, its frustrating. I still dont even know how to get my btsx off bter, even with a registered account....

Technical Support / Re: Support Tipping Thread
« on: October 07, 2014, 11:25:51 pm »
thank you for your help man, i love you are here for ur community, thank you for the help. and most of all, walking me through the process of getting to no btsx.... Best regards brudda man

why is this not allowed??

i bought btsx on bter, even though i bought them there, ur telling me i cant send these coins to my wallet???


ive posted my key 3 hours ago... do you no when it would be ready?

am i able to just buy some on bter and send them to my wallet to be registered?? i dont want to buy some, send them to my wallet and be lost

and thank you xeroc, i have doge to send you if you want some....

blocks all synced up, so now all i need to register is by send some btsx to my wallet??

my wallet is still updating, is that a problem??

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