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Messages - Tahsikani

Pages: [1]
Hello xolokram,

Yes I'm running a 64bit OS. I can run any 64 bit cpu miner. But gpu miner doesn't work. I thought this was a common issue and that there was an easy solution.

Thanks for your help !

Hello !
Can someone tell me why my windows 7 64bit does not recognize any gpu miner as a 64bit application ? ( wich it is ). It says it is not 64 bit compatible.
I can run a 64bit CPU miner no problem.

Thank you !

Hey everyone !
My pts wallet won't synch. I tried every addnode I could find. I tried different protoshares-qt.exe -add..... Nothing works

I went through the first pages of the post and on other forum's post in vain.

This is what I have :

ProtoShares version v0.8.5.0-unk-beta

IP proxy :   Port : 9050   SOCKS 5

Any ideas ?


EDIT: Problem solved

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