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Topics - RenaudGagne

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / What does On-Ramp & Off-Ramp means?
« on: December 26, 2014, 03:40:56 am »
Help a newbie! :-)

Technical Support / Becoming a dev
« on: December 25, 2014, 07:46:55 pm »
Hey everyone!

I am really having a blast about bitshares technology and I realize that code speak louder than words.

Im auto didactic and would like to learn how to build a DAC. Where do you start? What book and what would be good exercises to sharpen the skill?

My main skillset in my life is marketing and driving traffic through ads and creating sales funnels and would like to team up for a future P2P Lending DAC. But like I said, talk is cheap compare to code. :-)

General Discussion / BITUSD P2P Lending
« on: December 23, 2014, 06:16:10 am »
Hey Everyone,

Fairly new here but having a blast. I have been interested in p2p lending for a while but in Canada, too much regulations makes it impossible.

How can we do this as a DAC?

Also, talking about the economics of it would be interesting too(BITUSD / BITGOLD ?). Jump into the discussion if you like the idea. :D


Technical Support / Market of Interest Rates
« on: December 09, 2014, 06:32:31 am »
I want to have a portion of my portfolio in bitUSD and BTS to earn interest.

Now, how do I know which bitasset has the highest rate?

Btw, that it a HUGE selling point ;-) I never bought crypto before and that is what moved the needle for me.

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