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Topics - CourtJesterG

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / BitShares-PTS Wallet & ProtoShares Wallet????
« on: February 28, 2014, 08:56:42 am »
Ummm when I first found out about ProtoShares, I was actually at a website and downloaded a 0.20 ProtoShares Wallet that had mining enable really. Later after research and exploring and such. I noticed there was a new wallet but it was rebranded it different called BitShares -PTS Wallet. Please tell me these aren't two seperate wallets, in a way. Yes I know they have seperate address. Yet I've been mining on and really its all tagged ProtoShares; yet I used the BitShares-PTS Wallet address on the pool. Thinking it was just a rebranded wallet for a version and such. Can anyone elaborate?

General Discussion / PTS went to GPU???
« on: February 18, 2014, 03:56:34 pm »
When reading the website, it said that PTS wouldn't use GPU or anything else besides CPU to mine with? Why am I seeing GPU miners? Really after for the first time using a CPU to mine with, it kinda seems faster than my GPU.

Technical Support / Newbiee and I got questions
« on: February 18, 2014, 03:07:13 pm »
Hi am used to mining in pools and such. I did notice on GitHub they have a 1.00 version wallet, but it seems the mining features are taken out and hence has been rebranded compared to the site I got this Protoshares wallet from which has it has 0.20. I managed to add nodes and sync to the network and my data is up to date. Am also mining as well from what I can tell doing 4threads. Am running on a mac os x.

Usually with wallets they put a folder in user/library/coinname/ and have have the block dat, and such info, this I believe is also where you would usually put a .conf file as well I think. Yet I don't see one that was made for this wallet, so i don't even know where that information was downloaded too! Anybody know or can help out? Also since am used to mining in a pool, how does it all work when mining from the wallet solo with the network and such? Like I don't have a worker or anything just my wallet address, unless the .config file has the info. So am a little lost how it all works and is there anything else that I have to do on my part. Can you help me understand, thanks.

- My other question is I did the getmininginfo in console, HERE is my information: Is this info correct? I mean I notice some people have generate as either true or false from what I tell on the posts I read. Also what goes it all mean?

"blocks" : 52937,
"currentblocksize" : 58595,
"currentblocktx" : 22,
"difficulty" : 0.01724706,
"errors" : "",
"generate" : false,
"genproclimit" : 4,
"collisionspermin" : 7.14771954,
"pooledtx" : 32,
"testnet" : false

- My other question is now that I notice is the help command in console, I pressed it and lists all the commands. I noticed you can set generate to true and I have done that. I still don't know what it does. Nor what the rest of these commands actually do, hence nobody put a descrition anywhere and I can't find that answer.:

Again thanks for the help am really interested in this.


addmultisigaddress <nrequired> <'["key","key"]'> [account]
addnode <node> <add|remove|onetry>
backupwallet <destination>
createmultisig <nrequired> <'["key","key"]'>
createrawtransaction [{"txid":txid,"vout":n},...] {address:amount,...}
decoderawtransaction <hex string>
dumpprivkey <protosharesaddress>
encryptwallet <passphrase>
getaccount <protosharesaddress>
getaccountaddress <account>
getaddednodeinfo <dns> [node]
getaddressesbyaccount <account>
getbalance [account] [minconf=1]
getblock <hash>
getblockhash <index>
getblocktemplate [params]
getnewaddress [account]
getrawtransaction <txid> [verbose=0]
getreceivedbyaccount <account> [minconf=1]
getreceivedbyaddress <protosharesaddress> [minconf=1]
gettransaction <txid>
gettxout <txid> <n> [includemempool=true]
getwork [data]
help [command]
importprivkey <protosharesprivkey> [label] [rescan=true]
listaccounts [minconf=1]
listreceivedbyaccount [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]
listreceivedbyaddress [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]
listsinceblock [blockhash] [target-confirmations]
listtransactions [account] [count=10] [from=0]
listunspent [minconf=1] [maxconf=9999999] ["address",...]
lockunspent unlock? [array-of-Objects]
move <fromaccount> <toaccount> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment]
sendfrom <fromaccount> <toprotosharesaddress> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment] [comment-to]
sendmany <fromaccount> {address:amount,...} [minconf=1] [comment]
sendrawtransaction <hex string>
sendtoaddress <protosharesaddress> <amount> [comment] [comment-to]
setaccount <protosharesaddress> <account>
setgenerate <generate> [genproclimit]
settxfee <amount>
signmessage <protosharesaddress> <message>
signrawtransaction <hex string> [{"txid":txid,"vout":n,"scriptPubKey":hex,"redeemScript":hex},...] [<privatekey1>,...] [sighashtype="ALL"]
submitblock <hex data> [optional-params-obj]
validateaddress <protosharesaddress>
verifymessage <protosharesaddress> <signature> <message>

Technical Support / Newbiee and I got questions
« on: February 18, 2014, 12:52:55 pm »
Hi am used to mining in pools and such. I did notice on GitHub they have a 1.00 version wallet, but it seems the mining features are taken out and hence has been rebranded compared to the site I got this Protoshares wallet from which has it has 0.20. I managed to add nodes and sync to the network and my data is up to date. Am also mining as well from what I can tell doing 4threads. Am running on a mac os x.

Usually with wallets they put a folder in user/library/coinname/ and have have the block dat, and such info, this I believe is also where you would usually put a .conf file as well I think. Yet I don't see one that was made for this wallet, so i don't even know where that information was downloaded too! Anybody know or can help out? Also since am used to mining in a pool, how does it all work when mining from the wallet solo with the network and such? Like I don't have a worker or anything just my wallet address, unless the .config file has the info. So am a little lost how it all works and is there anything else that I have to do on my part. Can you help me understand, thanks.

- My other question is I did the getmininginfo in console, HERE is my information: Is this info correct? I mean I notice some people have generate as either true or false from what I tell on the posts I read. Also what goes it all mean?

"blocks" : 52937,
"currentblocksize" : 58595,
"currentblocktx" : 22,
"difficulty" : 0.01724706,
"errors" : "",
"generate" : false,
"genproclimit" : 4,
"collisionspermin" : 7.14771954,
"pooledtx" : 32,
"testnet" : false

- My other question is now that I notice is the help command in console, I pressed it and lists all the commands. I noticed you can set generate to true and I have done that. I still don't know what it does. Nor what the rest of these commands actually do, hence nobody put a descrition anywhere and I can't find that answer.:

Again thanks for the help am really interested in this.


addmultisigaddress <nrequired> <'["key","key"]'> [account]
addnode <node> <add|remove|onetry>
backupwallet <destination>
createmultisig <nrequired> <'["key","key"]'>
createrawtransaction [{"txid":txid,"vout":n},...] {address:amount,...}
decoderawtransaction <hex string>
dumpprivkey <protosharesaddress>
encryptwallet <passphrase>
getaccount <protosharesaddress>
getaccountaddress <account>
getaddednodeinfo <dns> [node]
getaddressesbyaccount <account>
getbalance [account] [minconf=1]
getblock <hash>
getblockhash <index>
getblocktemplate [params]
getnewaddress [account]
getrawtransaction <txid> [verbose=0]
getreceivedbyaccount <account> [minconf=1]
getreceivedbyaddress <protosharesaddress> [minconf=1]
gettransaction <txid>
gettxout <txid> <n> [includemempool=true]
getwork [data]
help [command]
importprivkey <protosharesprivkey> [label] [rescan=true]
listaccounts [minconf=1]
listreceivedbyaccount [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]
listreceivedbyaddress [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]
listsinceblock [blockhash] [target-confirmations]
listtransactions [account] [count=10] [from=0]
listunspent [minconf=1] [maxconf=9999999] ["address",...]
lockunspent unlock? [array-of-Objects]
move <fromaccount> <toaccount> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment]
sendfrom <fromaccount> <toprotosharesaddress> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment] [comment-to]
sendmany <fromaccount> {address:amount,...} [minconf=1] [comment]
sendrawtransaction <hex string>
sendtoaddress <protosharesaddress> <amount> [comment] [comment-to]
setaccount <protosharesaddress> <account>
setgenerate <generate> [genproclimit]
settxfee <amount>
signmessage <protosharesaddress> <message>
signrawtransaction <hex string> [{"txid":txid,"vout":n,"scriptPubKey":hex,"redeemScript":hex},...] [<privatekey1>,...] [sighashtype="ALL"]
submitblock <hex data> [optional-params-obj]
validateaddress <protosharesaddress>
verifymessage <protosharesaddress> <signature> <message>

Pages: [1]