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someone please help me

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thank you was a timing took about 25 minutes and since i was a bit new i panicked a little. thanks for the support. why does this software relate everything to the bitshares? if you dont feel like explaining i totally understand, a link to an article would be great...i have searched for the answer and not able to find the significance of bitshares...why not just keep it in whatever coin it was deposited as?

BTC blockchain confirmation will take a longer time. If you do not receive the coins in 24 hours, you can contact CryptoBridge.

For issues related with CryptoBridge and BRIDGE.XX assets you need to contact CryptoBridge support.
(BRIDGE.XX deposits and withdrawals are performed by the gateway managed by the team CryptoBridge)

CryptoBridge Support Email:
CryptoBridge Support Discord:

Looks all normal, just go to MY MARKETS -> BTS -> BRIDGE.BTC to trade against BTS.

i recently installed bitshares and used "deposit (beta)" to transfer a small amount of bitcoin(BTC)  to my bitshares account. it asked me to select the gateway operator and i selected "crypto bridge"...the transaction went through fairly quickly but i cant find it anywhere on my bitshares dashboard or under assetts. I am new so sorry if i sound retarded but any guidance would be appreciated


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