Author Topic: AGS funded airdrops? (Advantages and Disadvantages)  (Read 1865 times)

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Offline tonyk

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Let see an example.
In in this:

Toast easily accepts going from 45/45/10 AGS/PTS/Dev to 35/35/20/10 AGS/PTS/Namecoin/Dev . Which among other things results in the AGS acc. getting less Bitshares DNS shares (or should I say now .p2p shares)
What it means is the PTS holder equity will be diluted 22.22%.(will have equity equal to 77.77% of the initial proposal). Instead to accepting that, one can ‘donate’ 22% of its shares to AGS and make a statement that (s)he has made it as her choice -  ‘airdrops to  be made by the AGS fund.’
I assume that such dilution will be pretty typical, so I will go ahead and donate 20% of my PTS (2 PTS) to AGS today. I will also state that I do so as a vote that ‘airdrops should be made by the AGS fund.’

!!!   I support the idea of airdrops for the benefit of gaining market exposure!!!
!!! Also Airdrops should be made by the AGS fund!!!
Instead of delusion of my interest in future DACs I have transferred 20% of my PTS to the AGS fund to be used for that purpose!!!

ID: PfvzQqeoawD1HgfcnT3cAQdd3ngozVhox4
Time: 2014-04-12 23:22:07
Amount:2.00 PTS
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 11:41:14 pm by tonyk »
Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.

Offline luckybit

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I prefer rewarding people and organizations rather than blindly rewarding addresses.

I think for some blockchains which are for coins of social benefit then I support giving to addresses but I don't think Bitcoin is currently focused primarily on that at this moment in time. Bitcoin is focused on rewarding miners and attracting Wall Street which is good because it brings in VCs and Silicon Valley but it's bad because it doesn't bring in the rest of America or the world.

There are some organizations within Bitcoin to air drop to though. Look for organizations with a social cause or social mission but also who have a profit motive. Reward that because that is the social entrepreneur spirit which is in my opinion at the core of the Bitshares community.

Bitshares can distinguish itself in this way. While Bitcoin rewards miners and early adopters, Bitshares rewards true believers who either mined when the whole thing could have been worthless or invested in AGS when the whole thing could have been worthless. To satisfy the later adopters when you don't have the mining distribution mechanism you have to use air drops to replace mining.

But you don't need to adopt all the weaknesses of mining. You can reward volunteers in charities, social entrepreneurs and be highly strategic with your air drops. This is a major advantage in my opinion because Bitcoin is going to reward whomever has the latest ASIC and that is the chip makers or whomever runs the mining pools. No one else is being rewarded very much from Bitcoin at this time except for entrepreneurs running businesses. Airdrops are a good way to build long term strategic alliances.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 10:34:40 pm by luckybit » | Bitcoin<->Altcoin exchange | Instant | Safe | Low spreads

Offline gamey

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I am still fuzzy on how DACs worth within the overall Bitshares blockchain system.

It seems to me though after reading more about this that there are a few good ideas.

Airdrops can not be sold/traded immediately.  I believe Freetrade (the mmc guy) suggested we randomly add a delay for how long  until shares can be transferred.  Thats the best as there is no unified time where people will sell their shares.

It seems to me that a % of any new DAC could be airdropped and it would be useful if Inviciticus led an effort to mature this technology.

This allows the individual DAC implementer to decide what % to airdrop and to whom.  It doesn't need to be done at a higher level.

I like the claim system, however I am afraid it leaves out people who do not hear about it in time.  I would also suggest that people look at targeting addresses that have had activity in the past 3 months or possibly shorter.  This gives you people who are actively buying and spending cryptocurrency.  It doesn't help with the wasted/unclaimed coin issue, which I now realize drains value of the DAC.  (Dividends are still sent forever to the unclaimed shares.. ) 

One thing you should look out for is creating to much opportunity where people will be offering to buy emptied wallets. :)  Although in a way even that is useful, as it will spread the Bitshares concept.
I speak for myself and only myself.

Offline tonyk

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Shouldn’t the airdrops be funded by the account dedicated at its announcement as the one dedicated for such purposes? “…They will be used for advertisements, conferences, promotions and give-aways to stimulate interest in the new industry and to provide opportunities for everyone to contribute…”

The basic idea is the following – instead of  diluting the shareholders equity by setting aside certain % of the shares for airdrops, can’t we find way/s to use the shares received in the new DAC (by/in the AGS account) for said airdrop.

The implications of such approach are manifold so lets’ discuss them.

BTW I in semi-related line of thought the percentage of PTS in that (AGS) account relating to the total supply of PTS is suspiciously low (in my opinion) having in mind the beneficial AGS/PTS ratio it offers. In other word if most people are indeed in the bitshares for the long run why the long run investment strategy (i.e. AGS) attracts roughly 1/6th of all investments compared to the short term (liquid one) at almost 5/6th.

Lack of arbitrage is the problem, isn't it. And this 'should' solves it.