Author Topic: Compuceeds and Compumatrix  (Read 41628 times)

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Offline MarsResident

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I see and hear many wanting their daily dose from Erline or someone else here in the forum explaining exactly where we are at.   Do each of you realize that you already have that information at your own fingertips?  No?  Log into your portal account and read the top.  That announcement tells you exactly what is going on in the background and what we are all waiting on.

I KNOW this is not what you want to hear or read however it is the truth.  For those of you that program, you have an understanding of how long coding can take and getting it tweaked so it is secured.  The last post from Henry James also told you what is going on, what to expect and if you add that to what is in the portal you have, at any given time, where we are at.

I was on the phone with David yesterday discussing some company issues and told him that I’m not jumping up and down nor ‘concerned’ about the time this is taking to complete.  Why?  First, we need Henry to take care of himself no different than any other staff member or for that matter member of Compumatrix.  Health be it physical or mental health is important to attend to.  Yes, I know some of you are desperate for funds so you can attend to your own health issues.  Please understand I am not dismissing that at all.  I have lost many very dear and close friends over the past few years in Compumatrix because they could not afford to get the necessary care or treatments needed.  It is something that has weighed heavily on my heart that I could not do more to move or push this along. 

That is something that has been out of our control and now that we realize what we needed to do and have those that have ‘come along side us’ to help move us forward so this IS happening.  Now the question of ‘when?’  That is not something that can not BE written in stone given any change to a program, php protocol or security protocols have to be tested, retested and we go from there. 

Yes, I do realize this is NOT what you want to read right now, however the questions brought up since yesterday need to be answered.  We are not ‘dead in the water’, we are not back to square one… we are still in BETA mode and awaiting the ‘green light’ to get back to testing for everyone that is qualified to be involved in BETA testing.  (see Gail’s section for the requirements if you do not remember)

All of you are kept as informed as possible during the process however ‘details’ will not be put out to preempt issues that could and would arise if ‘some’ got that information.  It saddens me to say that not everyone has the members or company’s best interests at heart and are either greedy or just stubborn and want to be ‘right’ rather than have other’s best interests in mind.

Offline MarsResident

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It is now time for the next phase!  Are you ready?  LOL,  I know I am,  as is every one of the BOD and staff members. 

All instructions for the protocols concerning Cashouts are ready to roll.  Gail has worked very hard putting together a SIMPLE step by step instructions file.  We will have a meeting in our lobby to go over the protocols.  Staff have had time to go over the instructions so they will be able to answer any questions you may have.  The file on the protocols will be posted after the meeting under the VP section on our forum.   Henry will announce when the Cashout button will be released as soon as it is ready. 

We are hoping to have the meeting recorded for those who can't attend.   


WHEN:   Saturday, October 8, 2016

TIME:     12:00 PM  Eastern Time (US)


PASSWORD - iwillsucceed


All we have been waiting for is now unfolding before us.  PLEASE follow directions as we DO NOT want any more delays! 

The timeline will be discussed.


Offline MarsResident

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Hey Everyone!

We are currently updating our site. The new cashout module will now be bitcoin instant payments. We have discarded the micro-payment spends to verify destination addresses. As before, everything is irreversible.

For those with failed requests, Trade-ceeds will commence the refund of bitcoins to your Portal Bitcoin Address. The refund will show on the blockchain as well. So if you requested 0.5 BTC, this amount will show on your blockchain as an incoming transaction or deposit paid to your Portal Bitcoin Address and verifiable through any blockchain explorers.

Cashouts to the Bitshares Platform is ONLINE.

You should also have noticed that an active trading of COMPUCEEDS/BTS is also ongoing. Keep on trading. Buy low, Sell high. The value of COMPUCEEDS will continue to rise on the Bitshares Platform. If you have no idea on what to do, do not worry, we are preparing a video tutorial which will provide you instructions on how to make a MARKET, LIMIT or STOP TRADE. We are also going to have active traders that will work for you.

Also note that the term Openledger had been replaced with Bitshares. Openledger is a term for the centralized authority issuing other assets, tokens or rewards available on the Bitshares Platform. Please note that you may continue to use their online wallets for your account. There are several Bitshares 2.0 Wallets online including our own COMPUMATRIX.CO and OPENLEDGER.ASIA.

As for the micro-payments you have received during the first beta test run, that will already serve as your reward. It is a much higher reward than those you get from other bitcoin faucets. And we thank you all for helping us in identifying the errors which would have caused severe damage to our system IF we launched without any tests made.

The Beta Test will continue to run BUT without the micro-payments.

Offline MarsResident

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Good Day to Everyone!

I know each and every one of you are as expectant as those of us on staff to hear where we are in BETA.  We are moving along and the last sectors are being debugged.  This has caused the delay of more people seeing the first full cashouts in their outside ewallets.

Now, before anyone starts running around with their hair on fire or starts any MORE fires out there with mis/dis-information I’d like to clear some issues up. FIRST, Alpha testing which is the initial testing of a program has been done.  THAT stage is over and that is the stage of testing that can take YEARS to complete.  In BETA mode we look to ‘fine tune’ the remainder of the programming to make it work like a fine Swiss watch.  This is where we find ourselves at this moment in time. 

IT IS being accomplished and the ETA is expected to be released to us at any moment.  (If you have not noticed Erline sitting on the edge of her seat watching her computer, listening for the beeps and pings … she is as she waits to hear back from Henry and David).  My understanding is that WE are ALL going to be very happy with the result after this last round of BETA testing. 

Now, I already know someone put out that BETA can take YEARS.  Quite honestly, I wish most of you would stop going to read one explanation of what a BETA test is on the internet and take it as the ‘gospel truth’.  It is as bad as going to WebMD symptom checker and trying to diagnose your health issues yourself.  You may get some good information or you may get something totally off.  Plus, worse than that, you run around with your hair on fire spreading that information and set other fires, dash hopes, and just plain squash the happiness out of anyone reading what you have to say.  It is WRONG to steal another person’s happiness.

You do not have all of the facts and sadly we cannot be as open about them because of past experiences with a handful or so of members.  The majority of you have been positive, patient and extremely supportive as we have gone through this process.  To all of you, I thank you and so does everyone on staff and the programming teams.

YES TEAMS as in plural.  I will not tell you HOW many programming TEAMS are working on this because each has their section with sectors to be tweaked as needed.  I will tell you we are down to the last area and that should make you ALL extremely happy.  However, these programming teams are all around the world.  Henry and his team are just one of the many that have come together for this.  And if you are astute, this should tell you just how valuable your Compuceeds and for shareholders, your shares are going to become. 

Now, last but not least. For those running around with their hair on fire and spreading wildfires… STOP.  It is obvious you do not understand programming or BETA testing and NO this is not going to TAKE YEARS to complete.  If you do not know or have not actually programmed anything (and I am talking from scratch, not your DVD/ VCR player or bedside clock radio) then STOP guessing or taking some internet explanation and listing it as FACT.  Wait for the POST that will come out as soon as things are done to the satisfaction of all the programming teams and know you are in the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time.  WE are and have been breaking new ground so if you did not realize it before, realize it NOW.  You are on the GROUND floor of an opportunity that is going to change the way people look at cryptocurrencies.

P.S.  Have you looked at your portal today and read the message there?

Offline MarsResident

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Happy Sunday!

Hope you are taking time to enjoy some one on one with your family and friends
October is upon us, and my part of the world is bursting with color.  Fall is always a wonderful time of the year here in Louisiana.  Cool weather and NO humidity, YEAH!!!

The holiday season is coming up with this year promising to be a fantastic one for all of us here at Compumatrix!

According to Henry, all issues have been addressed.  The audit is being finalized.  I will be posting a full update tomorrow once it is cleared with Henry and David.  Let’s just say I was EXTREMELY excited to see the progress he has made along with the auditors and TradeCeeds. 

All I can say for those who still have doubts is you will one day be the ones who will shout the loudest proclaiming that YOU are happy you stuck it out!   Last night I had the best sleep I have had in a LONG time.  Relax and enjoy this special time in your life. 


Offline MarsResident

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Today is Tuesday, September 27, 2016.  Go back in time to September 27, 2005, please?  Do you remember what you were doing then?  Were you a member of our company?  Do you remember what your goals were at that time?  Were you with any other company during these past 10/11 years?  How many are still standing?  As a REMINDER:  We are still considered to be a Start Up company due to the dictated needs we have encountered by our recent and many adjustments to make operations work.  It is my belief that we all need to make that kind of mindset adjustment to understand exactly WHERE we are today!

Many of us have been here for a long time while some are fairly new to the “family” unit.  For those of us who have been here since the beginning we have seen many changes and many bumps in the road, BUT we are STILL here stronger than ever before.  Our paradigm may look different, but our goals are still intact.  THAT will never change.

As I read the forum post daily, the emotions run rampant.  Some post touches the heart as a member shares their need for prayer for a loved one.  Another post may be about an experience in their lives that also touches the heart strings.  Then there are those who can’t help but throw their insecurities around no matter what is going on.  The emotions go on and on from one post to another.  We have many different characters making up our company.  All GOOD I must say. 

There are many personalities that make up any company.  Yes, we do have an interesting group here from one extreme to the other, but I would not have it any other way.  Why?  I say this because it has taken us through some tough times together.  Those negative post just makes us work harder to prove them wrong.  The encouraging post makes it possible to go on yet another day pushing to get to where we have always been headed since day one.   What it all boils down to is the confidence we have gained over the years as we go from one day to the next plowing our way through a jungle of mines.  Some of these mines have switched our directions temporally, but most have shown us what to do and what not to do.  There have been many twist and u-turns.  The one constant is that we never STOP.  We keep going forward.

These last few weeks as we go through the process of BETA TESTING we have had many obstacles to contend with.  Is it working?  YES, it is working.  The BETA testing has allowed the programmers, TradeCeeds, Henry and his crew along with the staff to “fix” the holes that were discovered in the process.  These “holes” are being taken care of one at a time.  The processing of Cashouts has brought about a HUGE learning curve.  What works, what doesn’t, what are the needs, and above all how to FIX the issues that have arisen.  ALL, are being addressed methodically.  It is being processed ONE STEP AT A TIME

Going through a long explanation would be only a repetition of what has already been explained via Jane.  Jane has already broken this down for you.  If you haven’t read it then, please read it a couple of times so you can get a glimpse of what is happening with the programming and subsequent Cashout process. 

Now, for those of you who are getting answers from the portal chat, please note that your answers are from the TradeCeeds protocol and not from the CNII operations.   The answers in chat are not the final answers but only that which has surfaced as an issue, and that from that point on answers are being developed to address the situation.  In other words, DON’T read more into these answers you are getting.  When getting these answers, it is ALREADY old news as it is being addressed! 

Today there was a post written by a member who stated, “I know this is Beta Testing BUT…”  There is NO BUT.  WE ARE in Beta testing – period!  All issues will be taken care of and ARE being taken care of.  There will be instructions coming as soon as new information is available.  Contrary to the beliefs of some members who feel entitled to know all the ins and outs of this business, (yes we know it is YOUR business), it will not be discussed or explained in any details as stated by David and Henry. 

Yes, there are Cashouts still being processed!  These are not going out first in first out as was reported in an earlier post.  One issue being addressed is the outstanding loans holding up everyone.  This IS being taken care of.  The fix will CLEAR those who Do Not have any loans holding up their processing.  Those who do have outstanding loans will be held until they clear their loans.

There are EXCITING additions coming to Compumatrix.  The surface has only been scratched a tiny bit.  There is so much more coming!  BE READY!  Keep up with all updates. STAY POSITIVE. 

HOT OFF THE PRESSES:  "Cashout Processing is now ongoing. Issues resolved."  NOW, THAT IS SOMETHING TO YELL ABOUT!  Nope, I won’t say my two favorite words because you all know what those words are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am smiling and one HAPPY COO!

Offline MarsResident

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Yes, more than one got their first full cashout today before some of you started flooding and then kept refreshing the page causing what amounted to a DDOS attack or looked like one to the servers. 

Lessons for today and education I believe many of you still need to fully grasp the processes that a cashout goes through not just during BETA but will go through each time a cashout is done.  The only difference is that during BETA the ‘sectors’ are monitored and errors in each sector will show up either on the users end or on the programming end.  These are important to get all the hiccups out of the system so when we KNOW it all works smoothly and each API meshes and communicates with the next one without errors it can be put on automated.

First, when each of you did your first cashout a small sum was sent to your BTC ewallet address.  Some had .0005 and others .00001 that is the first ‘sector’ of the cashout programming and process.  This confirms your BTC address is correct (or at least it is a valid BTC address if you entered it wrong) and sends that to your outside ewallet.  The next portion of the programming will confirm if you are eligible TO do a cashout.  In other words, did you follow all the protocols given, send BTS and Compuceeds in Open Ledger to Trade-ceeds AND also determines HOW much during BETA you are allowed to cashout as a maximum.  Remember it is a 1:5 ratio for the amount of BTS sent to Trade-ceeds. 

Yes, I know this is redundant but some of you are not getting it so we will repeat ourselves until it sinks in.  Trade-ceeds is taking all the risk, doing the trading so that YOU can start to cashout and not wait for people who are devaluing our Compuceeds by trading them so low. (YES we still have people doing this and it needs to STOP). Personally I am asking if those making the trades that are devaluing us be suspended from cashing out from their portals if they are members.  Why? Because it is not fair to those that ARE paying attention and following instructions to a ‘T’.

Now, If you passed the first two sectors of the cashout process, got your test spend in your ewallet and have all the requirements done, BTS and Compuceeds sent to Trade-ceeds, the max limit is set (for now until you add more to that in Open Ledger), your cashout amount goes into the approved batch to be processed.  Here is where many of us are now STUCK.  WHY?  Because some decided to not just check but kept refreshing the page .. so many times it shut the process down. 

One other item ALSO shut things down.  SOME decided that for each card they already purchased from an outside wallet they could do TWO cashouts per card (a wrong move since they did not have a corresponding card purchased).  The first one is your freebie.. and for each and every cashout after that you must have a corresponding card purchased and paid for through an outside ewallet. 

I realize we have many in DIRE need.  I understand the frustration of the start stop of a BETA test but thinking that if you made it through the first sector or programming process ok with the test spend to verify your outside ewallet and so the rest should just flow it doesn’t.  Each section MUST go through the proper process and during the BETA testing each sector will be held until any errors members made are removed and then any other errors can be found and dealt with.  Learning that all the traffic on caused the equivalent to a real DDOS attack and slowed things down and it ground to a halt was frustrating, aggravating.. … add your own words if you’d like.

I am NO different than any of you.  I too am waiting for that ‘first remainder’ to get to MY own ewallet, just like the majority on staff.  Erline was our ‘Guinee pig’ to test the system because she happened to be up, available and Henry had to convince her to do it LOL.  (She would have preferred someone in NEED be that Guinee pig) but it was not at an hour where Henry was in front of his computer and would be in constant contact with the person doing the FIRST test.  So do not ‘envy’ nor badmouth her or anyone else for seeing their first successful cashout.  EACH of you will soon be in that same category if you just check your OWN ewallet instead of blockchain and understand there is a lot more involved in a BETA test than just that ‘test spend’ to your BTC ewallet address. 

We are on our way.. we are out of the gate and the race got called by fouls… now we restart the 2nd sector and so stay off and think happy thoughts :-)    If you are checking to see if a card you have purchased has your payment confirmed at least 6 times, your own ewallet should tell you that if you look at the transaction itself.  In the meantime thank you to all that are BETA testing and learning the process.  You are doing much to help this move along smoothly in the not so distant future.

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IT IS TIME!!!!!!!!!!

I always like to watch the reactions of members and it never fails that the ones who follow directions are the ones who ALWAYS follow directions.  Those who don’t are the ones who stir up anger in others.  Human nature?  No, I don’t think so I think it is more than human nature.  Many are in such a hurry that they don’t READ instructions nor follow directions. 

PEOPLE, PEOPLE, PEOPLE, Are YOU one of the people who keeps hitting refresh on Blockchain?  Well, THIS IS not good... hundreds of members refreshing   would cause a sort of DDoS attack on that site!  DON’T do that!  You can check your email from the wallet you are using!

Right now TradeCeeds has the list of those who qualified to go through Blockchain and those who didn’t qualify.  Those who processed MORE than the require amount were turned to NO.  Did you follow all qualifications?  If yes, then you are in the mix those who didn’t will have to wait for the next batch.  No, we can’t check to see if you are or is you are not.  All members KNOW if they did all of the requirements.  This will be an exciting day for hundreds of members!

Are you going to be one of the HAPPY campers at Compumatrix?  I know the staff IS so excited, poised and ready. 





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This is a SHORT and SWEET update!

This is coming from David via Henry to be shared with the members.

“The longer time Cashouts - all that are 4 days or older - will be receiving a confirmation between now and late Monday of movement to blockchain.”

Trade Ceeds is on top of all that has to be done! 

Henry is monitoring the system literally around the clock.  We are beside ourselves with the excitement as each day brings us to such heights we never in our wildest dreams dared to believe we would actually get to. 

We all wanted it but at times felt overwhelmed, right?  NOT everyone has felt that way.  One man has stood his ground.  One Man never lost faith.  One man could see what most of us could not wrap our heads around this new unchartered concept.  One man PULLED us to the finish line with a shy laugh and a twinkle in his eye.  One man KNEW where he was going and GOT where he was meant to be with a small core group of people he has finally felt he could trust.  He took us all with him.

Thank you, Henry, for being HENRY!



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Here is the latest news we can share with you all.

1.  Henry has been in Manila meeting with bank officials and tending to business.  His trip was a HUGE success.

2. One of the reasons Henry was there was to meet and get answers concerning our Beta Testing.  What works, what doesn’t and what has to be tweaked.  All questions have been addressed and are being taken care of asap!

3. Many are asking WHEN will the Cashouts go through the Blockchain?  The answer is by the end of this week we should see some movement and BIG smiles coming through.  PLEASE NOTE we are in BETA TESTING so anything can happen.  We are all mature business owners and need to be mindful that issues pop up and may need to be addressed.  As of right now all is a go!

4. Here is the answer to those using the same CoinBase account:  For those of you who are married and file income taxes together you WILL be allowed to use the same account.  This has been addressed and is allowed.  IF YOU are helping a friend, child, significant other, or member, please be mindful that YOU would be responsible for ALL taxes incurred on that account.  Whoever is in control of the account is liable for the taxes. 

5. BitCoin vs. Compuceeds:  Most members right now want to CASHOUT their BitCoin and get fiat in their hands ASAP.  When doing so, PLEASE be mindful as to what this means to your long term goal.  Most want to experience that feeling of accomplishment.  The “fruit” we have cultivated for so many years is “ripe” and ready for the “picking”.  Remember, every farmer makes sure he gets his field ready for the next season after his harvest.  We here at Compumatrix need to use common sense and make sure our “fields” are ready for the next “season”.   As members, we must always keep in mind that Compuceeds is our ASSET and our REAL VALUE, not BitCoin.  Once you Cashout a BTC it is gone!  Compuceeds can be cultivated into a CASH COW!  The worth of a Bitcoin goes Up and Down with no stability.  The value of a Compuceed is controlled by its owners.   Where do you want YOUR Compuceeds to be valued?  Are you satisfied with the 1 – 1 value or would you like it to be 100 – 1 or 500 – 1 or more?  The sky is the limit, and WE ARE IN CONTROL!  That gives us an advantage that no other company has.   Each of us OWN our businesses.  Our Compuceeds are on our “shelves” ready to be priced.  What value do you give YOURS?  In my mind I see our Compuceeds going for hundreds of $$$$$ in a very NEAR future.  Watch what happens when that Press Release is thrown out to the WORLD.  There will be people from around this planet looking to buy Compuceeds.  Where will they buy them?  Our businesses!  We tell them how much we want for our Compuceeds which they buy directly from the business owners.  THAT IS YOU AND ME!  Again. We set the price!

I know some members think they are old and sick and just want to CASH OUT.  Please think about your families and the legacy you can leave them.  Not only the monetary value but the fact that YOU never gave up when the odds were against your business “making” it!  The world has scoffed at this industry for years right?  Well, they are not doing that anymore but asking, “WHAT the heck is going on and HOW do I get in on this deal?”   The respect in the eyes of your loved ones will more than make up for all the hard knocks we have had to endure over the years.  OH HAPPY DAYS!  We don’t have to gloat, or serve crow pie, or say I told you so.  We just have to stand tall and feel the warmth that comes with the accomplishments of total success. 

6. The coming of MANY new ventures is just around the corner.  BE PREPARED!  Grow your inventory and keep your focus on building your business into a major empire that YOU control. 

7. Make sure you keep up with all rules and regulations so that you are qualified at all times.  REMEMBER it will get harder to earn those Compuceeds as the demand goes up so WORK now to build while it is easily attainable.


1. First Cashout (for those who qualify) is limited to .5 Bitcoin (1/2 BTC).  (REMINDER: MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE COMPUCEEDS/BTS TO COVER ALL CASHOUTS)
2. Cashout clears your exchanger
3. You have also purchased at least a silver VPC
4. IT has had at least six confirmations on the blockchain
5. Your Portal loan statement is marked paid
6. You may do the second Cashout of up to ONE Bitcoin following the same protocol...subsequent
7. All other Cashouts are all done following the same protocol and until further notice.

REMEMBER there is up to a 7 day (not business days but DAYS wait time as this is a 24/7 business) which will be eliminated and thus instant once the Beta Testing is completed!  You MAY want to take it easy on the Cashouts as the price of the Bitcoin WILL, I believe, increase.   OH, YEAH!!!!!


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Yes, we have reached another great milestone in the history of Compumatrix!  And I and many others give thanks to the Lord! Faith rewarded! I will not apologize for my belief that God has helped us step by step. When one reviews the many parts of our history who would have guessed that we would have reached this major accomplishment of today after so many turns and even switchbacks on the road traveled but we have reached a major summit crossing.

Due to the tenacity of our founder and faithfulness of sooo many members, some of many future rewards have been realized. So it is and for everyone congratulations to you all for reaching this particular summit with us. There are going to be more summits to reach but they will be easier, since the climb will not be as strenuous as that of the last decade. At the start of this decade some of the parts were not even birthed or known (example BTC) but the dream was very active in the brain of one man whose vision saw through his minds eye this eventual possibility as a goal though not knowing or even being acquainted with all the steps needed for the journey.

But here we are. So cherish it, hold it close to your heart, value it, share it and make it a helper to others. What is “it” Compumatrix/Compuceed  its highly valuable coin.

Give God thanks and continue to pray for this company, first and foremost as an engine to help so many that need to enjoy its fruit and then to be blessed in all its further pursuits to bless and advantage others because there is so much more to be done and that can be done.

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Congratulations everyone who are qualified to be part of the global beta test.

So what happens after cashing out?

Once you confirm your order, your request is then signed by the portal and transmitted to trade-ceeds to check if you've met the qualifications. If everything is in order, then tradeceeds signs your request and transmitted on the blockchain. You can then monitor the progress of your request at any block explorer such as

During the Beta Test, we are running under a controlled environment, so expect things to be slow as checks and balances together with security are tested. Each transaction may take up to 7 business days to be confirmed or rejected by the blockchain.

It is important that during this period, maintain an active attendance to other functions on your dashboard. Do not stop subscribing, purchasing and visiting everything that is available on your dashboard. Each button, link and articles form part of the Compumatrix revenue engine.

As soon as the press releases are also published, don't forget to use it for your marketing efforts to sell the cards on our system. As I've noted during the meeting, you are helping others sell their cards the same as they help you out sell yours.

Offline sales is also an excellent way to earn fiat via peer to peer.

You've got several ways to earn. Just be creative, responsive and explosive.

Once again, congratulations.

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Get ready, Get set, Gooooooooooooooo

IT IS TIME TO TURN UP THE HEAT!  Tomorrow after instructions are handed out during our member's meeting all member who qualify will be allowed to join in the Beta testing! 

September 2, 2016

Time:  1 PM ET

Where:  LOBBY,compumatrixtownhall

Password:  iwillsucceed

To sign in to TownHall:  First Name (User - Name)


Instructions will be provided in written form and voice over by Gail Walton on how to cash out. 

The meeting will be recorded for those who cannot attend. 

All instructions as to what will be allowed during the Beta Testing will be explained during the meeting.

PAYDAY has arrived!


Offline MarsResident

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How will compuceeds gain market support? from what i have seen this token is pegged to the EUR on the compumatrix website although without a value  proposition for market actors how will it achieve this price point.. will Compumatrix add buy support? obviously people buying VPC will want the fair exchange from their Fiat to Crypto; so i can only see a few solutions to that

Compumatrix adds buy support to impose the value it has suggested to its members
Compumatrix provides value in owning this token to motivate market participants to buy the undervalued tokens
VPC's are sold at current market rates which will allow new users to use fiat to purchase tokens that they can trade for the equivalent amount of crypto currency

I am very interested in the project but given all the forums are for members only you are my only source of information.. appreciate your comments


I am not on the staff, but they say that there will be a way to put Compuceeds into your Portal as Euros, which means that at some point even if Compuceeds is less than a Euro, you can buy them and put them on the Portal and therefor cash them out as Bitcoins.

The Euro peg means that for every Euro on the portal you get 1 Compuceed, but you can also cashout those Euros as Bitcoins.

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How will compuceeds gain market support? from what i have seen this token is pegged to the EUR on the compumatrix website although without a value  proposition for market actors how will it achieve this price point.. will Compumatrix add buy support? obviously people buying VPC will want the fair exchange from their Fiat to Crypto; so i can only see a few solutions to that

Compumatrix adds buy support to impose the value it has suggested to its members
Compumatrix provides value in owning this token to motivate market participants to buy the undervalued tokens
VPC's are sold at current market rates which will allow new users to use fiat to purchase tokens that they can trade for the equivalent amount of crypto currency

I am very interested in the project but given all the forums are for members only you are my only source of information.. appreciate your comments
