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Messages - alt

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Meta / Re: do you have modify the trade logic in this fork?
« on: December 20, 2017, 02:23:12 am »
what ever, I guess somebody should pay for my lost.  and also pay for the shorters lost.
sell 969536 BTS to me at price 2.84
and send some BTS to the margin call owner, they should spent less BTS to pay for the debt.

Meta / Re: do you have modify the trade logic in this fork?
« on: December 20, 2017, 02:15:59 am »
no, it's not protection, seems like a random behave.
it hurt the short position also, they sold BTS at lower price than it should.

block 22,800,824, I create the buy order
block 22,800,845, the margin call happen. and only 66517.4995 CNY filled my order. the orders filled at price lower than me.

what the hell this logic?

Meta / do you have modify the trade logic in this fork?
« on: December 20, 2017, 01:50:01 am »
I have a buy order at price 2.84
Code: [Select]
2.840 10000.0000 28405.0000 kaifeng9
2.840 969536.4689 2753532.0542 demo.btsbots
2.840 3038.1662 8628.5439 abcbts
there are 2.8M CNY margin call,
the margin call order not filled my buy order, but others more less price.
what have you done to the trade logic?
who will take responsibility to my lost?

Code: [Select]
12/20 12:38:06 2.833 16970.4275 48077.2211 xlggd tara
12/20 12:38:06 2.835 35263.8986 99973.1561 xlggd yxb
12/20 12:38:06 2.835 1763.6683 5000.0000 xlggd exchange.btsbots
12/20 12:38:06 2.839 352.1127 1000.0000 xlggd hsh19830907
12/20 12:38:06 2.840 100000.0000 284000.0000 xlggd ags
12/20 12:38:06 2.840 3521.1268 10000.0000 xlggd bts8129
12/20 12:38:06 2.840 35193.3518 99949.1228 xlggd yxb
12/20 12:38:06 2.840 50000.0000 142000.5000 xlggd

I think the principle rule should be make SILVER worth 1 SIVLER.
you make SILVER worth x4, it's the same wrong to make it /4,
but obviously the share holders don't care about it.
this is why I quit.
enjoy your fun.

a train was broken and can't move.
you pay somebody repair it, so it moved, and hit to a shit car.
you said the train should move always, the shit car shoud  have be hit if the train no broken.
we can't blame the repai man, we should thanks to the reapir man.
how stupid are you? or how shameless are you? why don't you wait for the shit car pass then start the train?
you are the speake man of Bitshares? or the speak man of workers?
what a fuck  defend.
you only know spend money, never take any responsibility. bull shit

You might want to add that the original promise of bitassets was that in the event of a global settlement/black swan, those that are long on that asset can settle it into collateral at black swan price.
A bug prevented them from being able to do that, so that they were stuck with their long position.
That said, BSIP18 did *NOT CHANGE* any rules but fixed the behavior of the code to match the intention of all documentation around bitassets.

Discussion here:,24322.0.html
and above in this thread

If you need someone to blame, then blame me.
Is this a loss for the ecosystem? I don't think so. Why? Because we have revived bitassets which IMHO is a huge signal.
Did any trader lose? No, because they have been "settled" at black swan time
Did any long lose? No. They actually gained independent of the black swan price, because they can finally settle their long as was promised
Did BTS holders pay the price, yes of course. The network had the bug that prevented longs from setteling to begin with.

Also, if it wasn't for the "bug", someone who was long on SILVER and forgot about it for 3 months would now see the same with BSIP18 as without BSIP18, with the only difference that he is now happier because he **CAN** settle into BTS.

let me tell you what had happend to SILVER first.
1. based BSIP18, when the fork happend, the SILVER holders can ask for a settlement at blackswan price immediately.
    it's about 4000BTS/SILVER.(but the real price is about 1000BTS/SILVER, we have about 9000 SILVER available in the market.)
    this will not stop only when we have enough efficient feed price from witness(maybe 7 or more).
2. about 5 days before the fork, I know this rule from somebody, I think it's unreasonable, and talk to others. but others think this rule is right.
    after some discuss, I am disapoint and give up.
3. somebody who have know this rules begin buy SILVER from market, the SILVER price up to 3000 BTS/SILVER
4. when the fork happen, people sold  SILVER, got BTS at price 4000 BTS/SILVER.
5. the witness act very slowly, after 24hours later, we got enough feed price from them. and the blood stop
6. somebody said nobody lose anyting at this accident. because these BTS which have sold belong to the system. so all BTS holders lose.

here is some question to the community:
1. do you think this is a flaw? or it's a right logic? personally I think it's very easy to avoid this from the code, the settlement shouldn't be allowd unless we got enough price feeds.
2. did you descipe all the rules changed because of BSIP18 really clearly? did you descipe this rule?where have you discuss these?
3. did the share holders really know these rule? and who reviewed these rules? who make the decition to change rule like this?
4. who will take responsibility for the fault?
5. how do you avoid next mess up?

we don't need to fix it because it already past.
or I should say we can't fix it because it already happen.
when we got enough price feed, the SILVER would be settlement at the price feed.

the point is there is a flaw before the price feed acitve,
but our share holders and core team don't think it's a flaw.
they will screwed up again.

what ever you think it's a flaw or not,
I don't care now. I have lost my pacient to argue with anybody about these things.

Guys, let's calm down and discuss the issue a civilized way. If mistakes were made, lets's identify them clearly and work out a solution on how to correct them.

General Discussion / Re: btsbots wallet release v0.0.1
« on: December 11, 2017, 06:20:36 am »
Hi Aloha,

There is no reason I should receive such a huge tip from you private.
I have kept 10$, thank you very much.

Hi Alt,

Thank you for your response.
I have never heard anybody saying that you are bad guy rather opposite is true.
Have to admit that I don't understand problem with the price of silver but it is obviously something that is important to you.

Is there anything that could be done to fix this for you?
I have transferred  some bitusd to your baozi account just as a sign of appreciation for all that you have done for this community.

Aloha  :)

General Discussion / Re: btsbots wallet release v0.0.1
« on: December 09, 2017, 10:54:48 pm »
thanks for the kind words.
I'm just tired to be the bad guy here.
I am very disapoint about the BSIP18 fork.
they make the price of SILVER almost 4X, it's the worsest accident in Bitshares.
but the share holder think this is right.

the force settle shouldn't be allowed before the feed price worked.
then SILVER would not become such a Joke.
who made this silly logic in the core?
and who take responsibility for it?

no, in fact the share holders think this logic is right.
they have done another awesome worker.
congratulations to the Great Bitshares community. will not support the fork because of the unreasonable trade logic.

so if this fork happened, btsbots will stop all service for Bitshares.
include feed price source and trade bots etc.

Hi alt,

You are one of the oldest and most respected members of BTS but it appears that something made you upset. I have never used your bot but have heard a lot of praises from other community members. Your contribution to BTS is well known and recorded in the history of this forum. Early days Toast used to call you best  bug slasher or something like that  :).
You are one of the early BTS heroes who stayed  with BTS through good times and bad times and you just kept contributing.
Your bot brought us much needed liquidity during hard and good times and started becoming much needed and used tool by the community.

That is why I was surprised  to hear that you are stoping use of your bot quite suddenly.
I am writing to you this post in the hope that you will  at least explain in bit more details why did you make your decision.
But in the same if you don't wish to respond that is fine and your right.

In any case thank you for all your contribution to the community  so far and hope it continues in the future.

Aloha  :)

the force settle shouldn't be allowed before the feed price worked.
then SILVER would not become such a Joke.
who made this silly logic in the core?
and who take responsibility for it?

no, in fact the share holders think this logic is right.
they have done another awesome worker.
congratulations to the Great Bitshares community.

look at market SILVER/BTS
what a joke

General Discussion / Re: btsbots wallet release v0.0.1
« on: December 03, 2017, 10:08:06 pm » will not support the fork because of the unreasonable trade logic.

so if this fork happened, btsbots will stop all service for Bitshares.
include feed price source and trade bots etc.

General Discussion / Re: btsbots wallet release v0.0.1
« on: November 25, 2017, 12:47:08 am »
I'm working on a native wallet for btsbots, there is a demo now.

General Discussion / Re: btsbots wallet release v0.0.1
« on: November 16, 2017, 12:35:29 am »
I just release a python client for
you can run the trade bots from python instead from the web page now.
so you can run multi instance trade bots,
you can run the bots in a Raspberry Pi, or a VPS

1. install
pip3 install btsbots --upgrade

2. stop the web page trade bots, and start the python bots, run command in your terminal:

everytime  start the bots, it will ask for username and the activate private key,
because it never save the key to disk.

the source code is in github:
you can change it to run your own bots.

seems you hired another fuck worker task
a core fork development even without code review and test.
you need to hired another fuck test worker and another review worker.
consider hire another fuck requirement worker
maybe a custom service worker.

blockchain fucker
Testers (other than myself) are not paid through the proposal, see .

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