Author Topic: To take away the ability to tax productive effort  (Read 1814 times)

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Offline davidpbrown

Yes but that is the point.. a matter of who's consensus.. of who is being represented. Which is why distributed power and wealth will be a step forward.

Offline onceuponatime

Government and society more widely exist because of consensus.

"Roman society could not exist outside of its central organizing principle of slavery and plunder from war."

Nothing has changed.

Offline davidpbrown

For all the libertarian talk, blockchain technology is all about consensus. Government and society more widely exist because of consensus.

People are lazy; people do not like discontinuity. People will tolerate alsorts of authority in exchange for peace.

So, I don't see everyone suddenly switching to crypto-currencies because it collapses what binds us. They will switch if it has utility relative to what exists, and they won't mind the positives. If there is change, then perhaps Governments will tax and oblige organisations and businesses more than individuals.

Collapse of society as we know it, is something that would not be tolerated by the majority for any length of time.. and certainly not by the existing power and wealth.

I expect the Chinese have words of wisdom along the lines of the art of war, suggesting: work with Governments, rather than against them. In the event that the utility of crypto-currencies empower people and helps distribute power and wealth, then we will see change because of that.. not the other way round.

Liberal outlook > libertarian outlook. Transition to the new normal, don't expect to crash into it.

Offline onceuponatime

Thoughts on the collapse of empire and where we are headed:

"Romans were willing to sell themselves into feudal bondage to escape the abuse of late Imperial Rome. Our options are better. With any luck, our imperial government will realize this and restrain itself. Lacking that, we will collectively enter the crypto currency age with a raging monster forcing us through the door."