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Messages - 麥可貓

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Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: July 25, 2014, 02:38:13 pm »
What version are you using now? Are you using the last official "release" version (links at beginning of this thread to 0.7.100) or are you using something built from repo?

I tried with 0.7.0 on linux from the status update:

and I also tried the latest windows version from the folloing link:

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: July 25, 2014, 02:21:01 pm »
Hello,  I have problems registering my founder IDs recently.
I could register them before using the folloing information with passwords and founder codes (they are recorded in keepass, so I think they are correct) before:

founder ID: jimewu
pubkey: 8feWmErUhkgxD8QnFpi1tixYvnDrZwjddDhHADFHm9zFv2mz7Q

founder ID: Apple
pubkey: 82zW4ESP6xiazQH4FueXovBMbqUBMzYBhh9QZD3gy1K71nF2z1

but now in the latest version, the founder IDs and pubkeys don't match with founder code.
Can someone please help?
What version did you register with? We sent out an announcement quite a while ago (been long enough I don't remember when even) to re-register with a later version when we changed the algorithm for calculating the public keys, possibly this could be the problem.

for "jimewu", I'm pretty sure that I had re-registered using Keyhotee0.7.0 Linux version.
the pubkey of pre-0.7.0 was 8ZC9yw9XSB1WyQqpVRphEa27VQz1uE6okjhdvzeDYu1uvpGQtK,
and in 0.7.0 I got 8feWmErUhkgxD8QnFpi1tixYvnDrZwjddDhHADFHm9zFv2mz7Q.
but both these two pubkeys doesn't match now.

for "Apple", I think it could be pre-0.7.0.
Ok, be sure you are using the same capitalization for all the information you entered in your profile for the one you registered with 0.7.0. That's a common problem. But, I can't think of any other reason for a problem, there's been no changes to name registration since 0.7.0.

Sorry that I've tried all possible combinations, but they don't work.
Is there any solution for this kind of situation? Or should I just give up?

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: July 25, 2014, 01:42:02 pm »
Hello,  I have problems registering my founder IDs recently.
I could register them before using the folloing information with passwords and founder codes (they are recorded in keepass, so I think they are correct) before:

founder ID: jimewu
pubkey: 8feWmErUhkgxD8QnFpi1tixYvnDrZwjddDhHADFHm9zFv2mz7Q

founder ID: Apple
pubkey: 82zW4ESP6xiazQH4FueXovBMbqUBMzYBhh9QZD3gy1K71nF2z1

but now in the latest version, the founder IDs and pubkeys don't match with founder code.
Can someone please help?
What version did you register with? We sent out an announcement quite a while ago (been long enough I don't remember when even) to re-register with a later version when we changed the algorithm for calculating the public keys, possibly this could be the problem.

for "jimewu", I'm pretty sure that I had re-registered using Keyhotee0.7.0 Linux version.
the pubkey of pre-0.7.0 was 8ZC9yw9XSB1WyQqpVRphEa27VQz1uE6okjhdvzeDYu1uvpGQtK,
and in 0.7.0 I got 8feWmErUhkgxD8QnFpi1tixYvnDrZwjddDhHADFHm9zFv2mz7Q.
but both these two pubkeys doesn't match now.

for "Apple", I think it could be pre-0.7.0.

Keyhotee / Re: Keyhotee Status Update
« on: July 25, 2014, 10:17:29 am »
Hello,  I have problems registering my founder IDs recently.
I could register them before using the folloing information with passwords and founder codes (they are recorded in keepass, so I think they are correct) before:

founder ID: jimewu
pubkey: 8feWmErUhkgxD8QnFpi1tixYvnDrZwjddDhHADFHm9zFv2mz7Q

founder ID: Apple
pubkey: 82zW4ESP6xiazQH4FueXovBMbqUBMzYBhh9QZD3gy1K71nF2z1

but now in the latest version, the founder IDs and pubkeys don't match with founder code.
Can someone please help?

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 发布2.2钱包了?
« on: July 24, 2014, 04:06:59 am »


比特股钱包更新为0.2.2, 可以在这里下载


1. 备份钱包档
请先用以下指令备份钱包档:  wallet_export_to_json


2. 0.2.2版更新的内容如下:
1. 修正导入electrum钱包错误 (wallet_import_electrum)
2. 增加选项来随机投票给已认证的受托人, 以增加私密性 (wallet_transfer)
3. 修正以及改进钱包转帐纪录以及重新扫描区块链(wallet_account_transaction_history, wallet_rescan_blockchain)
4. 钱包现在可以在付款时, 在收据中让收款人看到与实际付款帐号不同的帐号名称 (wallet_transfer_from)
5. 钱包现在可以让父帐号更新子帐号 (wallet_account_update_registration)
6. 当受托人获得支付时, 总股份供给量现在会正确的减少.
7. 修正了网络断线错误
8. 修正会导致区块链不一致的错误
9. 修正了Windows下的启动错误
10. 新增指令来手动重新广播等待中的交易 (wallet_rebroadcast_transaction)
11. 你现在可以限制交易纪录的输出到指定的交易笔数 (wallet_account_transaction_history)
12. 图形界面的投向现在使用了怪兽图
13. 其他杂项修正

3. 安装与执行

Linux版本请参考这里的教学, 或是参考这里提供的ubuntu PPA

第一次执行会等比较久, 因为会重新index资料库:


0.2.2 可以看到界面也有所微调, 应该可以减少点击滑鼠的次数

General Discussion / Re: Ubuntu GUI how to?
« on: July 23, 2014, 03:53:37 pm »
Can someone checkin the htdocs somewhere?

I literally followed what I posted above and did not asked for any missed files.

General Discussion / Re: Why DPOS is better than other POS
« on: July 23, 2014, 03:05:00 pm »
Let's take a look at Nxt. This is back of a napkin style math, but should give an idea of the point being made. Based on the number of transactions as of the time of this writing, information found here, the network is likely to bring in less than about $8000 worth of transaction fees a month. That's given their current number of transactions which is averaging about 0.8 transactions a minute, or 0.01 transactions a second. Increasing that rate to 10 transactions per second means 1000 times more transaction fees, or 80,000 a month from securing the network. Running a node for one person is going to cost on average about a hundred dollars a month for bandwidth and hardware. This means in a completely decentralized Nxt network that doesn't use leased forging, only those with 1/800 of all Nxt or more would be able to forge profitably at ten transactions per second. The costs for hardware and bandwidth go up even more as the number of transactions increase.

Souldn't the transaction fee increased to 8,000,000 (1000x) a month?

General Discussion / Re: Ubuntu GUI how to?
« on: July 23, 2014, 02:21:28 pm »
There is a guide for building qt_wallet of BitSharesX in ubuntu 14.04 here.
However, it's in chinese. So I roughly translate it as the following:

1. Install necessary packages:
Code: [Select]
$sudo apt-get update
$sudo apt-get install cmake git libreadline-dev uuid-dev g++ libdb++-dev libdb-dev zip libssl-dev openssl build-essential python-dev autotools-dev libicu-dev libbz2-dev libboost-dev libboost-all-dev
in Ubuntu 14.04, you also have to install qt5.3.0 and node.js from their official sites.

2. Fetch the source code

Code: [Select]
$ git clone
$ cd bitshares_toolkit
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ git checkout 0.2.1
$cmake -DINCLUDE_QT_WALLET=ON CMakeLists.txt

3. Prepare the web wallet
Code: [Select]
$ sudo npm install -g lineman
$ cd programs/web_wallet && npm install
$ cd ../../ && make buildweb

4. Build and run your qt_wallet
Code: [Select]
$ makeand you will get your qt_wallet at bitsharesx/programs/qt_wallet:
Code: [Select]
$ bitsharesx/programs/qt_wallet/BitSharesX

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Bitshares X正式发布
« on: July 19, 2014, 08:04:05 pm »

DAC Sun Limited (DSL)是一個獨立的位在香港的DAC開發者, 其網址是 DSL正在發布第一個正式的比特股X (BTSX)區塊鏈.

在經過論壇中經驗豐富的志工測試之後, 他們的正式區塊鏈已經上線並運行. 預料這將會是依據正式創世區塊運行的真實區塊鏈, 並且交易將會是真實並且永久的. 因為這是一個全新的區塊鏈, 每個人應當小心使用直到確定一切都適當地運作.

在呼召一般大眾的注意之前, 這是一次讓有經驗的使用者進行最後測試的預發布. 在正式大張旗鼓地發布之前, DSL可能還需要幾天來發布所有的指南與網頁, 並確保每件事都完全能夠運作.

請注意比特股工具組的核心開發者們將持續添加新的特性到工具組, 並與社群同步在測試網絡上進行驗證. 測試網絡是我們為了未來的釋出在論壇上作進行的一系列測試.

然而DACSunlimited所釋出的比特股X並不是測試.  它是真槍實彈的, 包含了許多最終的特性, 除了BitUSD以及相關功能之外.  而這些功能將會在這個夏天稍後的時間以升級的形式出現.

DAC Sun Limited正和許多交易所合作, 近期內將開始交易BTSX.  但如果你想要先一睹依據正式的創世區塊運行的真實區塊鏈, 並實驗一些點對點交易功能, 你可以在以下連結下在這令人興奮的新BTSX錢包:

中文 (Chinese) / Re: Bitshares X正式发布
« on: July 19, 2014, 06:15:33 pm »
翻譯這裡的文章, 提供大家參考

DACSunlimited – 旭日東昇
比特股生態系已經成熟到了相當境界, 因此一群比特股的愛好者已經組織在一起並創造了 DACSunlimited – 一個位於香港的組織, 其設計是用來作為一個中繼站, 來介紹, 發表, 啟動許多新的比特股DACs.  作為第一個組織, 我們認知到並尊重我們所肩負的是何等的使命, 同時也謙遜地認知到我們的聽眾的聲音是何等地重要.

我們渴望要建造, 審查, 並啟動我們的旗艦DAC: 比特股X. 這是一種榮耀, 我們也同時明白啟動這一個DAC對於全社群的重要性.

我們都是比特股的熱情粉絲, 因此請不要將我們還在測試階段的網站( 當作是我們還在為了發布游移不定. 在建造, 成長, 並且吸引DACs齊聚一堂時, 我們提供了可見度以及透明度. 藉此我們能夠諮詢, 雕琢, 並培養那些DACs, 讓它們成為可行的, 可盈利的公司, 並為大眾提供有價值的服務. 

請和我們一起耐心等候, 好讓我們進一步開發我們的珍品, 蒐集更多資源, 並加以執行. 我們很感激你們所提供的想法, 回饋, 以及健全的對談.


July 19, 2014 更新—-
就是現在, 旭日東昇. 為您介紹比特股X. 每一位比特股玩家, 讓我們為此喝采.

0719 狀態更新
帶有比特資產(bitasset)的比特股X目前已經實作並且可以運作, 但是我們正致力於最後的的一些市場安全特性. DPOS+TITAN+資產交易的程式碼已經足夠穩定, 可以面向開發人員來釋出比特股工具組的MVP版本, 例如DACSunlimited等等.


0713 狀態更新

1) 我們有了一個可運作的/測試過的DPOS區塊鏈,
具備了每秒處理10筆交易, 以及10秒的產塊間隔.
2) 我們有了可用的Mac/Windows圖形介面錢包, 並支援使用者發行的資產類別.
3) 我們正準備第九回合的測試, 當中將會包含市場發行的資產(BitUSD!),  不過目前還只能夠從指令介面操作.

一個團隊正準備BTSX的啟動, 並將在合適的情況下儘快完成.
他們正準備相關資訊, 教學,等等來讓啟動能夠盡可能地平順.

0713狀態更新-2 (by Toast)

Quote from: bytemaster
3) We are now preparing Dry Run 9 which will have Market Issued Assets (BitUSD!) available from the command line interface.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 第三轮测试即将开始
« on: June 18, 2014, 07:16:32 am »
翻譯如下 請參考:



1. 所有不生產區塊的受託人將被移除
2. 所有已註冊的受託人將依照選票排序遞補
3. 我們已經修正了會造成硬分岔的wallet_withdraw_delegate_pay指令
4. 我們將增加產生區塊的間隔到30秒
5. 我們將更新on-the-wire protocol來傳遞額外的資訊諸如:
     a. 節點之間的延遲
     b. 額外的資訊, 關於節點的連通性
     c.  從公鑰得來的持續連線節點IDs

有了這些網絡更新我們應該能畫出所有已連線的節點地圖 (反正美國國安局一定也可以作).

一旦on-the-wire protocol完工, 新的測試網路便會啟動,


中文 (Chinese) / Re: [翻譯]BitShares LOTTO狀態更新
« on: June 18, 2014, 06:42:24 am »
0618 BitShares LOTTO 狀態更新
為了讓這個討論串不要沉了並保持更新, 在此加入一些更新.

我已經在維吉尼亞兩週了, 目前正幫忙toolkit以及XT錢包的部份.
一切也都很好, 除了我覺的需要加強資訊工程能力以及英文.

談到Lotto的下一步, 在最新的bitshares toolkit的支援之下,
因此可以預期在bitshares xt啟動之後的短期內應該就可以實現 (一個樂透彩的DAC).
但是長遠來看, 我仍希望能夠再作些什麼來增加價值, 並能夠有不一樣的思路.

值得一提的是, 最新的作法請見以下連結, 其中描述了一些關於規則層的想法:

我喜歡其中的想法, 因此我將會更深入挖掘其中的細節.

0608 BitShares狀態更新
最新的測試極為成功, 我們正為XT的發佈準備由代表運作的測試鏈.


我們正準備許多系統文件, 並希望一切能夠儘快可以運作.

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