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Messages - AsymmetricInformation

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General Discussion / Re: A Call to the Truthcoin Prediction Market
« on: April 02, 2014, 01:18:08 pm »
These are good questions, much better than I expected.  (I expected people to not even read the paper, and make all kinds of wrong claims about the accuracy or desirability of PMs).

1. It seems you have to expose your private keys when you want to vote, I think there may need to be some alternative to this.  (I know NXT has very low 'forging' participation rate, a) because the incentives are low but b) because users don't want to frequently expose their private keys to potential keyloggers etc.)

I don't know a lot of crypto, there probably is a better way of doing this. Of course, by the time you expose that key, it is useless, but I agree that automated (or even manual) exposure of private keys is inconvenient and a risk. There needs to be a way to encrypt the votes in a way that they can't be decrypted by anyone else, if there were nothing at stake individuals could publish the decryption key and allow other people to read their votes, which would weaken (and complicate) voting strategy in a number of ways.

2. Have you considered a fail-safe dispute resolving mechanism?

Yes I have. In the ancient past, one can observe these lingering notes in line 237 the original R code:

Quote from:
#Voting Across Time
#Later Votes should count more
#! ...simple change = ConoutFinal becomes exponentially smoothed result of previous chains.
#! require X number of chains (blocks) before the outcome is officially determined (two weeks?)

# Will need:
# 1] Percent Voted
# 2] Time Dimension of blocks.

But I later decided it wasn't worth it. I don't remember all of the reasons for that decsion. Clearly, it would take more time. I was thinking an average across outcome-results, with later results counting more (as manipulators are short term). However, I reasoned that, if the first outcome were 'wrong' the total smoothed outcome would now be more likely to be wrong than right. In a way, it unseals some of the votes in advance, disrupting the coordination game.

If the dispute completely replaced the old outcome, then I think I was also worried that attackers would abuse it by endlessly lodging disputes, but you might be on to something there by making it expensive. I'm not sure the benefit of this outweighs the cost, however.

Although the entire incentive scheme is designed on off-path reasoning (if people lie, if people refuse to vote), the Nash Equilibrium has everyone voting on all the outcomes [market depth & market price are irrelevant] on their branch (this is a major reason for branches...too much work for voters). I really do expect participation to be nearly 100% all the time, particularly in the medium to long run.

In Truthcoin's current form, do people bet using Bitcoin and pay a trading fee that gets paid to Truthcoin holders or do they buy Truthcoin and use that to bet?

Yes you've missed this part:
For c, in this blockchain the 'Coins' *are* reputation.  There are basically two coins at once (although the network-currency "Bitcoin" are just inputs in a signed message to the market maker). Then they are 'withdrawn'. This withdraw thing is a little complicated, but some people on Bitcointalk helped me with several possible solutions, which are in the Implementation Details section.

Check the Appendices for how I punish people who refused to vote. This will have to be **clearly** explained to shareholders (as if a large proportion of them do nothing, their shares will actually start to disappear). One could design a class of 'owner-only' shares, but this separates ownership from control, introduces agency cost, and otherwise threatens the model. My research into the financial history of this planet indicates to me that separation of ownership from control produces something permanently unworkable. Bitcoin miners control Bitcoin, and are paid in Bitcoin. Bitcoin owners can only destroy their own Bitcoin. Perfectly logical.

General Discussion / Re: A Call to the Truthcoin Prediction Market
« on: April 01, 2014, 04:49:51 pm »

Here are the challenges I see:
  a) With SVD you need to keep peoples individual votes secret and this is a challenge for a DAC
  b) Someone with a large stake can swing the consensus and pull everyone to his position.
  c) On a DAC there is no way to recognize individuals and track reputation (required to punish them in the future)

I will take a shot at addressing B and C, as A is really out of my realm of technical expertise. 

You only need to seal them while voting, as an anti-cartel measure (this prevents credible communication and ensures that voting is always a symmetric coordination game). You unseal them over the next week (or whatever), and track a parameter called 'cumulative participation' to see if blocks are censoring or innocently missing unsealed votes...chains with censored block become invalid.

Even with 49% of the stake, you are powerless to swing the consensus. Other people can claim to join your coalition, putting you over 50%, but because the votes are encrypted, and they stand to gain by betraying you, you can't believe them. One perfectly-coordinated group of >50% is required. If the group is completely uncoordinated (votes randomly), even if such a group comprises 70% or 80% of the total votes, the more-coordinated minority will win through and ensure that the network becomes accurately aware of the market outcomes. Traders wouldn't even notice.

With 51%, however, you can wreck pretty much everything. However you would stand most to lose, and unlike Bitcoin, the project could be easily restarted (possibly with slightly more centralization of the reputation).

For c, in this blockchain the 'Coins' *are* reputation.  There are basically two coins at once (although the network-currency "Bitcoin" are just inputs in a signed message to the market maker). Then they are 'withdrawn'. This withdraw thing is a little complicated, but some people on Bitcointalk helped me with several possible solutions, which are in the Implementation Details section.

General Discussion / Re: A Call to the Truthcoin Prediction Market
« on: April 01, 2014, 04:31:50 pm »
So Paul (or Bitcoinfan),

What would you need to roll your project into Bitshares assuming Bytemaster agrees to said needs?

I have a genuine interest in the develop of this type of business on this platform. Feel free to use PMs if the forum venue is too public.

I just think it would be valuable to know exactly it would take to get to the next step, and see what you and other potential DAC developers really want in order to combine forces.

There's a simple sketch in Roadmap.xlsx in the docs/DevelopmentPlans of 'requirements', but I'm not sure that it will really be able to answer this question (although I hope to improve that Roadmap).

I refined the core idea for simplicity, to make it equal to a fork of Bitcoin with different block validation rules and a few different data and message types. It seems simple when I go over it in my head, but I've been programming long enough to know that it would probably still require guidance and consume a lot of skilled labor.

In addition to raw programmer time, we might require someone extremely familiar with Bitcoin itself. Not only is the design similar, but I'm not yet convinced that it is safe to stray too far from the established Bitcoin path.

That said, the reputation-coins have to be distributed at start, and earn money as the network performs, so it seems logical to distribute them to the individuals who worked to create the network. Its complicated, though, if two or more groups want to help, or someone wants to help and then drops out (and their code is unusable), etc. I'd hate to make any promise I couldn't keep, or ask anyone else to do the same.

I think its a hard question to answer. Maybe you can suggest some answers (if we aren't getting anywhere).

General Discussion / Re: A Call to the Truthcoin Prediction Market
« on: April 01, 2014, 04:04:15 pm »
You've quoted me as saying 'This isn't to say..." - But I never said that, I think you meant to quote yourself.

You're right, I used the forum's quote feature and forgot to erase the auto-fill.

Edit: Looking at other response to my post looks like I'm the one that over-reacted. So apologies for the name calling, compared to you guys I'm certainly the freaking dumb one in the room. & GL with the project!

Apology accepted.  I'm sort of glad I screwed up the quote now...evens things out a little.

General Discussion / Re: A Call to the Truthcoin Prediction Market
« on: April 01, 2014, 12:56:35 am »
Well somehow, you still managed to be so unbelievably freaking dumb (sorry but it's true) as to think that Dan would in a million years,  need to take time out of his very busy day to promote Bitshares on your 3 page bitcointalk post!?  ???  :o

As I made clear, my complaint was (exactly as you say) that he did NOT need to promote BitShares in my post, as it was sufficiently promoted elsewhere. Yet, he did write several paragraphs which were completely off topic, about the advantages of BitShares, based on a response I gave to someone's question about a comparison between Truthcoin and BitShares. I would have made the same complaint if Jesus Christ started talking about Christianity in my post.

Perhaps you feel threatened by the responses...I noticed no response to this sentence:
Quote from: BitcoinTalk.AsymmetricInformation
This isn't to say an alternative institution wouldn't have value, wouldn't aggregate information via trades, or wouldn't operate in a similar way (however, you cannot claim that BitShares will do these things "because it is a PM").
Which seems to hit on some insecurities I've seen voiced on this forum. At the time, I personally did not believe that BitShares would succeed in tracking the value of underlying assets.

Either way, I'm proud of the fact that I never called anyone names, and I'm not here to talk to anyone who does.

Edit: fixed quote attribution

General Discussion / Re: A Call to the Truthcoin Prediction Market
« on: March 31, 2014, 06:41:31 pm »
Have you considered using bitshares_toolkit and partially honoring ags/pts? Sounds like it could be an ideal fit, depending on what you've already finished. We can chat on skype if you want

I'm a professional statistician/economist, and that involves a lot of programming, but I really don't consider myself a professional programmer. I care a lot about this project, enough to contribute my own money and time and/or fundraise for it, and hire someone to help finish it and/or manage a team who will help finish it. I'm open to any avenue of getting the help that the project needs to be completed in a reasonable amount of time.

- if it does work, the consensus algorithm could have other applications that could be useful in insurance and legal decision making.
It does.

But as I said it all depends whether the 'consensus algorithm using a SVD-modified weighed-vote for coin-owners only' actually has high probability of working etc.

You should skip to 'Voting Strategy' in the whitepaper, and there's also a little flowchart with a fictional conversation which might make the idea a little more accessible.

General Discussion / Re: A Call to the Truthcoin Prediction Market
« on: March 31, 2014, 03:17:15 pm »

I am the author of the Truthcoin whitepaper, and (as always) I am happy to answer people's questions about the project.

Currently the design (and some proof-of-concept code for the novel ideas) is essentially finished, but it would take a professional-level effort to actually bring the project into existence. Of course, many design choices (Merged mining, Bitcoin) are extremely flexible as they have nothing to do with the underlying goal.

The 'coins' of the project represent reputation, and earn dividends as the network performs. They could therefore be distributed at launch to the investors who made the development possible.

These are all great questions that are addressed in the whitepaper.  I will ask Paul if he would like to respond to your questions here.
Yikes.. I just realized I didn't read the white paper (just your post).... I will go through it at some point soon.

My apologies.

It took me a long time to write! I tried to get all the typos / confusing areas in v1.1, but writing really is a process of continual improvement.

how would I use TruthCoin for my project?

I'm not sure. What does your project require in order to work? You might fork the project, give yourself permanent dictatorial voting power, and thereby create and arbitrate the (extremely high) number of contracts you'd seem to require to get all of that data about fantasy points in there. Your ideas sounds like a business (centralized agent in a decentralized economy), the management overhead of that data seems high.

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