Author Topic: PRE-ANNOUNCE: The DanEvent with Dan Larimer -- organized by intelliguy for you.  (Read 2421 times)

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Offline intelliguy

DanEvent Update

Interested parties wanting to discuss the DanEvent - I will be present during the show and afterparty on Discord chat channel this Saturday, July 14, 2018

BitShares Hangout #79 | 2018-07-14 | Sat @100PM UTC | OpenSource Agenda [Beyondbit Raffle Powered by SP!]
I'm @intelliguy on steemit. I usually get things right (or so they tell me), follow me there if you want to see more. Tips accepted to bitshares user: intelliguy-bts  (I'm a lifetime member because I trust in the Bitshares ecosystem)

Offline intelliguy

La comunidad se autoorganiza para plantear las 10 preguntas principales que queremos que responda Dan Larimer.

El apodo utilizado para esto es el DanEvent

Si tiene preguntas sobre la integración de Bitshares con EOS o Bitshares 3.0, quizás pueda obtener respuestas a estas preguntas en el próximo evento DanEvent.

Habrá una forma de enviar preguntas, agruparlas, organizarlas, resumirlas y luego votarlas para ver qué preguntas le pediremos a Dan Larimer que dirija en DanEvent.

Puedes leer más sobre esto en Steem, en el usuario @intelliguy

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comentario o desea involucrarse, envíe un correo electrónico a
I'm @intelliguy on steemit. I usually get things right (or so they tell me), follow me there if you want to see more. Tips accepted to bitshares user: intelliguy-bts  (I'm a lifetime member because I trust in the Bitshares ecosystem)

Offline intelliguy

Сообщество самоорганизуется, чтобы представить 10 лучших вопросов, на которые мы хотим ответить Дэн Лаример.

Для этого используется прозвище DanEvent

Если у вас есть вопросы об интеграции Bitshares с EOS или Bitshares 3.0, возможно, вы можете получить ответы на эти вопросы на предстоящем DanEvent.

Там будет способ представить вопросы, объединить их и организовать, обобщить, а затем проголосовать, чтобы узнать, какие вопросы мы попросим Дэна Ларимера обратиться к DanEvent.

Вы можете больше узнать об этом на steem, под пользователем @intelliguy

Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, комментарии или вы хотите принять участие, пожалуйста, напишите по адресу
I'm @intelliguy on steemit. I usually get things right (or so they tell me), follow me there if you want to see more. Tips accepted to bitshares user: intelliguy-bts  (I'm a lifetime member because I trust in the Bitshares ecosystem)

Offline intelliguy

社区本身就是自我组织,以构成我们希望Dan Larimer回答的十大问题。


如果您对Bitshares与EOS或Bitshares 3.0的集成有疑问,也许您可以在即将到来的DanEvent上解答这些问题。

将有一种方式提交问题,汇总和组织,总结,然后投票,看看我们将要求Dan Larimer在DanEvent上发表的问题。




社區本身就是自我組織,以構成我們希望Dan Larimer回答的十大問題。


如果您對Bitshares與EOS或Bitshares 3.0的集成有疑問,也許您可以在即將到來的DanEvent上解答這些問題。

將有一種方式提交問題,匯總和組織,總結,然後投票,看看我們將要求Dan Larimer在DanEvent上發表的問題。


I'm @intelliguy on steemit. I usually get things right (or so they tell me), follow me there if you want to see more. Tips accepted to bitshares user: intelliguy-bts  (I'm a lifetime member because I trust in the Bitshares ecosystem)

Offline intelliguy

The community is self-organizing itself to pose the top 10 questions we want Dan Larimer to answer.

The moniker used for this is the DanEvent

If you have questions about the integration of Bitshares with EOS, or Bitshares 3.0, perhaps you can get these questions answered at the upcoming DanEvent.

There will be a way to submit questions, have them pooled and organized, summarized, and then voted on to see which questions we'll be asking Dan Larimer to address at the DanEvent.

You can read more about it on steem, under user @intelliguy

If you have any questions, comments, or want to get involved, please email
I'm @intelliguy on steemit. I usually get things right (or so they tell me), follow me there if you want to see more. Tips accepted to bitshares user: intelliguy-bts  (I'm a lifetime member because I trust in the Bitshares ecosystem)